Dave, does God's word mean anything to you? Anything at all?
I just don't get why somebody who calls themselves a Christan so often rejects the plain teachings we find in the Bible.
I have made a very clear case that there are times when it is good to hate and also times when it is wrong. I have given rock-solid biblical support for my position. The very least you could do is say... "hmm, I guess I should consider this."
I'm confused, where have I disagreed with your good biblical assertions?
Alot of people are asserting that hate is an OT concept and doesn't belong in NT thinking (dispensation?). I disagree with them, but in my efforts to reconcile fulfillment of the OT through Christ's commandments to love God, self, neighbor, and enemy alike, I keep coming back to the same conclusions. If we must hate, and sometimes we must, do so with a sense of humility, recognize it as a sign of our own failings.
God changed? I thought He was the same yesterday, today and forever. Same God, genius. He has always been a God of love. And because of that He hates all that is opposed to perfect love, with perfect hatred. OT & NT. He hasn't changed.Eggzackly. The NT God is a God of love.
God changed? I thought He was the same yesterday, today and forever. Same God, genius. He has always been a God of love. And because of that He hates all that is opposed to perfect love, with perfect hatred. OT & NT. He hasn't changed.
Nope. Quite the opposite. I hold to the open view. God is capable of doing things that are new to Him. But His character will always remain the same.High Calvinist, per chance?
Lots of OT quotes. You know, IMO, the OT scriptures about hating this group and that group are examples of hyperbole. I know I will get jumped on for that, but, think about the history in the OT. The Israelites were continually following the examples of the pagans around them (no offense to you modern day pagans - the OT pagans were sacrificing their infants to stone idols, etc.) They were also abusing their own Jewish brethren by taking advantage of the widows and the poor among them, stealing, coveting, worshiping false gods along with the true God, etc. In the NT, the Pharisees were just following along with the OT scoundrels, except for worshiping idols (they were idolaters but worshiped their positions, not a stone or wooden idol). Jesus remember, was the last "official" OT prophet, as well as the Messiah. This is how the prophets of old spoke. Yes, they were blunt. But you don't see Jesus telling his disciples at the ascension that they are to run around talking like this and hating their enemies. He tells them to hot-foot it out of town if they are persecuted or in danger. He tells them to love their enemies and pray for them that persecute them. It's not that God is a split personality or something, it's just the difference in the form of speech for the Prophet of God vs the Disciples of God. Just food for thought...
I did not quote Pharisees. I quoted God and His word. I have no trouble hating. I hate the unrepentant homo Catholic priests who sodomize innocent young boys. I hate them with righteous indignation. And so does God. And so should you!
Paul wrote, "Let your love be without hypocracy; abhor what is evil. If you love everything and everybody, those that are wicked and those that are not wicked, then you love is meaningless and has no value. And God points out that you are hypocrite "if you love those who hate the Lord" (2 Chr. 19:2).
Again I say that many Chrtistians today think that God was a mean old God in the OT, but then He went to government sensitivity training and became political correct in the NT.
But Jesus said that He did not come to change one period or one comma of the law--not until heaven and earth pass away. I believe the earth is still here. He taught the Pharisees that they must "keep the weightier matters fo the law without leaving the lesser undone." Did Jesus have to repeat in the NT everything that He laid down in the OT? I think not.
Don't try to be nicer than God. Many Christians today have achieved a level of niceness that Jesus did not attain while He was here on earth.
God bless, Tom from Mabank, TX
No one can be nicer than God. He took out his wrath on Jesus so we could have life. That was supremely "nice" . He gave his Son for a bunch of criminals (us).
He was telling the Pharisees they were hypocrites because they kept the letter of the law but not the spirit of the law. Jesus did not do away with the law, he fulfilled it because we can't keep the law. The law Jesus tells us to keep is; to Love the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind and to love your neighbor as yourself. He gave us no other because all the Law and the Prophets are fulfilled in keeping these two commandments. He does not tell us to hate. I don't care what a person has done, as heinous as their crime may be, their crime is against God himself and God will avenge himself - he does not need our help by acting like the rest of the world and spitting out hate and bile. He leaves judgment and punishment of persons who commit such vile acts against society (society = women, kids, murder victims, etc. ) to the State. The State has the authority from God to execute such offenders. That is enough for me. I deplore what men have done to innocent children, but I'm not going to waste my time ranting a raving about it. We don't have to feel ushy-gooshy about these criminals - that isn't the kind of love I am talking about. Love protects the innocent, of course, it should not protect the guilty. Love is active in it's protection. It does not let the criminal continue his/her crimes - That's why every Christian should participate in the voting process and put people in charge who will take these kind of criminals off the street and apply such justice as is appropriate for the level of their crimes. Love that "covers" crime is not love, it is hatred for the victim.
It is altogether correct to hate evil acts: injustices, abuse, negligence, cruelty, and the like. To hate these things is good; to not hate these things means that there is something very wrong with you. But this is the 'moral limit' of hatred. When the hatred of evil acts extends to the hatred of persons responsible for causing/contributing to these evil acts, one is crossing the line into immorality, indeed, evil. The reason is not (as is often given) so much that even evildoers are human beings, created in the image of God; the reason, rather, is that none of us is innocent of evil acts. One thereby becomes a hypocrite.
As the Lord said, "For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite..."
I'm sorry, but you can't quote one passage where Jesus said to "keep the spirit of the law or the letter of the law." Rather He said, "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. These you ought to have done, WITHOUT LEAVING THE OTHERS UNDONE" (Mat. 23:23).
Love is not an emotion. I submit that one can't truly love , with emotion, a filthy, unrepentant, child sodomizer. If you said you did, you would be dishonest and phoney. Rather love for him is when you try to get him to accept Jesus. The judge shows love for him when he refuses to show mercy and sentences him to death.
Today, liberal judges think they are showing love when they are merciful and let a 12-year-old hubcap thief off easy. But God did not grant authority for judges to be merciful. When they do this, the 12-year-old then graduates to stealing car radios. Then to the car, and in the process, he kills the driver. Now this kid's crimes have become so serious that they can't be fixed. The judge thinks he's showing God's love for this kid when he lets him go without punishment. Love can be expressed, but it also has to be SHOWN. Even a wife will get tired of "I love you so much," as she goes out the door to earn a living while he stays at home on the couch watching TV.
It's okay to hate the wicked. Phoney love will only damned them to hell.
God bless, Tom from Mabank, TX
Jesus said, "Bring those enemies of Mine before Me who would not serve Me, and slay them with the sword." A sword is not for flogging; it's for beheading. Here Jesus is not lopping off sin; He's lopping of heads.
On Judgment Day, Jesus will not send the sin to hell. He will send the SINNER to hell.
David (a man after God's own heart) said...
Psalms 139:20 For they speak against You wickedly; Your enemies take Your name in vain. 21 Do I not hate them, O LORD, who hate You? And do I not loathe those who rise up against You? 22 I hate them with perfect hatred; I count them my enemies. 23 Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; 24 And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting.
David said... "I hate THEM", he didn't however say... "I hate their ideas", or "I hate their actions".
Are you saying that it is a sin to hate?hate is wrong