toldailytopic: Women preaching from the pulpit. Is it wrong?

Grosnick Marowbe

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OK. In that case, what does the leadership mean in reference to you? Look to your own pastor. What does his leadership over you mean to you? Do you submit to him in some way? If so, what ways?

Also, way back on page 3 you said this when I asked you what law Paul meant.
What law do you have in mind that deals with wives submitting to husbands?

A Pastor presents the sermon, declares the doctrines (teachings) of the the church, visits and leads the flock...Have you read the chapter I referenced for your second questions answer??


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A Pastor presents the sermon,
What does preaching a sermon mean to you? What are the necessary parts of preaching a sermon?

declares the doctrines (teachings) of the the church,
Do you always submit to the teachings of your pastor? If he interprets a passage in a certain way, do you then start interpreting the passage in the same way?

visits and leads the flock...
Visits in what way? Visiting for what? Are you saying women can't visit other members of the congregation?

Have you read the chapter I referenced for your second questions answer??
Yes. I already said I read it. Do you mean a law about women covering their heads?

Grosnick Marowbe

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What does preaching a sermon mean to you? What are the necessary parts of preaching a sermon?

Do you always submit to the teachings of your pastor? If he interprets a passage in a certain way, do you then start interpreting the passage in the same way?

Visits in what way? Visiting for what? Are you saying women can't visit other members of the congregation?

Yes. I already said I read it. Do you mean a law about women covering their heads?

You're leading me on a merry chase which leads to the end of the road. The end of the road is, ‘should women be able to pastor a church, be an elder, perhaps a deacon' (shall we cut to the chase) the answer is NO!! Christ was under the Father man is under Christ, woman is under man. That's the way things are set up. Like it or not. Believe and do as you please you're free to do so. However, if your desire is to be obedient to God's word (the Holy Bible) you must abide by God's rules and provisions. It doesn't affect me either way you choose. I'm only responsible for making my own choices.

If your church has women pastors or gay pastors, that's their choice. However, they’re in open disobedience to God's word. If that makes no difference to you or them, fine. Again that's one of the choices we make and have to answer for later...I personally wouldn't set foot in a "liberal apostate type church" who has women and gay pastors but, that's my choice. So, you make your own choices in life and you're the only one to answer for those choices...


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God can use this (Numbers 22:27-35):


But not this (1 Corinthians 14:34):


They can't preach or teach in the church assembly. Paul says women are to remain silent. How can a woman preach or teach if she must remain silent. Both you women are wrong!!!


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Still doesn't change what 1 Corinthians chapter 11 speaks of...

Cant be silent AND openly prophecy (which means teach) and openly pray in the church. Both are shown in corinthians.

Which means YOUR interpretation is off.

Again, the silent thing has to do with women and men sitting on opposite sides and women for the first time learning the scriptures calling out to their husbands for what they didnt understand - which was disruptive.

You've even been told synagogs seat the men and women this way even TODAY.

Youve also been shown where Priscilla taught a man (Apollos) in the church.

You can ignore those things but they are facts.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Cant be silent AND openly prophecy (which means teach) and openly pray in the church. Both are shown in corinthians.

Which means YOUR interpretation is off.

Again, the silent thing has to do with women and men sitting on opposite sides and women for the first time learning the scriptures calling out to their husbands for what they didnt understand - which was disruptive.

You've even been told synagogs seat the men and women this way even TODAY.

Youve also been shown where Priscilla taught a man (Apollos) in the church.

You can ignore those things but they are facts.

As I told one of your members. Everyone has to choose what they believe or don't believe. I personally wouldn't set foot in a church that had either a woman pastor or a gay pastor. That kind of church is a "liberal apostate type church" They don't care if their in disobedience to the Bible. That's their choice. What you choose to believe doesn't affect my life one iota. People can choose what ever they want in life and answer to God later...You've decided to interpret Paul's teaching in your own way, so it fits your personal beliefs and doesn't hurt your ego. I, on the other hand choose to believe Paul meant what he said and said what he meant...To each his or her own...You might want to check your facts about Apollos?? They took him ASIDE...


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You're leading me on a merry chase which leads to the end of the road. The end of the road is, ‘should women be able to pastor a church, be an elder, perhaps a deacon' (shall we cut to the chase) the answer is NO!! Christ was under the Father man is under Christ, woman is under man. That's the way things are set up. Like it or not. Believe and do as you please you're free to do so. However, if your desire is to be obedient to God's word (the Holy Bible) you must abide by God's rules and provisions. It doesn't affect me either way you choose. I'm only responsible for making my own choices.

If your church has women pastors or gay pastors, that's their choice. However, they’re in open disobedience to God's word. If that makes no difference to you or them, fine. Again that's one of the choices we make and have to answer for later...I personally wouldn't set foot in a "liberal apostate type church" who has women and gay pastors but, that's my choice. So, you make your own choices in life and you're the only one to answer for those choices...

You don't know where I was heading. In fact, I wasn't really headed toward any particular destination. I was just trying to ask questions to help understand your position and what exactly pastoral authority and leadership means to you. I don't think I've been asking difficult questions. Especially the one about what law you think Paul was referencing. :idunno:

Perhaps AMR will be more willing to answer the questions if he comes back to the thread.

Grosnick Marowbe

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You don't know where I was heading. In fact, I wasn't really headed toward any particular destination. I was just trying to ask questions to help understand your position and what exactly pastoral authority and leadership means to you. I don't think I've been asking difficult questions. Especially the one about what law you think Paul was referencing. :idunno:

Perhaps AMR will be more willing to answer the questions if he comes back to the thread.

"Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive"

Grosnick Marowbe

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It's amazing to see how many people would rather dismiss what Scripture teaches (such as in, 1 Corinthians chapter 14:34) and stick to, what makes them feel comfortable and politically correct at the same time. Some women (and men) who were and are influenced by the feminist movement from the past, refuse to abide with what Paul is teaching in that chapter. After all, "any job a man can do, a woman can do as well" is their, (feminists) mantra...

God set up a particular order to things. Christ is subject to God the Father, man is subject to Christ and woman is subject to man...That's God's natural order of things set up in accordance to His will. The better part of wisdom is to follow the instructions passed down by Paul and the "inspired" word of God. Paul states women are to remain silent in the church. They cannot preach or teach where there are men present. They can teach Sunday school (kids) or have a ladies group, etc. But, they cannot preach. If feminists don't like this arrangement, they are welcome to complain to God. I don't think that will do any good however...
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Grosnick Marowbe

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God set up things as He wanted them to be within the church structure and while we're in God's house He asks us to abide by His rules...Should we do any thing less??


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It's amazing to see how many people would rather dismiss what Scripture teaches (such as in, 1 Corinthians chapter 11) and stick to, what makes them feel comfortable and politically correct at the same time. Some women (and men) who were and are influenced by the feminist movement from the past, refuse to abide with what Paul is teaching in that chapter. After all, "any job a man can do, a woman can do as well" is their, (feminists) mantra...

God set up a particular order to things. Christ is subject to God the Father, man is subject to Christ and woman is subject to man...That's God's natural order of things set up in accordance to His will. The better part of wisdom is to follow the instructions passed down by Paul and the "inspired" word of God. Paul states women are to remain silent in the church. They cannot preach or teach where there are men present. They can teach Sunday school (kids) or have a ladies group, etc. But, they cannot preach. If feminists don't like this arrangement, they are welcome to complain to God. I don't think that will do any good however...

I'm just trying to understand the difference between a woman talking to a man outside of church and talking to a man inside a church. It seems to be a somewhat arbitrary difference. That's why I tried to separate out the act of teaching/preaching from the other pastoral duties in my one post to AMR. Unless you don't think the woman should even try to teach a man outside the church either. But again, the act of teaching and preaching should be clearly defined.