toldailytopic: Registered Sex Offenders: should there even be such a registry?

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Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
No. There shouldn't be a sex offender registry. Anyone who sexually abuses children should be executed (or, at the very least, the parents of the victim should be allowed 1/2 hour alone with the offender).

Your gut feelings are not unfounded.

Numbers 35

19 The avenger of blood himself shall put the murderer to death; when he meets him, he shall put him to death.

Yes he is speaking of murder, but murder, adultery, homoness, beastality, kidnapping, rape and I think incest are all capital crimes.


If you're willing to pay for the death penalty cases.

The cost of a bullet for one of my guns is $1.00 each. The other one is only about $.30 each. You are calling the appeal, keeping somebody alive, the cost of execution. Wrong. That is the price to not execute by intentionally giving them 10 appeals so that the system is expensive. You retard.

where does the Bible give any [pervert] the authority to do these wacked things?

You shut up too. And see above for the answer. And now that we have that out of the way, God has in fact delegated authority to governments to execute capital criminals.


Hall of Fame
I am not a fan of the death penalty but I do think they should be in prison forever. Until they die. No exceptions. Ever. NONE. They don't get better and that is just the sad reality.

I am personally against lifetime prison sentences for murderers, rapists and child molesters. IMO, leaving them alive leaves the door open for them to be released or escape and go on to re-offend.

As long as they continue to breath, they are a potential risk to others.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
IMO, leaving them alive leaves the door open for them to be released or escape and go on to re-offend.

As long as they continue to breath, they are a potential risk to others.

That is certainly true, and I don't know why it is so hard for others to see. But don't you think it is also unjust and a slap to the face of the victims (family) to let them live? It is unjust to do so.


New member
Hall of Fame
Lightouses buddy wouldn't have coped to something he didn't do if the punishment was flogging or castration and tattoos.
Classic example of our busted system.

So in the face of false charges the best defense/hope you have is a system with increasingly severe and barbaric punishment?


Hall of Fame
That is certainly true, and I don't know why it is so hard for others to see. But don't you think it is also unjust and a slap to the face of the victims (family) to let them live? It is unjust to do so.

Of course it's a slap in the face to the victim as well as the victim's family members to allow such predators to continue living and thus giving them the chance to reoffend.


New member
No. There shouldn't be a sex offender registry. Anyone who sexually abuses children should be executed (or, at the very least, the parents of the victim should be allowed 1/2 hour alone with the offender).

Castration would fix the problem and cost less than incarceration and a list.

It would be the biggest deterrent also.


Hall of Fame
Castration would fix the problem and cost less than incarceration and a list.

It would be the biggest deterrent also.

I disagree. By castrating someone, you take away their ability to use their weapon of choice. However, it does not take away their aggression and hatred towards their victims.

To me, it wouldn't matter if a child molester was injured in an accident and paralyzed from the neck down. I would still want them to be put to death based on the fact that they are less worthy of live than a rabid dog.


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
where does the Bible give any [pervert] the authority to do these wacked things?
Who is that directed at?


If you are going to edit the content of someone's post at least do it right :mmph:
Doug Wright's quote edit and copy job.​

toldailytopic: Registered Sex Offenders: s
So how about a, lobotomy on these sex offenders in cage with a sex crazed gorilla.

A .[/color]

Like this . . .

toldailytopic: Registered Sex Offenders: should there even be such a registry?

So how about a, lobotomy on these sex offenders in cage with a sex crazed gorilla.

See, now wasn't that easy.


Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Castration would fix the problem and cost less than incarceration and a list.

It would be the biggest deterrent also.

I am telling you right now being dead is worse. And the family has not been paid back in full unless they are executed for their capital crime.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I am personally against lifetime prison sentences for murderers, rapists and child molesters. IMO, leaving them alive leaves the door open for them to be released or escape and go on to re-offend.

As long as they continue to breath, they are a potential risk to others.
Couldn't disagree more strongly. Too many cases of innocent men having convictions overturned as DNA testing improves. I say life without the possibility of parole is the just alternative to making an irreversible mistake.



New member
Hall of Fame
It would only work if it was reciprical.

What incentive would there be to make an anonymous tip or report crimes if people feared they were making a mistake or could be accused of reporting false information, even if they were making these calls in good faith?


New member
Hall of Fame
Repeat offenders.

Repeat offenders.


So you're up for sterilizing women and men both. Children too, possibly. Know how to perform surgery, do we? You gonna show up with a chop kit at their house or at a jail? Who supervises? What happens if you accidentally kill these perps?

Real Sorceror

New member
At the very least we should get an idea of what the offense was or how severe it actually is.
I don't really give a rat's behind if I'm living next door to a guy who had sex with with his 17 year old girlfriend when he was 18. Boo-hoo, who cares?
There are plenty of things that will get you on that list that are hardly noteworthy. On the other hand, being a rapist or a pedophile should land you time; or a shortened lifespan.
BabyChristian said:
Castration would fix the problem and cost less than incarceration and a list.

It would be the biggest deterrent also.
You think thats going to stop them? It won't, they can still molest kids.


New member
Hall of Fame
I disagree. By castrating someone, you take away their ability to use their weapon of choice. However, it does not take away their aggression and hatred towards their victims.

I agree. Castration might sound like a good punishment at first but it doesn't fix the root of the problem.

Doug Wright

New member
castration?, you people are perverted; if a woman couldn't strike a man in the stones-even for the sake of saving her own husband=without loosing it: I dare say that the state could do something like this with any authority.

The Laws of God are laid out; so are the punishments. Any further is idolatry.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Lightouses buddy wouldn't have coped to something he didn't do if the punishment was flogging or castration and tattoos.
Classic example of our busted system.
No doubt.

He actually argued with me when I said I believed in the death penalty for rape, citing his own situation because the actions of which he was accused could have fallen into that category depending on which version of the story the girl told the police. In fact she eventually went around telling other people that he did in fact rape her after he had already gone to court for sentencing after signing the plea.

So I asked him if he would have signed a plea agreement if the penalty for those actions were death if one were determined to be guilty either by plea or by court. He stopped arguing with me at that point.

Castration would fix the problem and cost less than incarceration and a list.

It would be the biggest deterrent also.
Castration alone will do nothing. That only removes the testicles and while it diminishes sex drive it doesn't remove it. It would not deter anyone. Especially since a large number of violent sexual offenders are actually impotent to begin with.


New member
A filthy piece of sewer scum, painfully frying/being stoned to death, immidiately after being convicted ...PRICELESS!!

That doesn't leave much room for those who were actually innocent to fight against their conviction.
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