toldailytopic: What will 4 more years of Obama mean for this country?


Well-known member
The way electricity will go up after bammy gets rid of all the clean coal and other forms of power generation in leu of bankrupt solar companies of his friends, it will be much higher than the price of gas by the end of this term.

Is that why he and Romney were having a competition as to who could shower loving words over "clean coal"?

In reality, coal is both dirty and deadly and is rapidly being replaced by cheaper and cleaner natural gas, not to mention solar etc. farther down the pike.


Coal is the fuel of our grandparents, we need to get off of coal and on to something, almost anything else. Fossil fuels should be taxed more heavily than others because they cost all of us in ways that are not normally included in the price of energy.


Well-known member
And I thought Rove was nuts...:nono: The world isn't coming to an end. The people didn't just nominally vote in Satan. And the country will continue to recover from our near economic collapse caused in large part by the last "God fearing" man from the right that another bunch put in power.
Indeed, those of us on the left managed to survive Bush's second term. I'm happy to see the shoe on the other foot. But the level of rhetoric over it, is beyond anything I saw in Bush V. Kerry from the other side.

And the sky isn't falling.
Keep saying it and maybe some will believe it. They may find a surprisingly good outcome at the end of all this, like say Clinton.


New member
Hall of Fame
Is that why he and Romney were having a competition as to who could shower loving words over "clean coal"?

In reality, coal is both dirty and deadly and is rapidly being replaced by cheaper and cleaner natural gas, not to mention solar etc. farther down the pike.

Coal is the fuel of our grandparents, we need to get off of coal and on to something, almost anything else. Fossil fuels should be taxed more heavily than others because they cost all of us in ways that are not normally included in the price of energy.

I would rather have my "grandparents" fuel sources untill the other forms are cheap and abundant and doesnt depend on selling national security and creates jobs here at home.

You dems are so funny, you claim to be for the little man, while you cause his costs to be through the roof.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Natural gas is the way to go. We have unbelievable stores of it. It's the best gap filler while we work out what will likely be a patchwork of cooperating alternatives for the future.


Well-known member
Depends on what happens next.

If the Democrats and the Republicans will actually work together to get the things done that need to be done (first and foremost, handling the "fiscal cliff," which--despite Boehner's line-in-the-sand--will require raising taxes and cutting spending), then the next four years should be pretty good.

If either the Democrats or the Republicans start with the "My way or the highway" nonsense, we're sunk.

Well, considering the evil ways of liberal/socialist/Communist/Democratic party, why would any ethical person compromise or "work" with that crap?

Compromising with the liberal agenda is compromising with evil

Obama says, "I want to cut off both legs of all Christians" and you say how about we compromise and you cut off only one leg!!!!

We are not to be overcome with evil but over come evil with good.

It does not matter where that evil comes from, it is overcome with good.

Christians must continue to learn good from God's word and overcome evil with that good.



Well-known member
Since the overriding republican goal of "deny Obama another term" is inoperative, perhaps we'll see a little more bipartisan cooperation. The way the president worked with Governor Christie to bring aid to New Jersey is a model for both republicans and democrats to set aside differences and work together.

One can dream.

God is good the devil is evil

Does God participate in bi partisanship with the devil?

Why would I?



Well-known member
Is that why he and Romney were having a competition as to who could shower loving words over "clean coal"?

In reality, coal is both dirty and deadly and is rapidly being replaced by cheaper and cleaner natural gas, not to mention solar etc. farther down the pike.


Coal is the fuel of our grandparents, we need to get off of coal and on to something, almost anything else. Fossil fuels should be taxed more heavily than others because they cost all of us in ways that are not normally included in the price of energy.

God created the heavens and the earth.

God supplied us with coal and petroleum and natural gas.

God blessed America with all that.




Well-known member
Left of you, perhaps. You, however, couldn't find the center with both hands and a flashlight.

Well, keep on believing the fake right/left paradigm if you want to. I just don't understand why you would hate me for not wanting to take your money and give it to someone else without your approval.

The Barbarian

God is good the devil is evil

Obama is not wholly good. And the congressional republicans are not wholly evil. If you delude yourself into thinking it's the clash between God and the devil, you have left the realm of sanity.

Does God participate in bi partisanship with the devil?

Why would I?

You're perilously close right now.


New member
I didn't vote with them or for them and that's still not true. Most people don't agree with anyone completely. Most people who vote thoughtfully vote on the preponderance of issues and approaches. I've never met a man who agreed entirely with any other man or organization. Heck, you've got churches filled with people arguing over things.

Citation in support? I haven't heard that set out anywhere, but I can't read everything.

Oh behave. That's even goofier. He's been fact checked to death, like his opponent. Neither of them get it all right and neither are "pure" liars.

And I thought Rove was nuts...:nono: The world isn't coming to an end. The people didn't just nominally vote in Satan. And the country will continue to recover from our near economic collapse caused in large part by the last "God fearing" man from the right that another bunch put in power.

And the sky isn't falling.

Dude, you're nothing more than a target for the Messengers now. Don't bother replying to me, the line has been drawn, the wheat has been set part from the tares. What I have to say is not up for debate. The US has been judged. By not voting, you voted, and oh yes deluded one, you chose evil. And yes, the sky will fall. If I was Phineas, I'd be aiming for you, and all those who agreed with EVIL and the mixing of it with what was good, making the good as evil as the evil. The times of your ignorance will no more be winked at. There is nothing more to be said, to the mixed. The Bride Groom comes, and you have NO oil. Yours is mixed with that which will not hold light. Repent, or die in your sins...Sins...are violations of TORAH. You can't be saved unless you turn from your wicked ways to BE saved. So stop lying to yourselves, you are not fooling anyone who is looking down from above. The delusion sent is because you have had NO love for the truth, only the crap you all made up. And it is so you do NOT turn from your wicked ways. Bible says, "I do not say pray for these". So be it. You've made your choices and are sticking with them. See Revelation 22:11, now you will get more filthy, because you do not seek to become more righteous. Adios.

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New member
Mat 24:48-51 “But if that evil servant says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying his coming,’ and begins to beat his fellow servants, and to eat and drink with the drunkards, the master of that servant shall come on a day when he does not expect it, and at an hour he does not know, and shall cut him in two and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites – there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Those are who get "caught unaware". Because of "delusion". Caused by "no love for the truth".