Consider the following texts in their context and what they say about the subject at hand.
I. Romans 11: (which was written by Paul to all in Rome, God’s loved ones who were called to be holy from the nations who had also become the called who belong to Jesus the Anointed.)
13 Now, I want to address those of you who are people of the nations: Since I’m really an Apostle to the nations, I can glorify my service 14 if I can somehow make those of my own flesh jealous and save some of them. 15 Because, if throwing them away brought the world into a restored relationship [with God], what will taking them back mean, other than life for those who are dead? 16 For, if the first fruits are holy, so is the whole lump! And if the roots are holy, so are the branches!17 So, when some of the branches were broken off, you wild olives were grafted in and you became sharers of the fatness of the olive [tree’s] roots. 18 But, don’t cheer because those branches [were removed]; for if you find yourself cheering over that, remember that you don’t support the roots, they support you!19 Yet you can say, ‘Branches were broken off so I could be grafted in’ 20 … and that’s right! They were broken off because of a lack of faith; and you are there instead, because of your faith. But don’t think too much of yourselves… be afraid! 21 For, if God didn’t spare the natural branches, He won’t spare you either.22 So, recognize God’s kindness, as well as [His] willingness to remove. For a fact; those who stumbled were cut off, while you received God’s loving care… but only for as long as you stay in that [good relationship]. Otherwise, you’ll be pruned off too! 23 And if [the Jews] don’t continue in their disbelief, they will be grafted back in, because God can graft them back in again!
II. Luke 8/Matt 13
11 ‘Now, the illustration means this: The seed is the Word of God. 12 Those beside the road are those who hear, but the Slanderer comes and takes the Word from their hearts, to prevent them from believing and being saved.13 ‘Those that fall on the rocks, are those who hear and welcome the Word with joy, but because they don’t have any roots, they only believe for a season. And when seasons of testing come along, they pull away.14 ‘As for those who fall among thorns; These are the ones who have heard, but because of their daily concerns, such as [seeking] wealth and the pleasures of living, they are choked out and fail to produce.15 ‘But [those that fall] on the good soil have good and pure hearts; and after hearing the word, they remember and continue to bear fruit.
18 ‘So now, listen to the [meaning of the] illustration of the farmer who planted: 19 Whenever someone hears about the Kingdom, but doesn’t understand it, the wicked one comes and snatches away what has been planted in his heart. This one was planted beside the road. 20 ‘As for the one that was planted among the rocks; He’s the one who hears the word and quickly accepts it with joy. 21 But because he has no roots, he’s just here for a short time. For, when hard times or persecution come along because of the Word, he’s immediately trapped. 22 ‘As for the one planted among the thistles; This one hears the word, but the concerns of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke-out the Word and he doesn’t produce fruit. 23 ‘But, as for the one planted on good soil; He hears the Word, understands it, and actually puts out fruit… this one a hundred, that one sixty, and the other thirty.’
See the words of Jesus. The Rocky soil received the Word with joy, was "here" as a christian (follower of Christ), then of his own will turned away.
III. Galatians: (written by Paul to the Ecclesia (called out ones) of Galatia)
16 I tell you this: If you keep walking by the Breath, you won’t do anything that your flesh desires. 17 For, what the flesh wants is at odds with what the Breath wants, and the Breath is at odds with the flesh – they are in opposition to each other – so you don’t do the things that you may like to do. 18 And if the Breath is leading you, you aren’t under the Law.19 Now, the things that the flesh does are known. They include sexual immorality, uncleanness, unseemly acts, 20 worshiping idols, involvement in the occult, hatred, quarreling, jealousy, anger, selfishness, divisions, sects, 21 envying, getting drunk, wild partying, and things like that. I’m warning you now as I’ve warned you before, that those who do such things won’t inherit God’s Kingdom.22 However, the fruitage of [God’s] Breath is love, joy, peace, patience, caring, goodness, faith, 23 reasonableness, and self-control… and there are no laws against such things. 24 But those who belong to the Anointed Jesus have hung their flesh on the pole, along with its passions and desires. 25 So if we’re living by [God’s] Breath, then let’s walk in the Breath… 26 don’t be conceited, and [don’t] challenge or envy one another!
Chapter 6
1 Brothers, if anyone is ever caught up in doing bad things, those of you who have the Breath should try to restore that person in a reasonable way, as you keep an eye on yourselves so you aren’t tempted also………… 7 Now, don’t make any mistake when it comes to this: You can’t mock God! Because, whatever a person is planting, is what he’s going to harvest. 8 So, if he’s planting [the desires] of his own flesh, he will harvest decay from the flesh. And if he’s planting things that have to do with [God’s] Breath, he’ll harvest life in the age. 9 So, let’s not misbehave… let’s keep on doing what’s right until that time comes, because we’ll harvest what we deserve if we don’t tire out.
IV. Ephesians 5: (written to Christians as well)
Become imitators of God as His loved children, 2 and keep on walking in love, as the Anointed One loved you and gave himself up for you as an offering… a sweet smelling sacrifice to God. 3 Don’t allow sexual immorality or any type of uncleanness or greediness to be even mentioned among you, as would be expected from holy people. 4 Nor [should you share in] shameful conduct, foolishness, or dirty jokes (which are all unbecoming), but rather, in giving thanks. 5 Because, you already recognize and know that all those who are immoral, unclean, and greedy (which really amounts to being idol worshipers) won’t have any inheritance in the Kingdom of God and the Anointed One.6 Don’t allow anyone to seduce you into using empty words. For, it’s because of things like this that the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience. 7 So, don’t join in with them, 8 because; although you were once dark, you are now light in the Lord. So, keep walking as children of light!9 The fruitage of light is every sort of goodness, righteousness, and truth… 10 things that prove to be pleasing to the Lord. 11 So, don’t share in the unproductive deeds of darkness, but speak out against them. 12 It’s shameful to talk about things that are only done in private, 13 because everything that the light speaks against is being exposed, and all the things that are being made known are the light. 14 That’s why he says, ‘Wake up, you who are sleeping, and lift yourselves from among the dead; then the Anointed One will shine upon you.’15 Therefore, pay close attention to the way you’re walking, so it’s not like those who are foolish, but as those who are wise. 16 Buy time for yourselves, because these are wicked days… 17 don’t be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. 18 And don’t be getting drunk on wine, which leads down an unsavory path. Rather, fill yourselves with the Breath [of God].
V. 1 Thessalonians:
1 Finally, brothers; We ask and urge you by the Lord Jesus, to follow the path of the things you learned from us and to keep pleasing God. Although you’re already doing this, you must do it even more so! 2 You know the orders that we gave you through the Lord Jesus, 3 that; What God wants is [for you] to be made holy and to stay free from sexual immorality. 4 You should each learn how to take control of yourselves in holiness and honor… 5 not in passionate desires like those nations who don’t know God! 6 Nobody should overstep the limits or take advantage of his brother in this matter, for the Lord is the avenger in all these things, just as we warned you before and explained completely. 7 Why, God didn’t call us to uncleanness, but to holiness! 8 So, you who [choose to] disregard this [warning] aren’t disregarding a man, but The God who put His Holy Breath in you.
- this Thessalonian text contains a warning from Paul to Christian that had the Holy Spirit in them. Paul warns them to stay free from sexual immorality and not to disregard the commandment of God. He tells them that they who have been given the God’s Holy Spirit could CHOOSE to disregard God’s warnings and not stay free from sexual immorality.
- the texts says nothing about being saved, BUT when placed into the overall biblical context consider that repeatedly the writer of this text said the following: Now, the things that the flesh does are known. They include sexual immorality, uncleanness, unseemly acts, worshiping idols, involvement in the occult, hatred, quarreling, jealousy, anger, selfishness, divisions, sects, envying, getting drunk, wild partying, and things like that. I’m warning you now as I’ve warned you before, that those who do such things won’t inherit God’s Kingdom.
It was my goal to use scripture in the context of where it was written to speak out about those who come to believe in the gospel of Jesus, are "here" in the fold of Jesus sheep for a while, then turn away from the Lord into sin. The texts speak for themselves and what they clearly indicate is the fact that following Jesus and having faith in Him is a choice. It is a choice that can be made, and it is a choice that can be forsaken. As long as the sheep listen to the shephard's voice and follow Him, they are protected and no one is able to snatch them from Him, but should the sheep wander from the shephard and not harken to His voice, they could find themselves in a world of danger.
I have heard the argument that if, "a christian cannot be lost after becoming a christian because there is no way that he could be saved again since Jesus' will not be sacrificed again." This statement deserves attention. In order to address it, I'll just reference what the Bible says a believer who sins must do. See 1 John:
5 And the message that we heard from Him, which we want to announce to you is: God is light and there isn’t any darkness in Him!
6 However, if we say that we’re sharing something with Him and we just keep on walking in the darkness, we’re lying, and we aren’t doing what’s right. 7 But if we’re walking in the light (since He’s in the light), we will share with each other, and then the blood of His Son Jesus will cleanse us of all our sins.
8 Now, if we say that we don’t have any sins, we’re misleading ourselves and there’s no truth in us. 9 But if we admit our sins, He will forgive our sins and wash away all our unrighteousness, because He is faithful and righteous. 10 So, if we ever say that we haven’t sinned, we’re making Him out as a liar, and His words aren’t in us.
Chapter 2
1 My little children; I’m writing these things to you, in order to keep you from committing any sins. Yet, if anyone does commit a sin, we have someone righteous who is our advocate with the Father, Jesus the Anointed One. 2 He’s the sacrifice that begs forgiveness for our sins.
I. Romans 11: (which was written by Paul to all in Rome, God’s loved ones who were called to be holy from the nations who had also become the called who belong to Jesus the Anointed.)
13 Now, I want to address those of you who are people of the nations: Since I’m really an Apostle to the nations, I can glorify my service 14 if I can somehow make those of my own flesh jealous and save some of them. 15 Because, if throwing them away brought the world into a restored relationship [with God], what will taking them back mean, other than life for those who are dead? 16 For, if the first fruits are holy, so is the whole lump! And if the roots are holy, so are the branches!17 So, when some of the branches were broken off, you wild olives were grafted in and you became sharers of the fatness of the olive [tree’s] roots. 18 But, don’t cheer because those branches [were removed]; for if you find yourself cheering over that, remember that you don’t support the roots, they support you!19 Yet you can say, ‘Branches were broken off so I could be grafted in’ 20 … and that’s right! They were broken off because of a lack of faith; and you are there instead, because of your faith. But don’t think too much of yourselves… be afraid! 21 For, if God didn’t spare the natural branches, He won’t spare you either.22 So, recognize God’s kindness, as well as [His] willingness to remove. For a fact; those who stumbled were cut off, while you received God’s loving care… but only for as long as you stay in that [good relationship]. Otherwise, you’ll be pruned off too! 23 And if [the Jews] don’t continue in their disbelief, they will be grafted back in, because God can graft them back in again!
II. Luke 8/Matt 13
11 ‘Now, the illustration means this: The seed is the Word of God. 12 Those beside the road are those who hear, but the Slanderer comes and takes the Word from their hearts, to prevent them from believing and being saved.13 ‘Those that fall on the rocks, are those who hear and welcome the Word with joy, but because they don’t have any roots, they only believe for a season. And when seasons of testing come along, they pull away.14 ‘As for those who fall among thorns; These are the ones who have heard, but because of their daily concerns, such as [seeking] wealth and the pleasures of living, they are choked out and fail to produce.15 ‘But [those that fall] on the good soil have good and pure hearts; and after hearing the word, they remember and continue to bear fruit.
18 ‘So now, listen to the [meaning of the] illustration of the farmer who planted: 19 Whenever someone hears about the Kingdom, but doesn’t understand it, the wicked one comes and snatches away what has been planted in his heart. This one was planted beside the road. 20 ‘As for the one that was planted among the rocks; He’s the one who hears the word and quickly accepts it with joy. 21 But because he has no roots, he’s just here for a short time. For, when hard times or persecution come along because of the Word, he’s immediately trapped. 22 ‘As for the one planted among the thistles; This one hears the word, but the concerns of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke-out the Word and he doesn’t produce fruit. 23 ‘But, as for the one planted on good soil; He hears the Word, understands it, and actually puts out fruit… this one a hundred, that one sixty, and the other thirty.’
See the words of Jesus. The Rocky soil received the Word with joy, was "here" as a christian (follower of Christ), then of his own will turned away.
III. Galatians: (written by Paul to the Ecclesia (called out ones) of Galatia)
16 I tell you this: If you keep walking by the Breath, you won’t do anything that your flesh desires. 17 For, what the flesh wants is at odds with what the Breath wants, and the Breath is at odds with the flesh – they are in opposition to each other – so you don’t do the things that you may like to do. 18 And if the Breath is leading you, you aren’t under the Law.19 Now, the things that the flesh does are known. They include sexual immorality, uncleanness, unseemly acts, 20 worshiping idols, involvement in the occult, hatred, quarreling, jealousy, anger, selfishness, divisions, sects, 21 envying, getting drunk, wild partying, and things like that. I’m warning you now as I’ve warned you before, that those who do such things won’t inherit God’s Kingdom.22 However, the fruitage of [God’s] Breath is love, joy, peace, patience, caring, goodness, faith, 23 reasonableness, and self-control… and there are no laws against such things. 24 But those who belong to the Anointed Jesus have hung their flesh on the pole, along with its passions and desires. 25 So if we’re living by [God’s] Breath, then let’s walk in the Breath… 26 don’t be conceited, and [don’t] challenge or envy one another!
Chapter 6
1 Brothers, if anyone is ever caught up in doing bad things, those of you who have the Breath should try to restore that person in a reasonable way, as you keep an eye on yourselves so you aren’t tempted also………… 7 Now, don’t make any mistake when it comes to this: You can’t mock God! Because, whatever a person is planting, is what he’s going to harvest. 8 So, if he’s planting [the desires] of his own flesh, he will harvest decay from the flesh. And if he’s planting things that have to do with [God’s] Breath, he’ll harvest life in the age. 9 So, let’s not misbehave… let’s keep on doing what’s right until that time comes, because we’ll harvest what we deserve if we don’t tire out.
IV. Ephesians 5: (written to Christians as well)
Become imitators of God as His loved children, 2 and keep on walking in love, as the Anointed One loved you and gave himself up for you as an offering… a sweet smelling sacrifice to God. 3 Don’t allow sexual immorality or any type of uncleanness or greediness to be even mentioned among you, as would be expected from holy people. 4 Nor [should you share in] shameful conduct, foolishness, or dirty jokes (which are all unbecoming), but rather, in giving thanks. 5 Because, you already recognize and know that all those who are immoral, unclean, and greedy (which really amounts to being idol worshipers) won’t have any inheritance in the Kingdom of God and the Anointed One.6 Don’t allow anyone to seduce you into using empty words. For, it’s because of things like this that the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience. 7 So, don’t join in with them, 8 because; although you were once dark, you are now light in the Lord. So, keep walking as children of light!9 The fruitage of light is every sort of goodness, righteousness, and truth… 10 things that prove to be pleasing to the Lord. 11 So, don’t share in the unproductive deeds of darkness, but speak out against them. 12 It’s shameful to talk about things that are only done in private, 13 because everything that the light speaks against is being exposed, and all the things that are being made known are the light. 14 That’s why he says, ‘Wake up, you who are sleeping, and lift yourselves from among the dead; then the Anointed One will shine upon you.’15 Therefore, pay close attention to the way you’re walking, so it’s not like those who are foolish, but as those who are wise. 16 Buy time for yourselves, because these are wicked days… 17 don’t be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. 18 And don’t be getting drunk on wine, which leads down an unsavory path. Rather, fill yourselves with the Breath [of God].
V. 1 Thessalonians:
1 Finally, brothers; We ask and urge you by the Lord Jesus, to follow the path of the things you learned from us and to keep pleasing God. Although you’re already doing this, you must do it even more so! 2 You know the orders that we gave you through the Lord Jesus, 3 that; What God wants is [for you] to be made holy and to stay free from sexual immorality. 4 You should each learn how to take control of yourselves in holiness and honor… 5 not in passionate desires like those nations who don’t know God! 6 Nobody should overstep the limits or take advantage of his brother in this matter, for the Lord is the avenger in all these things, just as we warned you before and explained completely. 7 Why, God didn’t call us to uncleanness, but to holiness! 8 So, you who [choose to] disregard this [warning] aren’t disregarding a man, but The God who put His Holy Breath in you.
- this Thessalonian text contains a warning from Paul to Christian that had the Holy Spirit in them. Paul warns them to stay free from sexual immorality and not to disregard the commandment of God. He tells them that they who have been given the God’s Holy Spirit could CHOOSE to disregard God’s warnings and not stay free from sexual immorality.
- the texts says nothing about being saved, BUT when placed into the overall biblical context consider that repeatedly the writer of this text said the following: Now, the things that the flesh does are known. They include sexual immorality, uncleanness, unseemly acts, worshiping idols, involvement in the occult, hatred, quarreling, jealousy, anger, selfishness, divisions, sects, envying, getting drunk, wild partying, and things like that. I’m warning you now as I’ve warned you before, that those who do such things won’t inherit God’s Kingdom.
It was my goal to use scripture in the context of where it was written to speak out about those who come to believe in the gospel of Jesus, are "here" in the fold of Jesus sheep for a while, then turn away from the Lord into sin. The texts speak for themselves and what they clearly indicate is the fact that following Jesus and having faith in Him is a choice. It is a choice that can be made, and it is a choice that can be forsaken. As long as the sheep listen to the shephard's voice and follow Him, they are protected and no one is able to snatch them from Him, but should the sheep wander from the shephard and not harken to His voice, they could find themselves in a world of danger.
I have heard the argument that if, "a christian cannot be lost after becoming a christian because there is no way that he could be saved again since Jesus' will not be sacrificed again." This statement deserves attention. In order to address it, I'll just reference what the Bible says a believer who sins must do. See 1 John:
5 And the message that we heard from Him, which we want to announce to you is: God is light and there isn’t any darkness in Him!
6 However, if we say that we’re sharing something with Him and we just keep on walking in the darkness, we’re lying, and we aren’t doing what’s right. 7 But if we’re walking in the light (since He’s in the light), we will share with each other, and then the blood of His Son Jesus will cleanse us of all our sins.
8 Now, if we say that we don’t have any sins, we’re misleading ourselves and there’s no truth in us. 9 But if we admit our sins, He will forgive our sins and wash away all our unrighteousness, because He is faithful and righteous. 10 So, if we ever say that we haven’t sinned, we’re making Him out as a liar, and His words aren’t in us.
Chapter 2
1 My little children; I’m writing these things to you, in order to keep you from committing any sins. Yet, if anyone does commit a sin, we have someone righteous who is our advocate with the Father, Jesus the Anointed One. 2 He’s the sacrifice that begs forgiveness for our sins.