Town Quixote's

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Friday Afternoon Gazette

File this under hyperbole gone bad...
Originally Posted by Eeset
Bullies and abusers always say it is nothing. Just like the fact that Hitler never did anything illegal.

And as a last resort when the bully charge fails, bring in Hitler...

Because nothing really says "I've got my personal thing together" like comparing people who recognize the hollow nature of the rep number to Hitler. Though after her last comparison debacle I suppose it's to be expected.

Next up: Eeset compares a hang nail to The Passion. :plain:

Pointed out a quandary unnoticed by the neg rep whiners...
I call them liner notes. The number can be had for a song, but the encouragement is invaluable.

Now let's really get down to it. There are people (and we all know who they are) with enormous rep who go around pos repping other posters. No one can stop them. They know their disproportionately powerful rep can make a modest post nod look like a flurry of less potent pos reps. It's not fair. :D

Noted the Jab...
Watermelon juice is...a more convenient way for Trayvon to carry and consume watermelon, to get his watermelon fix.

...when we play with those people, standards of civilization go out the window. It's what made Africa so great. Or, Detroit, etc.

Travon called himself a no limit nigga. No, a no good...maybe Jabbatta the Ghetto Hutt, but she clearly had no interest in defending Trayvon, in addition to being a pathetic spectacle on the stand.

...some of them still have a little pride.

So, let me be the first to say:

Fixed that for you, but I can't believe you were anywhere near the first to say it.

That said, I don't see how the prosecution is going to get a win out of this one.

While mememeshak seemed set on expanding her ignore list to include all opposition...
Well said brother, amen.
You know, if you ignore all but the voices of agreement you might as well be deaf.

Said of Delmar's notion...
Knight, can we schedule an H free month? I think that would be awesome!
I can just see the threads now: I ()ate...yeah, now that I think on it that would pretty much stop a few threads in their tracks.

And to Angel's concern...
What about when people take a topic that is clearly on a wholly different topic and introduce that topic into it, what would happen then?
Bannings! Bannings I say! Let the streets of TOL run red with the blood of the unnecessarily disruptive...sort of winks out at the end, doesn't it. :plain:

Then, when aCW responded to the idea with...
I'm ok with that as long as I can have my $500 back.

So I suggested...
You're so lucky that you didn't post this $500.00 bottle of whine before chrys had given out his annual bi-annual weekly randomly awarded award on point.

Tomorrow? I'm on the river, hopefully. :think:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Tuesday Early Bird Gazette

So aCW took a swipe at anna...
...Don't hold your breath little lady. If I could out debate the likes of anna...
...You are yet to 'out debate' anyone on this entire site, your delusions notwithstanding...
He couldn't out debate himself...not that he shouldn't try. :plain:

Heartily endorsed zoo's overdue recognition of...
And The TOL Raging Cracker of the Week Award goes to Jabin:

Congratulations, cracker.
Great award, richly deserved. I think Jabberin's efforts have gone unheralded for far too long, at least in awards circles. Nothing to say against CC's efforts, but when it comes to ragin' crackers Ja is in the the tall cotton, so to speak. If he was a candy bar he'd be a Racist Peanut Butter Cup. If his life was reduced to a motto it would read: Yes, I Klan!

Summarized my take on the Zimmerman trial...
Take your hate and racism somewhere else.
It's like watching someone on fire yelling fire at firemen.

I think this case is nothing more or less than a confluence of stupidity. If Zimmerman follows instruction everyone lives. If Trayvon goes straight home, everyone lives. If Zimmerman isn't packing a gun there's no way he's going after Trayvon. If Trayvon knew Zimmerman was packing there's no way he's giving Zimmerman anything more than the sight of his kicks vanishing into the distance.

Two people had the opportunity, had several opportunities to avoid a senseless tragedy. The only way to compound it would be for no one to learn from it.

Speaking of insight...
The media ignores crimes with black perpetrators or white victims.
Like OJ? :plain:

The media pay attention to anything that drives the ratings.

Things went sideways with chrys...
since town locks his
Except that I mostly don't and I don't recall you saying anything at all about other locked threads...or erased threads...or, but you get the idea.

Or, more importantly, everyone else should. :think:

I assumed you knew what I was talking about
I rarely make that assumption. :plain:

Sort of spoke with meshak...
...I know you don't understand Jesus, if you do you will be His follower instead of yourself. I don't follow myself.
You don't seem to follow anyone, if you follow...which you likely don't. :plain:

And in the awards thread...
So now you are prophetic? 2103 is like way off in the future. Oh but then you never were concerned with accuracy. :kookoo:
Man, that makes you a shoe-in for Jabin's "Niggler Lover" award.

Well, when he gets around to it.

And in fairness I might have misheard him. :plain:

Tomorrow? :think:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Thursday Morning Gazette

So after I snagged Chrysastorm's sophist of the moment award...

You took ten days to tell the fiction I knew you were going to tell anyway.

I guess it takes that long to carve an award out of grudge.
The ham probably makes his hands slippery.

I think this year he should be presented a Lifetime Achievement Award. Not for a body of work, but more like the cable channel and for all the small room drama and bad dialogue.

There we are then another award season done and dusted....jus think one of the newbies from this week might be in the nominations next year month any old that couldn't happen with the nobel peace awards.
Fixed that for you, eventually. :plain:

Gave a one sentence movie review...
The Trouble With the Curve: must have been the pitch...because it's an enjoyable film.

Then, back in the awards thread...
...There should be an award for most derivative poster.

What the heck, The Most Derivative Poster Award nominees are:

chrys, for this thread, now in its third year (well two and change).

Eeset, because she might be. It's hard to tell with so many of her posts being absent these days and for wearing Rusha's identifying mark around (likely making her elligable for the "Way to Scam Accidental Rep" award nomination) and more.

Resurrected, for regurgitating Sod all over everything.

aCW for similarly resurrecting ASCon.

And the winner is....does it matter? :idunno: It certainly isn't any of us and the rest is history...repeating itself.

Tried to calm an out of sorts AB...well, more so then...then usual...

This is MY award!
Simmer down still have an outside shot at the Most Like AB award. :think: Unless zoo takes that one too, which could happen I suppose. He does seem to like you. :plain:

And yet another idea for awards...
Here's an idea...

The Screaming MeMe award: for the TOLer so stridently individualistic they don't even listen to themselves.

...I don't follow myself.

Nomination accepted.

The floor is open. :plain:

Got right to the heart of the wobbling Zimmerman thread confusion...
There was so much misinformation at the begining of this that people have gone off on every tangent possible.
As I understand it, Trayvon was selling Robitussin at an Iced Tea stand and this white Latino guy shot him over a panel discussion.

Something like that. :plain:


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I'm considering a "Free Traditio" movement...print up shirts with that on one side...maybe "Got Qua?" on the other. :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Just watched a "composer" (Glenn Kotche) perform "Reach Out, I'll Be There" using Delta touch activated faucets.

And that's what I call spare time. :plain:

Coming soon: an All Eeset Gazette...maybe. :eek:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
And now, because someone must have asked for it:

The All About Eeset Gazette (aka, the obit/comics section)

So Eeset started another thread on rep and I made a mostly serious suggestion after bybee offered...
I wasn't even aware of it's existence until after I had been here for quite a while.
If you eliminate the rep system I am okay with that.
I'd miss the liner notes.

If I cared about a rep system I'd say a better one would be where each poster had one pt pos rep per post, period. And you could only rep the same person once daily. That would effectively curtail monkey business and small rep cadres and the number would actually represent something interesting/potentially informative, at least as general consensus goes.

In the alternative I'd give Hall of Fame members twice the rep power, positive and negative and remove the limits on how many of each they could give daily...see how it shakes out. :eek:

Then Breathe suggested...
Knight, you could take away rep points altogether, and just leave the ability to comment. I like the comments, don't care about the points.

And AMR showed up, well, let's just hope he wasn't smoking near himself...
What he said
He said: "Knight, you could take away rep points altogether, and just leave the ability to comment. I like the comments, don't care about the points."

And your grammar is atrocious. :plain: :eek:

Then Breathe just made things worse...
She. What SHE said. :)
Well if you don't know what you said I certainly can't help you.

And you're grammar is even worse. :plain:

Before Eeset took the opportunity to belly flop into the thorns of life...again...
Aww. You want me to find my place here? Is that kind of like saying "sit down and shut up"?
Well, I'm sure you completely reversed her course with that one. :plain:

Oh well, thanks for the insight. Just so you know, I never sent BillyBob any pictures. It was all just fun banter that seemed to get under the skin of a certain number of sanctimonious "holier than thou" types.
Rather, it (as with the whole flustering preacher bit) put the Body on notice. You appear to care more for attention than you care about the sort.

zoo came up with the first of his workable suggestions...
One possible scenario would be to allow everyone at TOL the power to neg rep Eeset, and that's it. You could put a big button at the top of every page that everyone has access to, and leave it at that. Just a thought.

Or to make it a bit more functional, you could set it up so that every time Eeset logs in, she has to click the button, giving herself a neg rep. Maybe each time the button was clicked, it would automatically generate a new thread complaining about it. Anyway. I'll keep thinking.

Then Eeset started in on the inevitable revisionist tweaks short of wholesale destruction...
Neither do I covet anyone's Rep Power.
No. You just want to be able to buy it. :rotfl:

That is why I would applaud Knight if he tossed the points part out.
Meaning you either want monster rep or for no one to have it. Either way you get to be on par, which is what this has always been about.

I find nothing constructive about getting 50 points off my tally when the comment is a punctuation mark (.) and if I send her back a comment it costs her 2 or 3 points.
:think: How many points would you need off before the punctuation mark would be edifying?

Can you understand that I am tired of drinking from a separate water fountain and sitting in the back of the bus?
Right. You want to behave any way you want and to erase the impact/consequence of that.

And, revisiting the notion that...
... Rep points don't mean squat.
Of course they don't. :plain: Get it out....get it all out. :eek:

It's admirable that you want to be a crusader for a cause,
It would be, but when you peel away the self serving crap there's just a self serving crap stain left.

but try to pick a cause that has actual meaning.
If she cared about that sort of thing she wouldn't be here making this thread or the ones like it and wouldn't need to.

...It's not even something I keep track of until I had to look before I posted this. It. Simply. Doesn't. Matter.
I agree from one perspective.
Someone else's?

That is why I started this fund raising thread. Pure capitalism. Sell something without any intrinsic value to help support TOL.
Like your user account?

But now that the thread has degenerated into a general discussion of Rep Power let me tell you where I do think it matters. I have seen a number of newbies leave because they were pummeled into negative reputations by "heavy hitters". Instead of engaging them in discussions and pointing out where perhaps there was "wrong thinking" just hammer them.
I don't believe I've ever actually seen that...I'm not saying it hasn't happened (though I mostly am) but it doesn't make sense if you think about it. But I've seen people come in with attitude and find the line to "get some" forming pretty quickly.

Sometimes people simply don't get the lay of the land and do themselves a bad turn by making quick assumptions about how things are and should be and proceeding without noticing how they actually are and will be.

And now and again it's a confluence of things. When I first arrived it wasn't exactly a love fest. :D I had about seven people show up to my hello thread and shortly after my first post (on the death penalty) which was something like, "But what about the woman Christ spared from stoning?" Knight yelled at me and PK hit me with a neg rep. :chuckle:

I survived it. Partly because in my experience even if you catch some people on a bad day there are always those around here looking for people who want to contribute and who are here to do that and they'll help ease you into forum life. A few people did just that for me. AB and AMR chief and first among them. Zoo in fairly short order and even old chrys...a few others who have faded into the woodwork since. Over time I found a large number of friends from any number of TOL camps to cement my feeling of community.

The thing is, you can disagree on nearly anything with anyone and still find that. It's all in how you go about it and how you choose to fit into the place...or how you don't.

I look at that as abusive behavior.
That's because you're melodramatic and prone to hyperbole.

Try telling a newbie that it simply doesn't matter.
Or give them the best advice you can and befriend them if they're friendly, differ with them when you differ, etc.

But be sure to do it before they leave in disappointment or even despair.
Anyone who can be put into those states by anonymous internet posters doesn't belong on a forum in the first place. They aren't made of the right stuff for it. :nono:

Tomorrow? It might all have been a dream... :rolleyes: