I like the idea of a true life sentence, but I have yet to find a proposition to that end that would actually work. Have you? I sure would like to be able to get behind some plan that would make true life sentences a reality, for all the reasons that you set forth.
If such a thing were implemented, what sort of life would these prisoners live? I would think that it would need to be sufficiently punitive that, for the most part, surviving members of a victim's family would feel like justice was done. Would these prisoners be allowed visitors? To what extent would they be allowed to interact with one another? That's the sort of question people would want to have answered if a proper life sentence could be achieved without chance of repeal or parole.
Do you know why anyone opposes a true life-without-chance-of-parole sentence? Other than saving money, I can't think of a single reason for opposing it, and saving money is a lousy excuse for failing to properly enforce the law.
This is a problem with our system and it can be changed if enough people demand it. I prison could force inmates to work, it used to be that way and it could again be that way. A prison could be profitable; this would seem to me more like justice, to know the predator was forced to work or get the lash.