Science is definitely nuetral in regard to including any assumption regarding the interpretation of a theological text, otherwise it would begin with a biased assumption regarding specific interpretations of that theological text.
Science is not neutral. With very few exceptions, scientists proceed from the assumption God does not exist and is upholding the universe at all moments. These non-believing presuppositions do not yield the neutrality you seem to hold in high regard.
For that matter, neutral ground is not what we as believers are to be seeking in any endeavor. Rather we must proceed from the position that the triune God exists and is the source of all truth we seek. [FONT="]For me, when all the facts are known and proper interpretations are applied, the Scriptures are completely true in all that they assert or affirm, including Scriptural assertions/affirmations of doctrine, morality, social, life, or physical sciences.[/FONT]
Biblicism and historicism are two views we as believers must not yield to secularism. The Scriptures are the only infallible rule of faith and life so that all true knowledge is biblical (Biblicism).The interpretation of Scripture is historically conditioned and cannot neglect theological tradition (Historicism). [FONT="]Moreover, if we limit the notion of inerrancy to matters of faith and practice, what then of biblical history? Is the historical substratum of the Bible negotiable? Is inerrancy limited to only those portions of the biblical narrative that have a clear bearing on faith? We know that the Bible is not an ordinary history book but a book of
redemptive history. But is it not also a book of redemptive
history? If we exclude the realm of history from the category of inspiration or inerrancy either in whole or in part, do we not inevitably lose the messages God intended to give us? [/FONT]
When we make biblicism and historicism polar opposites it inevitably leads to a distortion in method as one then gains the priority over the other. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" is not understood equally by the believer and the unbeliever. In fact the evolutionist understands the passage quite well--and rejects it.
[FONT="]God spoke through the authors and He is not the God of confusion. God spoke
phenomenologically when describing things, that is, the way they appear to human observers. So we find passages stating that the sun rises, which we know from science that it does not "rise" but appears to us to do so.[/FONT][FONT="] We admit the Bible is not a scientific book, nor does the the Bible contain all truths, but
the Scriptures, God’s word in human language, authored by the God of all truth, do not impart misinformation when touching on scientific matters. [/FONT] [FONT="]
[/FONT][FONT="]As the Author, God is not an author of confusion, thus where we encounter what we consider to be contradictions or errors, we cannot claim these to be genuine and must continue to diligently seek to resolve, including via the analogy of faith, what we
think are contradictions or errors.
[FONT="]I believe the Holy Spirit,
the objective Scripture interpreter, can lead us to the meaning of any passage of Scripture by means of study of the Scripture as a whole. Indeed, I view Scripture as an organic whole, the very inscripturated Word of God of a single revelation of God in Jesus Christ, with every aspect of Scripture illuminating every other part, and any part shedding light on the whole. [/FONT]
[FONT="]In short, I simply do not agree with those who will tell me of all the literary, rabbinic, historical, archeological, etc., information which I must need if I am to see what, say, Mark or Luke means in their writings. Now I am not discounting knowledge of such topics, but I remain cautious of these approaches for they not too infrequently end in error at best, or heresy at worst. Of course we are to renew our minds and seek instruction and consult with those that have come before us. But when we start to elevate extra-bibical materials over the biblical text we have created a new authority. We may claim that we are not doing this, but one need only review this thread and discussions elsewhere on the matter of evolution to see how secular views are used to hold the believer up to ridicule.[/FONT]