They deny the Saving Efficacy of the Death of Christ !


New member
Corinthians 12:31 But strive for the greater gifts. And I will show you a still more excellent way.

I don't usually post single verses but I happened across it and saw it was relevant.


Well-known member
No, actually trying to do something isn't saying one can do something. I never mentioned in the scenario if one succeed or not.

Believing isn't complying with anything. Where did I say that? According to scripture anything is possible for those with belief/ faith. How can you say that believing in Christ is like not needing Christ? What is the object of belief if not the Word of GOD? being made righteous is not the same as staying sinful; being made new is not staying the same. Believing isn't denying the power there of or the effect it has in one's life, thoughts and actions.

I didn't say any such thing. I can see you aren't yet prepared to listen. :carryon:

Show me where you see it, Pops. Either that, or shut up.

glorydaz said:
"Once again, you seem to be claiming that your belief is enough to cause you to comply in your own strength. If that were true, then Christ need not have come. Everyone could just strive hard, and do the right thing. Which is, in fact, written in the conscience of man. So, more is needed."

Those are your words, not mine.

Are you some kind of a nut case? Do you need glasses?

Clearly, speaking to you is a total waste of time, because you are unable to read what is written.

You must be God's Untruth's protege ....a chip off the old block.


Well-known member
I know it's some sort of stab to you, but I wouldnt feel too comfortable saying those two words together like that. GOD is never untrue.

I'm sure there are many things you wouldn't feel too comfortable saying, but you say more than you should, so it evens out. :chuckle:


Well-known member
See how you falsely accuse me?

Your words...... I think.

Who's acting like who?

There is a difference between an accusation and a question. I asked you a question. I realize that's difficult for you to comprehend. You really need to pay attention instead of going off half cocked.


New member
Show me where you see it, Pops. Either that, or shut up.

Are you some kind of a nut case? Do you need glasses?

Clearly, speaking to you is a total waste of time, because you are unable to read what is written.

You must be God's Untruth's protege ....a chip off the old block.
I already showed you.... You are being willfully ignorant.


New member
I'm sure there are many things you wouldn't feel too comfortable saying, but you say more than you should, so it evens out. :chuckle:
Opinion has zero worth to me. If you have a point then show it with scripture or still your tongue.

As of this moment you are simply exuding animosity towards me, which we are expressly taught against.


New member
There is a difference between an accusation and a question. I asked you a question. I realize that's difficult for you to comprehend. You really need to pay attention instead of going off half cocked.
Again; those were your words..... And they seem very similar to the words of one you accuse me of emulating.


New member
Right....I didn't say what you claim and you didn't show where I said what you claim.

Who is the ignorant one?
You said to believe faith is effectual (as in believing is living as if true) is to not believe in Christ, but ones self only. I said how can one have faith without believing in Christ. What would be the object of faith/ belief? Believing faith is effectual in one's life is not synonymous with believing in one's self as opposed to the work of Christ, but because of it.


Well-known member
Opinion has zero worth to me. If you have a point then show it with scripture or still your tongue.

As of this moment you are simply exuding animosity towards me, which we are expressly taught against.

Still my tongue? Who died and made you KING? :rotfl:

I know to speak the truth, and you turn to the law for guidance for me?

Once again, you're accusing me of having "animosity towards" you, and that is simply more projection on your part. You're mad at me for telling you the truth. You are so mad that you think I'm angry at you.

Why in the world would I be angry with a poor lost soul on the internet?

Nope, I keep hoping you will admit your lack and seek help (without attacking the messenger).


New member
Still my tongue? Who died and made you KING? :rotfl:

I know to speak the truth, and you turn to the law for guidance for me?

Once again, you're accusing me of having "animosity towards" you, and that is simply more projection on your part. You're mad at me for telling you the truth. You are so mad that you think I'm angry at you.

Why in the world would I be angry with a poor lost soul on the internet?

Nope, I keep hoping you will admit your lack and seek help (without attacking the messenger).
I admit my low estate continually. I never even insinuated that your misplaced animosity was justified. Nor did I attack you.

Why not go back and see who was attacking and who was speaking of scripture.

You speak of the law of the Spirit as if of no significance and written on the hearts and minds for no reason but to deny.


Well-known member
You said to believe faith is effectual (as in believing is living as if true) is to not believe in Christ, but ones self only.

No, I said no such thing.

I said how can one have faith without believing in Christ. What would be the object of faith/ belief?

Let's start right here. If one claims to have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, but trusts in his own obedience, then that faith is NOT in the Lord, but in himself. It can't be some faith in the LORD and some faith in one's own obedience. That is not the faith that saves.

Believing faith is effectual in one's life is not synonymous with believing in one's self as opposed to the work of Christ, but because of it.

I've read that statement four times and still can't figure out what you're trying to say.


Well-known member
I admit my low estate continually.

You claim it ....

I never even insinuated that your misplaced animosity was justified.

I have no animosity.

Nor did I attack you.

You just did by claiming I have animosity toward you. That's a lie and a figment of your over-active imagination.

Why not go back and see who was attacking and who was speaking of scripture.

I don't need to go back. I was not attacking you, and I was using scripture. If you feel attacked, perhaps it's the scripture that is doing it.

You speak of the law of the Spirit as if of no significance and written on the hearts and minds for no reason but to deny.

These strange things that go on in your mind is beyond my control. You simply don't have a clue of what I say or how I live, and it's pointless to try and explain anything to you while you're so filled with these odd imaginings.


New member
You claim it ....

I have no animosity.

You just did by claiming I have animosity toward you. That's a lie and a figment of your over-active imagination.

I don't need to go back. I was not attacking you, and I was using scripture. If you feel attacked, perhaps it's the scripture that is doing it.

These strange things that go on in your mind is beyond my control. You simply don't have a clue of what I say or how I live, and it's pointless to try and explain anything to you while you're so filled with these odd imaginings.
Why is it that you always end up acting like some one is imagining things about you?

Anyone can go back and see the negativity you exuded towards me, but it is irrelevant what you or any other think ultimately. God is my judge. You also keep imagining that I speaking of having faith in myself as opposed to Christ. This is simply nonsense. I have faith in our Lord GOD, but you insist I do not. If that isn't an attack then justify it; but you cannot because ibis yet another unfounded claim for all to see. If you read my statement 4 times and can't understand it then that in itself should raise some flags in that hard head of yours. Faith in Christ is not faith in oneself or ones ability, bit believing the Word of GOD and that faith and belief are effectual in one's own life. If you think that faith isn't effectual then you are basically saying that the blood, work, example, teachings, and self sacrifice made by Jesus was also without effect. I cannot and will never agree with that, regardless of how many people insist upon it..... Including you.

So if you think demeaning the substance of the faith of another is a good thing then continue inbuilt folly. If you think calling people stupid or peon isn't attacking them, then carry on. If you think that loudly proclaiming ones own salvation while claiming anothers faith to be in self and not GOD is a profitable thing then by all means. If you want to act like an if/ then statement is an accusation then feel free to continue in your own little nonsensical rants and unfounded accusations. Just stop getting butt hurt when I call you on your bs.

I hope we have an understanding. If you are still confused then mention it and maybe we can discuss it without throwing around negativity masked as righteousness.


Well-known member
Why is it that you always end up acting like some one is imagining things about you?

Anyone can go back and see the negativity you exuded towards me,

Well, pops, you're seeing something that isn't there, so whatever you say in defence of what isn't there is simply proof you are imagining things. What isn't there is imagined.

You imagine those who don't boast of their obedience are horrible sinners. You imagine you know what you're talking about, while at the same time admit Christ does not dwell in you.

It's simply a waste of time to read past your first lines when they are so off base.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Why is it that you always end up acting like some one is imagining things about you?

It's the classic tactic of a passive aggressive. Imply something and then make out the person has inferred something that wasn't apparently meant or that they've missed something deep and profound. You're not the only one she does this to.