They deny the Saving Efficacy of the Death of Christ !


Well-known member
It's too bad you don't see your own pride in your own presumptions and 'analysis'. I didn't speak at all of being so upset about crushing worms and simply used that segment in order to make my own point, that being that pointless cruelty is barbaric and wrong, something which the doctrine of eternal conscious torment has in spades and the full deck of cards.

Ah, you can make your point, but I can't. Gotcha. :thumb:

Oh get over yourself GD. As far as I'm concerned you're a dishonest, passive aggressive crank who doesn't like it when called on it, is that 'namby pamby' enough for you? You really ought to buy a clue at some point. Oh, happy birthday though. :D

It's a good thing your opinion is worth diddly squat, smartie. :chuckle:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Ah, you can make your point, but I can't. Gotcha. :thumb:

You didn't have one. Even when called on just what it supposedly was you couldn't expound on it. You just made a presumptive little quip and you were caught out. Deal with it.

It's a good thing your opinion is worth diddly squat, smartie. :chuckle:

Eh, go chuckle at yourself all you want. Why should anyone take your opinion seriously when you're deliberately dishonest and won't even acknowledge any error?


Well-known member
You didn't have one. Even when called on just what it supposedly was you couldn't expound on it. You just made a presumptive little quip and you were caught out. Deal with it.

Liar. I told you I was sure you were pro choice. Do you deny it?

Eh, go chuckle at yourself all you want. Why should anyone take your opinion seriously when you're deliberately dishonest and won't even acknowledge any error?

I can't help it if you mourn over crushed worms, but don't over the crushed heads of babies.

Are you pro choice or not? :popcorn:

Don't you dare crush any worms on your way to the protest.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Liar. I told you I was sure you were pro choice. Do you deny it?

I can't help it if you mourn over crushed worms, but don't over the crushed heads of babies.

Are you pro choice or not? :popcorn:

Don't you dare crush any worms on your way to the protest.

I told you what my position was in my earlier reply. Did you miss it? I'm not hardline on the issue where the moment of possible conception should be regarded as life, as in a couple not planning to have children and the condom breaks for example. I'm not averse to 'abortion' measures being used in cases like that but I'm absolutely averse to any sort of procedure where there's a formed foetus being ripped apart and completely opposed to current laws as they stand. Can't be much clearer than that and it's people like Rusha and Wiz that have had me thinking on the matter even where I'm at now, not dishonest cranks like you - full of their own pride and pomposity. You're like a female version of aCW, just not quite as gay obsessed.


Well-known member
I told you what my position was in my earlier reply. Did you miss it? I'm not hardline on the issue where the moment of possible conception should be regarded as life, as in a couple not planning to have children and the condom breaks for example. I'm not averse to 'abortion' measures being used in cases like that but I'm absolutely averse to any sort of procedure where there's a formed foetus being ripped apart and completely opposed to current laws as they stand. Can't be much clearer than that and it's people like Rusha and Wiz that have had me thinking on the matter even where I'm at now, not dishonest cranks like you - full of their own pride and pomposity. You're like a female version of aCW, just not quite as gay obsessed.

Lots of excuses there for why you would get so outraged at a man saying some people crush worms if that was a horror worse than some of the crap you do and say without batting an eye.

If you ever have anything worth saying, I'll be shocked. Until then, you're only an out of control liberal who lives in LaLa Land. A peewee shrimp out of his element. You'd best go back to politics where you belong.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Lots of excuses there for why you would get so outraged at a man saying some people crush worms if that was a horror worse than some of the crap you do and say without batting an eye.

Well, I never said I'd get outraged at what you've made up there anyway so...hmmm. Cranky much?

If you ever have anything worth saying, I'll be shocked. Until then, you're only an out of control liberal who lives in LaLa Land. A peewee shrimp out of his element. You'd best go back to politics where you belong.

What an amusing rant.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Nice try. I didn't say you'd get outraged. You were outraged.

Well, not in regards to what you were suggesting as that wasn't even said if you look back at the exchange. I made a point in regards to the 'worm' bit in the sermon but in order to make a wider point as to how abhorrent the sermon was as a whole. I've read it before. Frankly, if you think I'm an 'out of control liberal' then what is that even supposed to mean? I'm very much a 'live and let live' guy who lives an ordinary life. So your rant in that regard was rather amusing.


Well-known member
Well, not in regards to what you were suggesting as that wasn't even said if you look back at the exchange. I made a point in regards to the 'worm' bit in the sermon but in order to make a wider point as to how abhorrent the sermon was as a whole. I've read it before. Frankly, if you think I'm an 'out of control liberal' then what is that even supposed to mean? I'm very much a 'live and let live' guy who lives an ordinary life. So your rant in that regard was rather amusing.

I did go back and read the exchange, you called it a nasty and venomous sermon, and then you jumped up and down when I pointed out that he was making a point. Which he was, by the way.

If you're just a regular guy then stop getting all offended by what I post. Grow up and take it like a real man.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I did go back and read the exchange, you called it a nasty and venomous sermon, and then you jumped up and down when I pointed out that he was making a point. Which he was, by the way.

If you're just a regular guy then stop getting all offended by what I post. Grow up and take it like a real man.

I don't get 'offended' by what you post so you should really stop flattering yourself if that's what you actually think. What I will do is call you out on erroneous presumptions as you'd made and you should be able to handle that in turn without going on some bizarre rant as to how people are 'out of control' if they disagree with you.