All special days were about Jesus.{/quote] sure...and His Father...and how and why the need of both...even Jesus didn't make it only about Jesus...
yup still are correct...
Jesus has come and we have the Teacher.
and the Teacher still uses the tools and tutors which are teaching about Him and more...The Teacher certainly doesn't throw them out or counter them or change them...
Imagine learning 2+2=4 by a teaching tool or tutor but when the actual teacher comes imagine being taught 2+2=5 or "addition doesn't matter anymore"...LOL
Special days were a shadow.
check again I think you will find that Paul was clear they are a shadow...of the good things still to come...and well he wrote that after the Teacher came and what things are yet to come...notice it is thing and not person yes?
Oh and the verse ends with "body of Christ" which is the church which should establish these things...don't let any man judge you...
Again, the shadow is about Jesus.
ummm no...a shadow of the good things to come...still to come...He is not a thing although good...and when this text was written He was already come...
Jesus has come and there are no shadows in light.
He teaches that the teaching tools and tutors are still relevant...still
Observing special days is now worthless.
to obtain they always were...but when one is saved...passed over...well then these days are indeed special still and teach and show how and why and point to Him...still...
But to obtain salvation? Sure...they never did that...
We have to obey Jesus all day everyday.
especially Sabbath as He said to even pray that it be kept in the future...yes of course obey Him and do JUST AS He did...which was keep the special remain in His Father's Love He obeyed His Father's Law which includes those special days...
Even His first full day in the New Covenant age after He signed the covenant with His blood and sealed it with His death was spent keeping the Sabbath as was the commandment...still...asleep in the tomb...and His followers too hurried to keep it as was the commandment...
The irony...first full day of the Edenic covenant with all of man was kept as a Sabbath and first full day of the New Covenant age with all man was kept as a Sabbath...
On it He rested and rose healed and refreshed ready to appear the next day as first fruits to His Father on the first fruits festival...
Divine timing don't ya think?
Even Paul instructed we celebrate the feasts with the new unleavened bread of spirit and truth...hmmmm do you eat unleavened bread for Christmas?
They say that is everyday too...