Town Quixote's


It's so hard to be one of the "in" crowd. :sigh:

The "in" crowd stands for immigration.

The "out" crowd... deportation.


Pikachu no care.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
View attachment 17918

Our great Grumma used to keep chickens in the yard and chop their heads off herself...but one got up and chased her around the yard. Screaming with terror she dodged left and it followed her, she dodged right and it came right after her. She locked herself in the back lavvy and it collapsed outside the door.

When her two sons came home [my great uncs] she had been in there for 2 hours "is it gone?" she cried pitiably but they scratched the door and said "no Ma he wants to come in, he wants his head back..."


New member
View attachment 17918

Our great Grumma used to keep chickens in the yard and chop their heads off herself...but one got up and chased her around the yard. Screaming with terror she dodged left and it followed her, she dodged right and it came right after her. She locked herself in the back lavvy and it collapsed outside the door.

When her two sons came home [my great uncs] she had been in there for 2 hours "is it gone?" she cried pitiably but they scratched the door and said "no Ma he wants to come in, he wants his head back..."
Naughty boys!
My parents used to buy eggs and chickens from a farm lady by our cabin.

She would chop the head off and often the chicken would run around the yard with its head cut off!
It was macabre but, we ate the chicken anyway!


New member
Naughty boys!
My parents used to buy eggs and chickens from a farm lady by our cabin.

She would chop the head off and often the chicken would run around the yard with its head cut off!
It was macabre but, we ate the chicken anyway!

Thatsa how come we tie a string around the leg before we do the chopping. Sling the string over a low hanging branch and let 'em flap!

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Evening Gazette​

Got the DTs...
...Their either is no god or there is one... If there was, there would be proof that is undeniable by it's very nature..
Really? What sort of proof, by which I mean give the clear standard that, once met, would constitute objective proof of the proposition...and I'll wait while you realize that empirical bit you're straining at doesn't and can't exist, regardless of the truth or falsity of the proposition.

I mean we're not talking about proving there is a cat in a box.
Exactly. It's a shame more anti theists, yourself included, don't actually seem to get that.

You should, you should always continue to search.
Well, no, that's not rational. Or you'd spend your life asking me for my name, by way of.

While in the diversity thread...
I'm discombobulated...or decapitated...I forget which...

I'm delighted, but also not as bubbly today. :plain:

Then, in the music thread...
And, caught [Taylor Swift] live in Times Square.
Well, better than the alternative...I suppose. :plain:

We are never, ever, ever getting back together-like ever. :Whipsnap:
The only thing worse than being Rick actual link to a Taylor Swift song.

While rEeset tried her darndest in my Lawyers Answer thread...
Seriously Don Ego did you just take a swipe at Knight?
I'd say your desperation is showing, but what else is there for it to hide behind? :plain:

Took on immigration...
Yes. Superman is nearly living (sort of) proof that an immigrant can make good...

I mean well...wait. :think:

At least Inzl Kett gets the difference between a drug dealer and a criminal:p

That you said that in jest shows that you need a downgrade to "Right wing fanatic":p
Why is it always about downgrading people? Can't we just all get it wrong? :plain:

Then SD decided to chime in on my witness...
Pious platitude.
That's what the truth is to you? I can see it given that you can't appear to distinguish between any suspicion that crosses your mind and hard facts. :plain:

You've got nothing on SOD/Resurrected.
I've got his writing, which I'll admit is frequently nothing. But I think it's cruel of you to point that out as I'm sure he's trying, on a daily basis. Cranking out fifty to a hundred posts in a given day, which he's managed lately, can't be easy...or interesting, comes to it.

For the rest of you, SD is an example of what happens when people are more driven by what they need to believe than what's in front of them. When that happens even what's in front of them is only what they believe.

While Spec, not having much luck with reason, tried numbers...
...I asked some Christians on to analyse your argument.
Ah truth by numbers...and from Christians you picked, no less. :plain: Well that difference at all, if you can't undo the actual argument. I can find a hundred people in short order who will differ with your premise as an atheist and likely anything you advance on the point.

So you must be wrong?

And unless they spoke with me to begin with I have no reason to suspect they got anything more than a selected, truncated summary, which is the sort of thing you advance below. And, frankly, anyone willing to run analysis on that bare bones isn't someone who inspires confidence in me.

“Certainty is a delusion
Anyone who believes that is irrational or simply moving goalposts. Or they can't be certain of their own certainty about certainty. It following that you're getting your support from someone who believes they're delusional. :plain:

...I suspect anyone who claims never to doubt because he is a man who cannot see his own shadow.”
And anyone who is uncertain of everything is irrational. But then, no one here is claiming to never doubt anything.

So they don’t agree with you either.
Rather, they appear to differ with an argument they either weren't sufficiently extended or don't sufficiently understand, given the snippets you presented and the important misdirection contained and noted within them.

So while truth still isn't a numbers game (or you'd be a theist, wouldn't you?) it is a thing of clarity.

You are like an intelligent 10 year old who is clinging on to their belief in Santa Claus and is desperately using any verbiage to defend this unjustified belief:
Actually, given I've presented argument and you've mostly rested on this sort of practice, of name calling, poor cousin parallels, distortion, appeals to numbers instead of reason and an abject failure to answer on the point of argument substantively, I think desperation is demonstrably the stuff your part conveys here.

...You say you are concerned for my spiritual welfare (or words to that effect).
With the state of your soul, yes. It and you were made for relation, not usurpation and separation. Of course I'm concerned, both for you and for those you might influence.

...I used to believe Christian claims. I used to believe that every syllable Jesus allegedly spoke was a drop of gold. But to me now, Jesus Christ as portrayed in the Bible is no better (and less convincing) than Buddha or Socrates.
And I've spoken to why that is, which was the point of my answer to the apostate and an offering of hope. And that argument remains mostly unanswered by you and certainly by your friends, whoever they are and whatever they are...and your answer has been mostly side bar, name calling and obfuscation. As empty as your claims about my honesty, which when challenged in particular vanished in general.

Next edition: larger print. :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Took an Artistic preference test here.

My results from what appears to be a 14 point scale.

My scores:


Expressionism: 11
Impressionism: 10
Post Impressionism: 9
Romanticism: 8
Realism: 6
Rococo: 6
Classicism: 4
Baroque: 2
Last edited:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Thursday Afternoon Gazette

Had a word or two with...
"Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart
Sure. But hate can also just be hate to those who own a dictionary.

[giant Real Men Love Jesus poster]
You're like the old Magic 8 Ball of TOL posters. Shake you up just to guess which random answer is going to float to the window.

Continued a broad conversation with my libertarian friend...
You can never know if someone is going to attack you. So I would say that its always wrong to start the war, even if you think they might.
So if you see a guy with a handgun muttering "Death tor Rand Paul" walking toward Rand Paul cocking same you think it's wrong to do something about that until Rand Paul is actually being shot at?

...The short answer is that borders exist for a reason, and just because we have a right to prevent some things from happening in our own country (Or in most cases, our own state) doesn't mean we need to be telling other countries what to do.
Countries are just groups of people with power. Did Hitler have a right to commit genocide? Do we have an obligation to do something about that when we can?

...ideally people will voluntarily give to the poor and hopefully they will, but government shouldn't force them.
It's only courageous to risk the health and lives of your own children in the name of principle. You never find a zealous libertarian (or an optimist) among the ranks of the abject poor.

...While I don't think people who do victimless evil is any of the government's business, they shouldn't be redefining terms like marriage in order to ENDORSE what they do.
Legalization isn't endorsement, it's just legalization. That's why I wrote: "Endorsement isn't accurate anyway. I believe in the right of citizenry to petition government. It doesn't follow that I believe in every petition or by supporting the right encourage every idea found in that exercise."

And in chrys awards thread (and yes, he's considering starting the next one mid way through this one) BV asked...
Am I up for an award?
Who isn' way or another.

Before settling in...
You gotta keep in mind I've been a member since around 1998, I believe.
If being a member here should have taught you anything by now (and really, what are the odds?) it's that no one has to believe anything they read, especially if they're typing it.

I spent a lot of time gone.
Some of our better posters do. And eventually some of those leave.

SoJ asked the question that had to be...
Whose worried about grammar??:idunno:


We is? :think:

And ASCon chimed in with his cent...
That's anna's way of saying that she really digs me.
Perceptive as ever. :plain: [/over-under]

Then TGL asked a question about the Six Million Dollar, really...
How much would he be worth, if he was gay? :kiss:
$5,999,999.98 :plain:

Before SD was back...sort of...
Of course you do. :eek:
She said, posting for the eighth time in the thread. :think:

Maybe bybee was being sarcastic...maybe I'b being sarcastic.

Maybe you're...well, no. :plain:

Tomorrow? More delicious jam sandwich recipes. :chew:

The Barbarian


I suppose my interest in photography and the way light plays on things, has something to do with my preference for impressionism and for realism.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Weekend Gazette​

So Sod said...
town doesn't like aSC and found a clever way of belittling him
Something no one will ever accuse you of. :plain:

And Chrys uttered a familiar lament... first gather thread was deleted to reduce space
it had over 500 thousand views
the most in tol history
I'm pretty sure it only had about 50.

Well, there's one way to settle this, just post a link to...:plain: Too soon?

Then Sod tried...well, that's about it...
oh darn, I forgot

it's only clever and witty if it's belittling somebody of lesser stature
Which means anyone who takes you on is hilarious.

iow, it only counts if you get to be a bully
You are to honest observation what Lincoln was to the theater. :plain:

Talked Six Million Dollar Man with TomO...
:AMR: Well, actually I was referring to the fact that the whole thing was getting a bit campy...:
...My favorite "you've got to be kidding/did anyone even attend a science class who wrote for this?" bit was when Steve would grab a helicopter and you'd hear that bionic sound effect followed by him pulling the copter down, instead of doing the called for, one armed pull-up into a skull shattering series finale. :eek:

So Eeset, having had her mischaracterization of the Gazette pointed out by example...
Your bevy of viragos not withstanding?

So when it's pointed out that nearly nothing that comes out of your fingertips bears more than a tangential relationship to the truth your go-to move is to attack my friends of your own sex with as little justification.

You keep burning bridges like that eventually you'll have no place to sleep. :plain:

Which of course led to the always popular lesson learned, right? Well, no....
I have tried being patient....
You should consider being a patient. :plain:

and your fawners...

Else, your second go-to move is to just expand the first go-to move's mistake?

don't you just love monday morning quarterbacks?
I do that one (bybee).

where were you in the discussion phase?
She was probably doing something else. That seems to be a problem for you this time around.

There you go again. Deprecation must be your middle name. :idunno:
:think: Yours should be demarcation, as in the line between the readable and whatever it is you're writing.

I can hardly wait for the next award. :plain: So that's one then.

Before the troops rallied, my having ganged up on chrys and Eeset and Sod... :plain:
If you challenge his small observations, :freak: you are "disruptive"
I think it's sweet the way you kids rally, but really, he and Eeset alone post about twice as many a day as me, anna, AB and zoo combined,, even so he probably could use the help.

:Commie: As long as they agree with you. :Shimei:
Except, as you know, most of my friends disagree with me on something or a host of things. We mostly just agree that people like you are either half in the bag or out of their regular meds. :plain:


I for one was wondering why you stay at home and make your wife go earn the family bread?
Oh, that's easy: I couldn't if I wanted to, she doesn't actually and/but really it's none of your business.

Thanks for asking. That's your color, honestly. :thumb:

Next. thanks Town, I believe I'll take you at your word,
Funniest line you ever wrote, but then not even you can manage it, so:

lies though they were,
:chuckle: Arguing with yourself in public...there goes the bag theory where you're concerned.

Next? Oh, you again...okay.

Don't worry guys - his time is coming to an end.
Whereas your end is about all we've seen for years. :eek:.

Have a fine weekend. :thumb:

The Barbarian

Originally Posted by resurrected View Post
Great, the board tard and the board liar come to the defense of the board egomaniac

(Koban seems to have developed multiple personality disorder):chuckle:

I know, I know, I said I'd stop. But he's like an automatic straight line generator. If I had him with me when I was in my 20s, I might still be doing stand-up.