They deny the Saving Efficacy of the Death of Christ !


Well-known member
Heres another one Heb 10:14

14 [FONT="]For by one offering[His Death/Blood] he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.

His Offering of Himself for them He Offered Himself for, resulted in them being perfected forever ! Perfect Justification, which includes their Glorification ![/FONT]

Being perfected forever entails Perfect Justification from all sin, meaning total remission of sins by the Blood of Christ Mat. 26:28 because His Death ensures that their sins / iniquities are remembered no more Heb. 10:17.

Therefore, they being Justified by the Precious Blood of Christ their Covenant Head, their Glorification most certainly follows:

1 John 3:1-3

1 Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.

2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

3 And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.

Rom. 8:30-33

30 Moreover whom he did predestinate [Eph. 1:4-7], them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.

31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?

32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all [God's Elect], how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?

33 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth.


New member
self-righteous - you are - the definition - of
Look Yoda

So saying that to believe something with all your heart is synonymous with carrying out your life as if the believed thing is true is being self righteous?

Let's check shall we?





accept (something) as true; feel sure of the truth of.

"the superintendent believed Lancaster's story"

synonyms:be convinced by, trust, have confidence in, consider honest, consider truthful

"I don't believe you"

regard as true, accept, be convinced by, give credence to, credit, trust, put confidence in;

informalswallow, buy, go for

"do you believe that story?"


ˌself ˈrīCHəs/


having or characterized by a certainty, especially an unfounded one, that one is totally correct or morally superior.

"self-righteous indignation and complacency"

synonyms:sanctimonious, holier-than-thou, self-satisfied, smug, priggish, complacent, pious, moralizing, preachy, superior, hypocritical;


"we listened to Mom because she wasn't as self-righteous as you"

So. By those standard definitions and your own words; you don't believe.

That is a shame; I don't care what you think of me personally, but to mouth your belief and not actually believe is grave sin, blasphemy, and unbeleif such as the Christ of GOD expressly spoke against.

You are in error sir. It is my sincere hope that you repent and that our Lord GOD guides us all.


New member
Believing something doesn't mean one has the power to "live by it" or to perform it.

That's why our belief (Trust) is in God, not in our own ability to perform what only God has the power to do.
I agree wholly, but that isn't an excuse to simple push aside what one knows is good and right within their conscience in favor of personal greed or pride. Love is reciprocal as is trust.

Even when I was atheist if I believed my child was in apparent immediate danger then I would do whatever was in my power to do something about it because I thought or believed he was in danger and I loved him. To stand idly by and let whatever harm come to him regardless of what I knew/believed would be so much worse that simple doubt. Indifference and doubt ate of satan and opposite of faith; make no mistake about these simple truths.

If you know a thing (believe it to be true) then your actions and thoughts are molded by that belief/ truth. To say that believing isn't doing or at very least effectual towards change is to say that one does not believe.

Is doubt belief? Is indifference steadfast direction?


Well-known member
I agree wholly, but that isn't an excuse to simple push aside what one knows is good and right within their conscience in favor of personal greed or pride. Love is reciprocal as is trust.

It isn't unusual for those outside the body of Christ to imagine believers are filled with the same greed and pride that they, themselves, struggle with. Of course, it doesn't make the charges true.

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.​


Well-known member
Even when I was atheist if I believed my child was in apparent immediate danger then I would do whatever was in my power to do something about it because I thought or believed he was in danger and I loved him. To stand idly by and let whatever harm come to him regardless of what I knew/believed would be so much worse that simple doubt. Indifference and doubt ate of satan and opposite of faith; make no mistake about these simple truths.

That only speaks to that which you have the power to prevent. So I don't think your example applies.

]If you know a thing (believe it to be true) then your actions and thoughts are molded by that belief/ truth. To say that believing isn't doing or at very least effectual towards change is to say that one does not believe.

Is doubt belief? Is indifference steadfast direction?

Once again, you seem to be claiming that your belief is enough to cause you to comply in your own strength. If that were true, then Christ need not have come. Everyone could just strive hard, and do the right thing. Which is, in fact, written in the conscience of man. So, more is needed.


New member
Look Yoda

So saying that to believe something with all your heart is synonymous with carrying out your life as if the believed thing is true is being self righteous?

Let's check shall we?





accept (something) as true; feel sure of the truth of.

"the superintendent believed Lancaster's story"

synonyms:be convinced by, trust, have confidence in, consider honest, consider truthful

"I don't believe you"

regard as true, accept, be convinced by, give credence to, credit, trust, put confidence in;

informalswallow, buy, go for

"do you believe that story?"


ˌself ˈrīCHəs/


having or characterized by a certainty, especially an unfounded one, that one is totally correct or morally superior.

"self-righteous indignation and complacency"

synonyms:sanctimonious, holier-than-thou, self-satisfied, smug, priggish, complacent, pious, moralizing, preachy, superior, hypocritical;


"we listened to Mom because she wasn't as self-righteous as you"

So. By those standard definitions and your own words; you don't believe.

That is a shame; I don't care what you think of me personally, but to mouth your belief and not actually believe is grave sin, blasphemy, and unbeleif such as the Christ of GOD expressly spoke against.

You are in error sir. It is my sincere hope that you repent and that our Lord GOD guides us all.

Belief is our connection to Christ that's it. I worked for the Power company for 5 years so here's my circuit analogy. Grace is the power of Christ. Faith is our connection to the power. Love is the light that is produced from our connection to the power. Anytime we try to do something or be good in and of ourselves the power is cut off, the connection is broken and the light goes out.


New member
It isn't unusual for those outside the body of Christ to imagine believers are filled with the same greed and pride that they, themselves, struggle with. Of course, it doesn't make the charges true.

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.​
The text you provided reiterates my point while your own words show that you are obviously filled with pride, unfortunately.
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Well-known member
The text you provided reiterate my point while you own words show are obviously filled with pride; showing you to indeed be very proud, unfortunately.

See how you falsely accuse me? Are you God than you can see into the intents of my heart?

No, you aren't. And that is why you are left relying on your own experience instead of my experience.


New member
That only speaks to that which you have the power to prevent. So I don't think your example applies.

Once again, you seem to be claiming that your belief is enough to cause you to comply in your own strength. If that were true, then Christ need not have come. Everyone could just strive hard, and do the right thing. Which is, in fact, written in the conscience of man. So, more is needed.
No, actually trying to do something isn't saying one can do something. I never mentioned in the scenario if one succeed or not.

Believing isn't complying with anything. Where did I say that? According to scripture anything is possible for those with belief/ faith. How can you say that believing in Christ is like not needing Christ? What is the object of belief if not the Word of GOD? being made righteous is not the same as staying sinful; being made new is not staying the same. Believing isn't denying the power there of or the effect it has in one's life, thoughts and actions.


New member
Belief is our connection to Christ that's it. I worked for the Power company for 5 years so here's my circuit analogy. Grace is the power of Christ. Faith is our connection to the power. Love is the light that is produced from our connection to the power. Anytime we try to do something or be good in and of ourselves the power is cut off, the connection is broken and the light goes out.
Who said anything pertaining to belief in Christ is doing something of ourselves?


New member
Belief is our connection to Christ that's it. I worked for the Power company for 5 years so here's my circuit analogy. Grace is the power of Christ. Faith is our connection to the power. Love is the light that is produced from our connection to the power. Anytime we try to do something or be good in and of ourselves the power is cut off, the connection is broken and the light goes out.
Faith is not only our connection to Christ.


New member
See how you falsely accuse me? Are you God than you can see into the intents of my heart?

No, you aren't. And that is why you are left relying on your own experience instead of my experience.
I can see straight through your words generally, but no; I regard myself as nothing but what GOD has given me.

You baited me with the intent of making yourself out to be a thing, and myself another wholly. You know I do not regard myself as in Christ.


Well-known member
No, actually trying to do something isn't saying one can do something. I never mentioned in the scenario if one succeed or not.

Believing isn't complying with anything. Where did I say that? According to scripture anything is possible for those with belief/ faith. How can you say that believing in Christ is like not needing Christ? What is the object of belief if not the Word of GOD? being made righteous is not the same as staying sinful; being made new is not staying the same. Believing isn't denying the power there of or the effect it has in one's life, thoughts and actions.

I didn't say any such thing. I can see you aren't yet prepared to listen. :carryon:


Well-known member
I can see straight through your words generally, but no; I regard myself as nothing but what GOD has given me.

You baited me with the intent of making yourself out to be a thing, and myself another wholly. You know I do not regard myself as in Christ.

Are you God's Untruth under another name? :think:


New member
I didn't say any such thing. I can see you aren't yet prepared to listen. :carryon:
Once again, you seem to be claiming that your belief is enough to cause you to comply in your own strength. If that were true, then Christ need not have come. Everyone could just strive hard, and do the right thing. Which is, in fact, written in the conscience of man. So, more is needed.

Those are your words, not mine.

Christ didn't need to come in order to believe as far as what you wrote there is concerned. But I'm not ready to listen because you make no sense right?

By the way the law is written on the hearts and minds; that is the conscience and we are able, by GOD to follow it.

To say that we cannot follow our conscience is to make GOD out as evil.

GOD made us with a conscience, and too made the law of the Spirit. It was not made because we can't follow or listen to it. Do you think GOD predestined all to hell? Do you think we were formed not being able to listen to our conscience? The law was misrepresented by the Jew, and was not perfect due to the traditions of man; not because GOD made a mistake or intentionally made us as inherent sinners unable to believe what is true and good and right. Christ had to come for a multitude of reasons. Cheif of those being to show the way to GOD.