Er, no.
[FONT="]When it comes to the Genesis creation account, the standard gramatico-historic hermeneutic is being assaulted by proposed "new hermeneutics" created solely to support gap, framework, theistic evolution, analogical, etc., theories. The centuries old standard hermeneutic has to be tossed aside to accommodate these new views about the creation account.[/FONT]
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[FONT="]To anyone examining this issue closely, it is clear that all views that are contrary to the six literal day view of creation are the products of external conclusions about the world. The Bible is sufficiently comprehensive regarding its own data. The Bible is its own interpreter. Yes, external data and information can and is often useful, but in the final analysis, this external data and information is completely dispensable. This external information is not necessary for obtaining a completely correct understanding of any given portion of Scripture. I am not just implying this to be the case confined strictly to spiritual topics—but in each and every way a text of Scripture speaks—figuratively, historically, physically, and so on.
[FONT="]When a person comes along and declares that their investigations conclude that the earth was not created in six literal days, the hermeneutical tree is being challenged from branch to root. So before anyone starts offering up new explanations for a text in Scripture, we must first understand what was wrong with the former explanation—working our way up the hermeneutical tree. We just don’t declare the old explanation wrong because some new challenge happens along and told us it was wrong (Genesis 3:4). :AMR: We must remember that any reason so offered from some alternative authority is rejecting the original authority.[/FONT]
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[FONT="]After tossing aside standard hermeneutics proponents of these external conclusions import them upon the biblical text with a demand that the text can and should be forced to read in a manner that does not challenge these externally made conclusions. In effect, a new final authority has been created. May it never be!