Well-known member
:mock:noguru, who thinks planets fall to earth
Are you making a statement or asking a question? Or just being the tard that you have chosen to be after your initial re-entry in which you pretended to be reasonable?
:mock:noguru, who thinks planets fall to earth
Are you making a statement or asking a question?
:duh: I'm mocking you
You would actually have to have a functioning frontal lobe for your mocking comments to have any effect.![]()
just stunning
I'm devastated
now, if you're done with your tardly interruptions and need for attention, ala teoné and I were having a conversation
why don't you run along and see what the other children are up to?
As opposed to secretely meaning different periods of times or something along those lines, yes it is literal. There is a good chance that the original authors of the Genesis accounts meant 6 literal days, but that really isn't very relevant to Christian theology. What is relevant is how Christian theology read the text and what it considered to be important in it, and it was not considered important because it contained a descriptive account of the origin of the universe (as if these ancient writers even had a conception of a universe like we have today).
It is my contention however that there is not a single person on this forum (that I know of at least), that truly believes in an ancient Hebraic cosmology. They do not believe in a flat disc shaped earth covered by a cheese lid like solid firmament with heavenly bodies ("lights") lodged into it. They do not believe in that there is such a thing as pillars of the earth...
needy today, aren't we?
go away nog
the adults are talking
Because he used those processes to bring Christ into adulthood.
Is the sky like a barrier or wall?
If you think that was a star, I have some hot wheels racers you can drive to work.
You know, being dense on purpose isn't all that entertaining. He sure used normal biological processes to go from conception to adulthood.God used geologic processes to bring Christ into adulthood? :freak:
That's not a solid wall. Not even to UV radiation, otherwise why does anyone use sunscreen?It better be. Google UV radiation, vacuum of space...
And you just made my point for me. They looked into the sky and saw small flashing lights. They assumed they were relatively small objects stuck into a hard structure. The raqia that has windows in it to let out rain and snow. Not unreasonable assumptions mind you, but not scientifically accurate. But that's fine since the Bible isn't intended to teach're using a modern definition of "star"
What do you suppose the Hebrews understood a star to be?
You know, being dense on purpose isn't all that entertaining. He sure used biological processes.
That's not a solid wall. Not even to UV radiation, otherwise why does anyone use sunscreen?
And you just made my point for me. They looked into the sky and saw small flashing lights. They assumed they were relatively small objects stuck into a hard structure. The raqia that has windows in it to let out rain and snow. Not unreasonable assumptions mind you, but not scientifically accurate. But that's fine since the Bible isn't intended to teach science.
The Bible is written with an ancient cosmological understanding. You can assert "the bible says it therefore I must believe it". Then you must believe in addition to six days, that stars can fall to earth and the sky has windows among other things. Yet YECs reject some ancient science while insisting to the rest of us that we must accept the part they're still willing to believe.
You know, being dense on purpose isn't all that entertaining.
He sure used normal biological processes to go from conception
That's not a solid wall.
Not even to UV radiation, otherwise why does anyone use sunscreen?
And you just made my point for me. They looked into the sky and saw small flashing lights. They assumed they were relatively small objects stuck into a hard structure.
The Bible is written with an ancient cosmological understanding. You can assert "the bible says it therefore I must believe it". Then you must believe in addition to six days, that stars can fall to earth and the sky has windows among other things.
The NET Bible says that the term "heavens and the earth" is a merism representing the whole universe. It makes sense. Since the ancients had no concept of "universe" they used the two biggest objects that were visible.
So God made the universe in Gen 1:1. The primordial earth which was part of it was shrouded with darkness. Job said the earth was shrouded with darkness (Job 38:8-10). The absence of light is not a thing but the absence of a thing, light, and cannot "shroud" anything but a cloud can. So when Genesis says the sun and stars came later it refers to the gradual thinning of the clouds. It was very helpful for me to read that Genesis is is written from the phenomenological view of an individual standing on earth. From the standpoint of someone on the earth a ray of light would come through when there was a break in the clouds.
The physical creation is used metaphorically in John to stand for spiritual things. These two events, type and anti-type, have a one-to-one correspondence. Since each is true each one can comment on the other. In the NT the Light (which is Christ) existed before His shining through the dark veil of deception that covered the hearts of fallen men. In the same way the light of the sun and all the stars were already there before the clouds were parted to reveal them. Therefore I believe the sun was NOT created days after the earth.
I take the Days to be indeterminate periods of time during which God supernaturally (non-naturalistically) created things. The difference between one age and another is defined by the change in God's focus.
Each began with a miracle. a spoken word which introduced information into the DNA or that could not otherwise have been. This was followed by reproduction, diversification. After reaching a peak it slowed down came declined until it came a period of inactivity (rest). At the very end that scenario was eliminated (often violently).
This is a principle God employs throughout the Bible: seed time (miraculous word), development, gradual growth to a maximum (the harvest is ready) then comes the harvest, judgment and rest. The various covenants and ages that followed are examples.
Are you proposing that the ancients didn't know that the stars move across the sky? :freak:
and yet you comment?
It can't have been geology as geologic processes are understood today.
But why would one expect today's processes to be those used by God in His creation?
And if it can't have been biology for the same reasons, then the same must be said of the resurrection.
Great. :up:
Uh... :nono:
You can't call both Genesis and evolution history. They are mutually exclusive.
I'm not rejecting evolution. I'm agnostic towards it. All I am saying is that the Genesis account was never written with geological history in mind as we understand geological principles today. Neither was it written with biological principles in mind as we understand them today. Evolution is a theory of modern minds and it must be judged by modern minds, not by the Bible. You can't use the Bible to either prove or disprove seem to be arguing against a literal interpretation of the Genesis account but then you also seem to be rejecting evolution. So you appear to be in some sort of middle ground. I was just curious about what your position is, if you don't mind me asking.