toldailytopic: What will 4 more years of Obama mean for this country?


New member
unpaid bills hurt the hospital so they have to jack up their prices to account for it.

You do realize that the prices Medicare and Medicaid force doctors and hospitals to charge patients is less than the actual cost of services? Do you realize they have to jack up their prices to account for it? How much cheaper was it to go to a doctor or hospital in the fifties before both of these government programs were in place? How much cheaper was malpractice insurance back when people didn't file so many expensive lawsuits? How much cheaper was a visit to the doctors office when he didn't have to order a bunch of unneccesary tests in order to avoid getting sued?


Well-known member
You do realize that the prices Medicare and Medicaid force doctors and hospitals to charge patients is less than the actual cost of services? Do you realize they have to jack up their prices to account for it?
Not true, though payments are lower. In Japan ALL medical procedures have a price attached controlled by the government. They've figured out how to make it work. our problem is we have three or four different systems. Some of these are actually socialized medicine, where as others are quasi-free market. It's a patchwork of systems rather than one, leading to all kinds of problems. Medicare for all would have made a lot more sense than Obamacare.

How much cheaper was it to go to a doctor or hospital in the fifties before both of these government programs were in place?
Do you realize how little technology there was in the fifties? A hospital bed was just that, a bed and not much else. Now a hospital bed has tons of machines attached, consumable drugs tubes, gloves etc. There is no comparison. If it was so great in the 50's let's see you consent to be treated by 50's quality healthcare. Any takers?

How much cheaper was malpractice insurance back when people didn't file so many expensive lawsuits? How much cheaper was a visit to the doctors office when he didn't have to order a bunch of unneccesary tests in order to avoid getting sued?
Yes, and? That's part but certainly not the full reason for increasing healthcare costs. Obamacare helps deal with some of those problems, I do think we need more work in this area.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame


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Hall of Fame
Indeed! A repeat of the way President Bush was treated.
Governor Christie behaved rather well I thought.

...with groveling by so many of his supporters who never once criticized the Patriot Act or two illegal wars?:think:


New member
up is down, good is bad. and the smoke of Satan is now a raging flame, spreading to engulf the entire world.

as the good ship United States continues her sure and steady course, porting to merchant containers of unwanted democrazy and i-phones to third world markets, then sails over the edge of the flat earth into oblivion.

who cares? adapt, overcome, succeed victoriously and thread thru life, effortlessly.


New member
Wow! I make maybe 10 grand a year and in fact help people with what I can but typical of Marxists like yourself, it is never enough. :loser:
We "Marxists" like Obama don't seem to take much from folks like you and I who earn 10 grand a year, do they? So why are you complaining about us?


New member
Just remember that 50% of the country disagree with you, I guess that would make 50% of Americans "reactionary fascists".

:the_wave: ALL HAIL GRIDLOCK! :the_wave:

No, only 48%!

But nice waves. Your side is more like this though: :angrymob:


New member
You don't know that at all. You are the judgmental type who is dangerous to us all. You believe you have the right to decide what is best for others by force if necessary.
Well, me along with the rest of the 50.5% of us! Taxation by representation! Yes, we have the right to decide. It's called voting!


New member
He and his socialist cronies will have transformed America ... Yet the sun still shines even when one lives in a socialist country. I plan to gaze at the sun more often.

By the end of his four years it will prove that all the American soldiers, who have died fighting for our freedoms and way of life, from the Revolutionary War up to our wars in the Middle east will have died in vane, because over half of our American citizens gave away all they fought for just by walking into a polling place in 2012.

You are so optimistic! :crackup:


New member
Misery and woe, 10.00 a gallon gas, stoners who rely on the government to support them, food stamps a way of life, and free abortions and obama phones.


Free phones! Now there's an idea whose time has come!

$10 a gallon gas, and $1 a charge electric cars! Woo-hoo!


New member
At the DNC, the crowd overwhelmingly voted not to include God in their agendas. Three times they had to vote because even the guy in their little pulpit couldn't believe his ears and was finally told by the chair to put God in anyway. But the PEOPLE made their choice. It was for all to see. Then when it came time to vote, this nation by majority vote, agreed with them. They, by their voting for Obama, also voted God out. And millions of Americans allowed it to happen by staying home, or voting for Obama (evangelicals) because Romney is a Mormon, and Ryan a Catholic. Neither of which are any more messed up than the evangelicals in any way shape or form. And they voted for a pure liar. They who voted for Obama are deluded, and they are deluded by GOD, because, as is oh so plain, once again, THEY HAVE NO LOVE FOR THE TRUTH. As for the next four years...I warned you all, you either have a love for truth, or you live a lie...that being said, the next four years?????????????

Let me put it this way, the last four years was the good part. Enjoy the weather, now you will see what it meant about "pricks in your sides" and "what I thought to do to them, I WILL DO TO YOU!"

As for the People of Yah who stood for what is right, and realized that there ain't nobody else more messed up than they themselves, and reach out to Yah in repentance like they were told to by Yahu'Shua..."fear not little children", The Master comes! May our names be written in the Lambs Book of Life.

As for the others who voted God out, and by so doing, voted the devil in...DUCK...go hide in the rocks because soon you will be hoping even they fall on you for what you have done. Repent now, before you can't anymore. You have agreed with the Devil himself.

2Th 2:5-14 Do you not remember that I told you this while I was still with you? And now you know what restrains, for him to be revealed in his time. For the secret of lawlessness is already at work – only until he who now restrains comes out of the midst. And then the lawless one shall be revealed, whom the Master shall consume with the Spirit of His mouth and bring to naught with the manifestation of His coming. The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power and signs and wonders of falsehood, and with all deceit of unrighteousness in those perishing, because they did not receive the love of the truth, in order for them to be saved. And for this reason Elohim sends them a working of delusion, for them to believe the falsehood, in order that all should be judged who did not believe the truth, but have delighted in the unrighteousness. But we ought to give thanks to Elohim always for you, brothers, beloved by the Master, because Elohim from the beginning chose you to be saved – in set-apartness of Spirit, and belief in the truth – unto which He called you by our Good News, for the obtaining of the esteem of our Master יהושע Messiah.

The Devil is the father of lies, and he just got voted in, even after he was plainly exposed, by those who are DELUDED. Now the war against the saints will go to the part where they get "overcome". Watch all the records that get broke now!:sheep:

Enjoy the Weather! You asked for it! Here it comes.
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New member
Hall of Fame
Free phones! Now there's an idea whose time has come!

$10 a gallon gas, and $1 a charge electric cars! Woo-hoo!

The way electricity will go up after bammy gets rid of all the clean coal and other forms of power generation in leu of bankrupt solar companies of his friends, it will be much higher than the price of gas by the end of this term.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
At the DNC, the crowd overwhelmingly voted not to include God in their agendas. Three times they had to vote because even the guy in their little pulpit couldn't believe his ears and was finally told by the chair to put God in anyway. But the PEOPLE made their choice. It was for all to see. Then when it came time to vote, this nation by majority vote, agreed with them. They, by their voting for Obama, also voted God out.
I didn't vote with them or for them and that's still not true. Most people don't agree with anyone completely. Most people who vote thoughtfully vote on the preponderance of issues and approaches. I've never met a man who agreed entirely with any other man or organization. Heck, you've got churches filled with people arguing over things.

And millions of Americans allowed it to happen by staying home, or voting for Obama (evangelicals) because Romney is a Mormon, and Ryan a Catholic.
Citation in support? I haven't heard that set out anywhere, but I can't read everything.

Neither of which are any more messed up than the evangelicals in any way shape or form. And they voted for a pure liar.
Oh behave. That's even goofier. He's been fact checked to death, like his opponent. Neither of them get it all right and neither are "pure" liars.

The Devil is the father of lies, and he just got voted in
And I thought Rove was nuts...:nono: The world isn't coming to an end. The people didn't just nominally vote in Satan. And the country will continue to recover from our near economic collapse caused in large part by the last "God fearing" man from the right that another bunch put in power.

And the sky isn't falling.