It means what it says in a straight-forward manner. When it says "Evening and morning were the first day" that means exactly what it says. When Paulos used the sun rising as evidence for geocentrism in the bible we have to remember that "the sun rises" is a description from our point of view and not a commentary about the solar system from an external point of view.Genesis isn't straightforward prose
And I can't believe we have to make such a pedantic distinction in order to advance this conversation. Learn to read!
Speak for yourself! History is awesome! :thumb:and it's focused on things modern people such as ourselves are less interested in.
Wrong. It's scientific knowledge that leads me to believe you're an idiom.Saying "the sun stood still" is straightforward prose. It was meant exactly the way it was stated. It's only scientific knowledge that leads you to assert it's an idiom.
"There's a difference".There's a difference between reading what you said 5 minutes ago, in my own cultural context and reading scripture. When reading scripture, I'm reading what someone wrote thousands of years ago in a very different culture from my own and a very different understanding of the universe than my own. You do understand there's a difference between the two, right?
You know there's a difference between Genesis, Exodus, Job, Psalms, Isaiah, Matthew, Romans and 2 Peter as well, right?
They're not metaphors today.The sun rises and the sun sets were not always understood to be metaphoric. They became so because of scientific knowledge.
The guys who believed the universe was created in six days? Well, since this is nothing but something to say so you don't have to concede anything right now, I'm gonna hold it until we can one day really ask them. :up:Tell that to Copernicus, Luther, Calvin and Galileo.
What? :AMR:It isn't in the context of actual Biblical interpretation.
Actually, it is. When faced with evolutionists, one is forced to repeat the truth over and over in the face of all their bluster. The bible unequivocally says "Six days" in direct opposition to evolutionism. Not bad for a book written thousands of years earlier and with no right of reply. :up:You complaining about "rational responses" is rather rich. Repeating "it says six days" over and over is not how one has a rational discussion.
That means you are using it as a reason. What we need from you is an explanation for this reason. Because the poetry you claim for Genesis is used lots elsewhere in the bible for passages that you are not going to call non-historical.The fact that the seven day account of Genesis has poetic elements certainly not the only reason to say six days isn't the point of the passage
And what format is that?It has a particular format that doesn't necessarily make sense as straight historical narrative.
We're not talking about the whole point of the story. We're talking about one particular detail. Were the six days of creation really six days? That's the title of this thread. We know evolutionists need to talk about something to disguise their rejection of the written word so they will do anything to talk about something else.It's like you've read the story of the cursing of the fig tree, and someone says "it doesn't matter what kind of tree it was, that wasn't the point of the parable" and you run around saying "it was a fig tree, a fig!" As if this small detail was the whole point of the story.
Oh, so now you're going to talk about the evolutionist's flat Earth as well to escape the topic? How about an honest discussion for once? How does "Six days" not mean what it plainly says?Nothing in scripture departs from geocentrism/flat earth either. Your point being?
We're not talking about the passage. We're talking about the detail. The bible says "Six days". You say "Six days" does not mean "Six days". If it does not mean "Six days", what does it mean? And what is your justification for your made up meaning?It says six days yes, but that's not the point of the passage
Telling us that the whole passage is about God creating the Earth in opposition to other stories that share pagan ideas is just you trying to escape the very specific question asked.
It does tell us that God created the universe and what the purpose and position of the objects and creatures are.
The bible very clearly teaches that the Earth and all in it were created in six days. You reject the clear teaching of the bible.
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