toldailytopic: Registered Sex Offenders: should there even be such a registry? |
Yes? No? Maybe? We have one, but is it’s purpose. It seems to raise problems. Maybe put them in one place, their own city of refuge :idunno:
Luke 17:1-2
1 Then He (Jesus) said to the disciples, "It is impossible that no offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they do come! 2 It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones."
:think: . . .
How about after a non-jury trial that finds these sex offenders guilty, and sentenced to death, then do millstone drowning, or a gas chamber, electric chair, firing squad, lethal injection . . . That's not likely to happen any time soon. Since I think the medical professionals want to study these infant, child, woman and man abusers, these defilers and ruiners of infants and children to see what makes them tick, we already know, the devil, Satan, the deceiver, that old serpent. Ruiners, I know it is not an accepted word, deal with it.
But if they are put death, since the pathology sciences have improved vastly, then through an autopsy maybe they could learn something from these dead infant, child, woman and man abusers, these defilers and ruiners of other human beings.
But that is likely to happen either, an autopsy will not reveal a sick mind and a black sinful heart, it will not reveal the terrible wretchedness of a person’s soul, and if the coroner leans over and tells this human violator of infants, children, women and men says, "talk to me," and from that cadaver of dead flesh will be nothing but dead silence. Such revealing of such a wicked person will finally and only be revealed on the great and terrible day that these unrepentant wrong and evil doers of children will face.
Wait, maybe these infant, child, woman and man abusers, these defilers and ruiners of other human beings, could become useful medical research like rats, the courts could impose a medical research sentence that is valid until the day the wanton villains toward infants, children, women and men are dead, then donate there body to science or mortuary science schools, or crematoriums for practice.
So how about a, lobotomy on these sex offenders who hurt, molest, abuse, in any way or manner an infant, child, women or man. Lobotomy: surgical severance of nerve fibers connecting the frontal lobes to the thalamus performed especially formerly for the relief of some mental. Then after the lobotomy take the perpetrator to a prison that has solitary confinement, or build one in Wyoming, Wyoming could probably use the jobs to help it’s economy.
This is terrible, then maybe it is not, but how about sticking these violators of infants, children, women and men in cage with a sex crazed gorilla.
A number of years ago a niece of ours was assaulted, and one of our grandson’s was sodomized, and in both cases for the perpetrator it was probation and counseling for a year, and that was it, it seemed like there was no justice. Thankfully our niece as been an overcomer and gone on with her life, and the same for our grandson.
To us our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren are valuable and precious, we love ours dearly. We had two of our children (daughters) die, not from any form of abuse but from health issues; that makes our children all the more precious and valuable. So the value and preciousness of children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren is even ore so.