He who wrote the law in their hearts [oh] I thought He had to come and curtsy and ask us "please if I may?" like an Englishman. NO no God goes right on ahead and does just what pleases Him to do...He wrote the law in their hearts.Ah, but we do have the ability to heed our God-given conscience. That no one can keep the whole law perfectly does not mean they are without ability to turn to God and be saved. They do have the ability to seek God, and they do have the ability to choose light over darkness....thus we hear the Gospel and believe. God doesn't believe for us, we must be persuaded by what we hear. Only then can we freely come.
That people have conscienes I do not deny, but that they have the ability to obey I do.
People DO seek God, but they seek Him amiss, hence the Indians have been in UTTER darkness these thousands of years though they have the most religions...they are very intellectual the Indians...surely SOMEONE would have hit upon the truth among their billions.
I say God overcomes and subdues our will to His own, I say He wills IN US to do of His good pleasure, I say God dwelling in our hearts is not a courtesy on our part but actually God's divine right. It is what we are created for.
I bless and thank God for the day He subdued my will to His.
Romans 2:14-15
For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another; )
This is the hope for a BILLIONfold wider mercy than is generally believed in by Arminians or Calvinists.