They deny the Saving Efficacy of the Death of Christ !


Well-known member
If you think that loudly proclaiming ones own salvation while claiming anothers faith to be in self and not GOD is a profitable thing then by all means.

Would you rather I pretended like you are saved? You have not yet proven you acknowledge Jesus Christ as Almighty God. You deny the very truths clearly proclaimed in Holy Scripture.

No, I have no problem explaining to you the difference between those in the body of Christ, and those who are not in the body of Christ. You need to know the difference so you can truly examine yourself. If you're offended, the problem is yours, not mine. I have no obligation to the lost to give them false hope in their standing before the Lord.

If you want to act like an if/ then statement is an accusation then feel free to continue in your own little nonsensical rants and unfounded accusations. Just stop getting butt hurt when I call you on your bs.

Yep, that the perfect example of projecting your own faults onto others. You've got that one down pat. :thumb:

I hope we have an understanding. If you are still confused then mention it and maybe we can discuss it without throwing around negativity masked as righteousness.

I'm not confused in the least. You lack understanding of the things that matter, and claim understanding of what is merely a figment of your imagination.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Would you rather I pretended like you are saved? You have not yet proven you acknowledge Jesus Christ as Almighty God. You deny the very truths clearly proclaimed in Holy Scripture.

No, I have no problem explaining to you the difference between those in the body of Christ, and those who are not in the body of Christ. You need to know the difference so you can truly examine yourself. If you're offended, the problem is yours, not mine. I have no obligation to the lost to give them false hope in their standing before the Lord.

Yep, that the perfect example of projecting your own faults onto others. You've got that one down pat. :thumb:

I'm not confused in the least. You lack understanding of the things that matter, and claim understanding of what is merely a figment of your imagination.

So you're the arbiter of whether even those who profess faith are 'saved' or not? Funny, I'd expect someone with such undoubted powers of deduction to be above making snarky unfounded quips, gay innuendo and outright lies.

But hey, that's just me...



Well-known member
So you're the arbiter of whether even those who profess faith are 'saved' or not? Funny, I'd expect someone with such undoubted powers of deduction to be above making snarky unfounded quips, gay innuendo and outright lies.

But hey, that's just me...


Shows how much you know, smartie artie. But, yeah....that's you....

If you'd care to share as much about your "faith" as pops has, I could tell you if you need to examine yourself, too. There is no great mystery about who is saved and who is isn't when they can't even confess Jesus as Lord and God. Can you?


New member
Well, pops, you're seeing something that isn't there, so whatever you say in defence of what isn't there is simply proof you are imagining things. What isn't there is imagined.

You imagine those who don't boast of their obedience are horrible sinners. You imagine you know what you're talking about, while at the same time admit Christ does not dwell in you.

It's simply a waste of time to read past your first lines when they are so off base.
Silly.... It's a vanity you now claim your works are in secret and so not spoken of (though you don't only not speak of works of the Spirit; you actually speak against them), a similar scenario is how you should consider my placement, though you really shouldn't consider it at all, but I'm the one imagining things; that's right. You assume I am not saved because I will not proclaim to be in Christ or be so haughty as to mention it in every post. To even think one is secure while literally in the flesh is a pretty common sort of pride. We have freedom, and with freedom, potential to veer away from Christ, unless elect. Do you consider yourself elect? Is it prideful to do such?

To be perfectly honest; I don't contemplate your sin. I spend enough time noticing my own. Why would I even want to think of what sin you may or may not commit? Really. That's an actual question. What justification would I have to wonder about what you may or may not do. I speak and think on your words you post... not anything past that in regards to what you may or may not do.

I don't imagine that I know anything. I cannot, however, be swayed to disregard what I have been shown by the will and mercy of GOD.


New member
Would you rather I pretended like you are saved? You have not yet proven you acknowledge Jesus Christ as Almighty God. You deny the very truths clearly proclaimed in Holy Scripture.

No, I have no problem explaining to you the difference between those in the body of Christ, and those who are not in the body of Christ. You need to know the difference so you can truly examine yourself. If you're offended, the problem is yours, not mine. I have no obligation to the lost to give them false hope in their standing before the Lord.

Yep, that the perfect example of projecting your own faults onto others. You've got that one down pat. :thumb:

I'm not confused in the least. You lack understanding of the things that matter, and claim understanding of what is merely a figment of your imagination.
Wishful thinking isn't going to help you in the end. You will be held accountable for the lies you propagate.


New member
Shows how much you know, smartie artie. But, yeah....that's you....

If you'd care to share as much about your "faith" as pops has, I could tell you if you need to examine yourself, too. There is no great mystery about who is saved and who is isn't when they can't even confess Jesus as Lord and God. Can you?
Christ is GOD, not the temple, but the substance that filled/s It.

You deny this simple scriptural truth along with others, but are saved because you claim it to others..... Sad.

Oh.... Son isn't father, begotten isn't eternal, and a hand isn't a whole body.

You say GOD is 100% man....but you might ought to check your references on that.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Shows how much you know, smartie artie. But, yeah....that's you....

If you'd care to share as much about your "faith" as pops has, I could tell you if you need to examine yourself, too. There is no great mystery about who is saved and who is isn't when they can't even confess Jesus as Lord and God. Can you?

Pfft, I've seen the way you operate and you follow the same tired routine as most passive aggressive's. You imply something obvious and use the predictable 'get out' of blaming the other person for inferring the very same or you'll claim that you made a salient point that the other person didn't 'get'. It's almost neat but you're completely transparent, especially when you're called on it and you can't explain just what the 'profound' point supposedly was, just as you couldn't in regards to that stupid 'quip' about abortion on an adjoining thread.

You aren't the judge and I'm not interested in what you would think about what I believe. Tend to your own and you might want to start the examination with 'pride'.


Well-known member
Would you rather I pretended like you are saved? You have not yet proven you acknowledge Jesus Christ as Almighty God. You deny the very truths clearly proclaimed in Holy Scripture.

No, I have no problem explaining to you the difference between those in the body of Christ, and those who are not in the body of Christ. You need to know the difference so you can truly examine yourself. If you're offended, the problem is yours, not mine. I have no obligation to the lost to give them false hope in their standing before the Lord.

Yep, that the perfect example of projecting your own faults onto others. You've got that one down pat. :thumb:

I'm not confused in the least. You lack understanding of the things that matter, and claim understanding of what is merely a figment of your imagination.

Why is it you claim the mystery of Christ within yet don't really know what that means 1Cor 3:16 except in you're little paradigm of futuristic comings? Anyone looking for some physical coming along with a geographical temple that is supposed to be the house of our Father Acts 17:24 is under the spell of letters and religious programming that breeds egocentric humility, a gordian knot based belief that seems right to a man but is crumbs that fall from the table of time instead of entering the timeless Kingdom of unconditional love which is the spiritual key to what comes out of the mouth of the temple of God, mid acts is just another worldly system based on time and dead letters that claim Christ within but speak with mortal of observable limitations Luke 1:37 now go into the silence like Christ wife is told to do in church you're body Luke 17:20-21 Ephesians 5:30-32 which is a spiritual union with Christ within not physical seeing their neither male or female in Christ so mixing worldly literalism Galatians 4:24 with eternal meanings 2Cor 3:6 is false doctrine which lives in you're divided heart still, but proud of it.


Well-known member
Pfft, I've seen the way you operate and you follow the same tired routine as most passive aggressive's. You imply something obvious and use the predictable 'get out' of blaming the other person for inferring the very same or you'll claim that you made a salient point that the other person didn't 'get'. It's almost neat but you're completely transparent, especially when you're called on it and you can't explain just what the 'profound' point supposedly was, just as you couldn't in regards to that stupid 'quip' about abortion on an adjoining thread.

It's really too bad that you don't understand what it means to make a point through exaggeration. You spoke of being so upset about crushing worms, but I'm quite sure you're pro choice. You don't see the foolishness of that?

You aren't the judge and I'm not interested in what you would think about what I believe. Tend to your own and you might want to start the examination with 'pride'.

If you're afraid to discuss your beliefs, why are you over here in the religion forum? Could it be that you're just angry at me because I dare to speak bluntly and to the point rather than namby pamby around as you liberals prefer?


Well-known member
Why is it you claim the mystery of Christ within yet don't really know what that means 1Cor 3:16 except in you're little paradigm of futuristic comings?

I do know what it means to have Christ dwelling in me. I was created IN HIM many years ago.

God only knows what you're going on about, though.


Well-known member
Christ is GOD, not the temple, but the substance that filled/s It.

You deny this simple scriptural truth along with others, but are saved because you claim it to others..... Sad.

Oh.... Son isn't father, begotten isn't eternal, and a hand isn't a whole body.

You say GOD is 100% man....but you might ought to check your references on that.

Thank you for proving once again that you're a natural man without any spiritual understanding. :thumb:


Well-known member
Wishful thinking isn't going to help you in the end. You will be held accountable for the lies you propagate.

Unlike you, pops, I believe, and have complete confidence that the Lord Jesus Christ died for ALL my sins, and His righteousness is accounted unto me.

Save your hexing for someone who will fall for it....for those who do not have full ASSURANCE OF their salvation.


Well-known member
To even think one is secure while literally in the flesh is a pretty common sort of pride.

Yeah, for Abraham to actually think God could give him and Sarah a child in their old age was a pretty common sort of pride, too, wasn't it? :chuckle:

Anyone who does not have assurance of their salvation has no salvation at all. Our assurance comes from believing in the power of God to perform what He has promised. We're promised eternal life when we are fully persuaded to believe in Jesus Christ's work on the cross. Doubt is from the enemy, so keep your doubts to yourself, oh faithless man.

This is a true picture of all those with no assurance.

Deuteronomy 28:66 And thy life shall hang in doubt before thee; and thou shalt fear day and night, and shalt have none assurance of thy life:​

This is a true picture of those who trust in the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ...which is accounted to them when they believe. The righteousness of faith is a wonderful thing.

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.​

So, go ahead and be angry for what I am assured of, and mourn for what you do not have assurance of, I pity you your doubt.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You Beloved deny the Saving Efficacy of the Lord jesus Christ. You do not believe the following;

John 3:16 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His [a]only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

Romans 10:9-10 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.

1 John 2:1-2 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Christ Is Our Advocate
2 My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; 2 and He Himself is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world.


New member
Unlike you, pops, I believe, and have complete confidence that the Lord Jesus Christ died for ALL my sins, and His righteousness is accounted unto me.

Save your hexing for someone who will fall for it....for those who do not have full ASSURANCE OF their salvation.
You are very clouded to think being made righteous is staying in knowing sin.


New member
Yeah, for Abraham to actually think God could give him and Sarah a child in their old age was a pretty common sort of pride, too, wasn't it? :chuckle:

Anyone who does not have assurance of their salvation has no salvation at all. Our assurance comes from believing in the power of God to perform what He has promised. We're promised eternal life when we are fully persuaded to believe in Jesus Christ's work on the cross. Doubt is from the enemy, so keep your doubts to yourself, oh faithless man.

This is a true picture of all those with no assurance.

Deuteronomy 28:66 And thy life shall hang in doubt before thee; and thou shalt fear day and night, and shalt have none assurance of thy life:​

This is a true picture of those who trust in the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ...which is accounted to them when they believe. The righteousness of faith is a wonderful thing.

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.​

So, go ahead and be angry for what I am assured of, and mourn for what you do not have assurance of, I pity you your doubt.
I'm not mad and never scared or fearful of any but GOD.

Keep your blind assumptions and faulty surmises to yourself, they help none.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It's really too bad that you don't understand what it means to make a point through exaggeration. You spoke of being so upset about crushing worms, but I'm quite sure you're pro choice. You don't see the foolishness of that?

It's too bad you don't see your own pride in your own presumptions and 'analysis'. I didn't speak at all of being so upset about crushing worms and simply used that segment in order to make my own point, that being that pointless cruelty is barbaric and wrong, something which the doctrine of eternal conscious torment has in spades and the full deck of cards. Where it comes to abortion I'm disgusted at current laws where it's legal to terminate so far into the pregnancy. I'm not as hardline as people like Rusha on the matter although I respect her stance on the issue. You didn't even bother to ask.

If you're afraid to discuss your beliefs, why are you over here in the religion forum? Could it be that you're just angry at me because I dare to speak bluntly and to the point rather than namby pamby around as you liberals prefer?

Oh get over yourself GD. As far as I'm concerned you're a dishonest, passive aggressive crank who doesn't like it when called on it, is that 'namby pamby' enough for you? You really ought to buy a clue at some point. Oh, happy birthday though. :D


Well-known member
I do know what it means to have Christ dwelling in me. I was created IN HIM many years ago.

God only knows what you're going on about, though.

Am I wrong or do you not look for a second coming of Christ into this observable worlds kingdoms? no doubt you have tasted of the divine side yet mix that encounter with flesh and blood expectations from a literal historical view of Divine teaching 2Cor 3:6 that voids you're message other than a base level that has no concept of the intent of the letter or its purpose or style of teaching Galatians 4:24.


Well-known member
Am I wrong or do you not look for a second coming of Christ into this observable worlds kingdoms? no doubt you have tasted of the divine side yet mix that encounter with flesh and blood expectations from a literal historical view of Divine teaching 2Cor 3:6 that voids you're message other than a base level that has no concept of the intent of the letter or its purpose or style of teaching Galatians 4:24.

I can't make heads nor tales out what you're saying.