You don't believe that LoveMeorHateMe's repentance was genuine?
:think: hmmm - how to answer this
I don't not believe that LoveMeorHateMe's repentance was genuine
You don't believe that LoveMeorHateMe's repentance was genuine?
Your mannersare reserved for the God-haters? Ps. 15:3; Rom. 1:30
ByBitty[Your mannersare reserved for the God-haters? Ps. 15:3; Rom. 1:30] "[T]hose who spit on the cross and mock Christ's sacrifice? They're her buddies."
hmmm - how to answer this
I don't not believe that LoveMeorHateMe's repentance was genuine
well, that too
:chuckle:I was searching for an English smiley with bad teeth - think Austin Powers - and I ran across this amusing picture of three delightful children holding partial masks that are, I believe, intended to promote better dental care
how do you like it?
I agreed with your point. I've given pos rep to Sod for posts within the spirit of a thread. I disdain methodology and comment favorably or negatively (mostly the former) relative to that and particular points.Dearest Town, yesterday you and I played nice. You even sent me a positive rep for some comment you evidently liked.
I go a few days at a time between Gazettes now and again and it takes time to catch up.Today you opened your "Gazette" with this.....
No, he really can't control himself, apparently. But who would read his thread? If you look back over the majority of his attempts at threads the answer is "not many". His existence is essentially parasitical here.:yawn:
Can't you make your own thread to obsess over Town?
He wants to be heard. He insists on it...I think he's lonely without this. Must be. He's already at 70 posts on the day. That's no kind of life.No. He lurks around the door and waits for Town to open THIS thread.
OK, thanks.I go a few days at a time between Gazettes now and again and it takes time to catch up.
Latest Gazette found here (link)
Please disregard Sod/res in an attempt to misdirect on the point.
Town Heretic said:Sod/res
resodko, if you please
I liked the dinosaur. :idunno:Resodko, if you please...