Salvation is by grace through faith in the person and work of Christ. It is not based on our works or supposed goodness.
In Islam salvation is based on grace too. No one can every do enough goodness to earn themselves righteous enough before God. We believe God is the most merciful and will judge the intent of a mans heart.
Islam is a religion of works, a Master-slave relationship with hopes to please and appease Allah.
We do strive to do good deeds because it is an obligation upon mankind to take care of one another. If you want to serve God, then you serve your fellow man--Muhammad (pbuh)
You have an obligation to do your best to not let another man starve or go without clothes on his back. This isn't done as some offering or payment to God for salvation. That is not something Islam teaches.
It is not based on grace, love, the death/resurrection of Christ.
Of course not. We don't believe in that. This has nothing to do with the Question I asked you: IF it is true that a saved person should be like a changed creature and sin no more, what differences should I notice in these saves people that I won't in a person of another faith or a non-believer?
You are saying this as if you have absolute proof that you have something that is above what all other faiths have. What is a sign of this--without Christian theology or quoting verses, you should be able to give an example or describe something a Christian does or the way he lives after being saved, that a member of another faith or non-believer can't do. What is the difference--without verse quoting, and without theology faith based assumption, which has yet to be seen or verified until we die.
Motive is also important. Two religious people may do the same outward things, but one has a dependence on God and desire to honor Him, while the other is merely religious, self-righteous, man-pleasing.
As a Muslim I don't practice being self-righteous, nor do I practice man pleasing. That is something that a member of any religion can become guilty of--you included.
Faith vs unbelief determines destiny (heaven vs hell). Works determines degree of rewards (for the unbeliever, degree of sins determines degrees of punishment).
Works determines no rewards for a Muslim (I assume you are referring to Muslims as unbelievers). Works are obligations for all mankind to do. It is our responsibility while here to take care of one another. Does you no good to believe in God and say you have faith but do not help others and do good deeds. Faith without works is spiritual death.
What type of Christian background did you have?
I was raised in a Baptist Church.
Do you really understand Islam and its inferiority to biblical Christianity?
Well, first off, i am not arrogant enough to call other religions inferior--I leave those types of judgments up to the self-righteous, and the Holier than thou type people. I am the judged and not the judger, and the world would be a better place if more people realized that.
Certain religions may not be for me, or make me feel secure enough, I still find some truth in them, and find their teachings useful in everyday life.
I am definitely into learning of other faiths to see what I can find useful and what teachings mirror my religion's teachings, and I find many of other religions saying the same, just in different ways. I believe there are different sages for different temperaments. I attend different religions services at times--not exactly to worship, but to learn of what it is they believe, and to talk with them about it. Doing none of that hurts my Muslims beliefs or relationship with God. I am always searching for new truths I have not learned, because I know it is impossible for one religion to contain the only truths.
We are all different culturally and it seems to me that these sages were directed by God for various people and their personalities, to reveal different paths to the Ultimate Reality we call God or whatever name we call it by culture. One ocean many rivers!
With that being said Can you answer my initial question: IF it is true that a saved person should be like a changed creature and sin no more, what differences should I notice in these saves people that I won't in a person of another faith or a non-believer?
You are saying this as if you have absolute proof that you have something that is above what all other faiths have. What is a sign of this--without Christian theology or quoting verses, you should be able to give an example or describe something a Christian does or the way he lives after being saved, that a member of another faith or non-believer can't do. What is the difference--without verse quoting, and without theology faith based assumption, which has yet to be seen or verified until we die.