GM is a Mormon? Really?
TL is not a Calvinist, but has Calvinistic ideas.:ha:
Thank you for that, TL has Calvinistic tendencies because Calvin had Pauline tendecies. I depart from Calvin in that he makes an assumption concerning predestination unto damnation and [in support] limited atonement which Paul does not make. Those cover whole swathes of important Calvinistic doctrine and mindset which I reject. The reason Calvin is STILL a theologian much beloved and revered is his adherence to the doctrines of predestination and election which if at all understood must exclude the concept of freewill and conditional salvation.
Which as you know is my belief that the bible teaches.
And I do highly regard my Calvinistic brethren as I do all brethren who hold differing views.
But predestination and election are especially precious.