and when you fulfill your obligation to the state in being a good driver the road laws are removed for the guy behind you?
Has nothing to do with the Mosaic Law or the Law of Christ.
When he fulfilled the prophecies? They were destroyed?
Fulfill means to accomplish fully, satisfy to the fullest, completed as God promised. no more is used to point out sin...
The Holy Spirit convicts of sin.
And in Him its condemnation is remains to point out sin and to condemn all in order they receive grace...
It will be used on judgement day...
Only for those who say they are keeping the Mosaic Law.
John affirms this when in revelations he saw in paradise "Here are those that keep the commandments" not of the Son but of the Father...and yes the testimony of the Son...
The word there is "entole" meaning commandments of Christ. The word "nomos" which refers to the Mosaic Law was not used in that verse. The commandments of Christ are not the Mosaic Law, but His Law >>> to believe on Him, to love God, to love one another. That is the summary of the book of 1 John.
Which was not LORD!LORD! but do My Father's will...
The will of God is to believe on His Son, Jesus Christ. John 6
Exodus 31:17 tells us that “on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed"
No it doesn't. The word "sabbath" does not mean refreshed.
So He healed and was even risen from the sleep of death on the Sabbath a testimony of the true purpose of the Sabbath...
Jesus arose on the first day of the week, aka Sunday morning. The true purpose of the Sabbath was not for the world to stay home on Saturdays, make sacrifices, and ignore the cries and pleas of the world. You are seriously mistaken if you think Jesus came to install the 7th day for u to sit on your laurels and think you are doing God a favor.
A burden to those who are not believers and grateful for ALL that was done from creation to beyond the cross...
The Sabbath was and is a burden. I was once an acquaintance with a Jewish rabbi from whom I bought kosher meat during the time I was trying to be more Jewish. He asked me why a Gentile would keep the Sabbath day. I told him because I loved HaShem and was trying to obedient to His Law. The old man shook his head and said he did not understand why anyone who is not Jewish would willingly put themselves under such a yoke and burden.
What would Jesus do? Is often asked...not eat Sunday Ham is quite clear...
What does Sunday ham have to do with anything? To make yourself appear more holy? Do you really think God cares what we eat? Have you not paid one bit of attention to what Paul [a Jewish man] said about refraining from eating certain meats? Do you realize there is not one verse in the NT that commands anyone to refrain from eating pig? In fact, God told Peter to eat unclean meat because God made it clean, not once, but THREE times.
Now go and fulfill your role as a citizen of Israel...follow Him JUST AS He lived and loved
I am not a citizen of Israel. Israel has rejected the Messiah. I am a citizen of the Kingdom of God along with all those who believe in Christ, including those Jews who choose to believe and not reject Him.