Doesn't evolution decribe a continuum of micro changes?
This demonstrates that you have a very poor grasp of what biology claims (and science in general because it is a common thread throughout science) and your expectations of science in this respect are somewhat unrealistic. Science tries to investigate things and report them. The dividing lines that we create are our own convention. In reality nature is not as cut and dry as we make it. We create these dividing lines so that we can categorize things. If we do not categorize things, then any determination become meaningless. And the dividing lines are rough approximations in many areas, and especially in biology.
The gradual continuum is given a line seperating what is on one side from what is on the other. We can be certain that the line is there somewhere. However where we place that line is dependant on the level of detailed evidence we have on any given subject. Sometimes that detailed evidence is lacking, but we still know there is a line of demarcation. IOW, things in nature cannot always be placed in neat little categories like we can do with business accounting. And yes, I do agree with YECs on several issues. The one relevant issue here is that the further we go back in time the less detailed evidence we can find. So there is a need for rough approximations.
I know that you would like this all to be cut and dry. But I think it is not really that cut and dry.
IOW, what in evolutionary theory proposes a discrete dividing point between non-human and human?
The YEC model adjusts that line for this division, as well as other dividing liines, based on newly discovered evidence. So in that sense either model has the same weakness. Would you like some examples?
Is the origins model you hold more cut and dry?
Based on whose opinion?
Were Neanderthals "human"?
Perhaps. I cannot answer that because I do not have a neanderthal here to investigate that question. I also think that another requirement of Adam is that he were monotheistic. I think the polytheistic peoples around the original Judaic culture have the basic hardwired components to qualify as human, although their concept of God/Gods is not the same as the Judeo/Christian one.
But this is really going off on another tangential issue that we can save for another thread if you like. And again rough approximations will have to be used because that seems to be before written history.
So for you, none of it is necessarily true?
(by true I mean factually correct)
It's all true. But it Genesis was not written as a detailed scientific account.
That really tickled you, didn't it? :chuckle:
Yes. Because I think "mulling it over" for you is quite different than it is for me. Though I could be wrong. I spend endless hours mulling this material over. I think that is due to a kind of OCD.
Not very well, apparently.
Either that, or you are running up against a wall in understanding what I am saying. Which is quite odd, because I often explain this subject matter to people who have far less education than you claim, and they can repeat back (paraphrasing of course) the content demonstrating they have grasped what I was saying.
That must really frustrate you.
No, not really. I find it more humorous than anything like real frustration. I generally don't get frustrated with living things. I get more frustrated with myself when I cannot manipulate non living things very well; things like building materials or tools. And even with those things my frustration becomes humorous to me only moments after the initial frustration. I don't think frustration is a barrier to overcoming my challenges. Though I do realize that other sentient beings have more control over them self than I do.
"There was an Adam whether he was born and grew into an adult or whether he was created as a fully grown adult."
What proof do you have that there was an Adam?
I just explained that. I think I was very clear. If it that is not sufficient for you then perhaps we should move on.
Do you think Adam had to actually have the name "Adam" for there to have been a first human that fits the requirements I have already outlined?
You do realize that even in scripture God has changed his followers names once they had faith in Him, right?
Sure. If I make a claim I don't run from being asked to back it up.
Well, I guess if you keep your own claims very vague and ambiguous then they cannot be brought into the same light of day as mine.
What is it that you believe and why?
I know you that prior to this you have told me that you are not a YEC. So why do appear to propose that model when questioning others?