The Two Faces of the Sabbath

God's Truth

New member

Matt 24:3 clearly states He is instructing the disciples...the believers. It makes no sense to warn those who reject the truth.

the irony that you just spent a great bit of effort insisting going to the temple was a daily thing...thus well the prayer should be pray your flight not be on any day...but the Sabbath was singled out...He is not concerned with the preservation of the temple or even Jerusalem...He doesn't instruct prayers that the people are able to successfully flee...just pray fleeing doesn't happen on the it isn't really rest is it?...

And it was a warning to all of Judea not just those living in the city...again read the devastation Rome did to the entire region not just to the temple...

YES YES FLEE TO THE MOUNTAINS...just pray it is not on the Sabbath...can't make it more clear...

Much more was destroyed than the why He said "let those who are in Judea...not just in the temple or Jerusalem...flee to the mountains...but pray it is not on the Sabbath...again, not very restful is it...

The irony is not there.

Pay better attention.

YOU said Jesus went to the temple on Saturdays and that is why you go to church on Saturdays.

I said Jesus went to the temple EVERYDAY.

What does that have to do with people going to the temple on Saturdays?


New member
The temple was destroyed.

Do you really think that if God the Creator of heaven and earth wanted that earthly temple to remain it would not have?

Of course He could have preserved His temple but He didn't...didn't even ask for prayers that it be preserved...He did however ask for prayers that the Sabbath be know, that Law that the temple was built for?...

but since the Law is now in the hearts and minds of believers no need for a house made with hands but just worship in spirit and Truth...

Please recall there was worship and obedience long before the temple...between the temples and of course after the temples...The temple was but a tool and like the bronze serpent once it's purpose was used up continued use of it for worship was IDOLATRY...

When that curtain was ripped in two between the holy and most was longer needed as now all could approach the seat of mercy built over the Law...the curtain that separated us from seat of mercy over the Law was destroyed not the Law itself...please think about that ok?

all of it was symbolic as to what occurred on a spiritual realm anyway...MERCY RATHER THAN SACRIFICE...was the intention of all these tools and ceremonies...

But again, the temple was built to house the Spirit and the Law...but both now reside in our need for the physical temporal temple...

even the land is NOT holy anymore...the Spirit is gone...a point which Zionists and their Christian lapdogs and American foreign policy should consider...but sadly won't...

yup temple is destroyed...not even prayed for...but the Sabbath was preserved...and a new covenant was made signed and sealed at the cross and immediately His followers hurried to keep the Sabbath...

God's Truth

New member
Jesus is the Sabbath Rest.

Too bad you don't believe it.

Too bad that you put a day up there with God the Father and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

God's Truth

New member
Of course He could have preserved His temple but He didn't...didn't even ask for prayers that it be preserved...He did however ask for prayers that the Sabbath be know, that Law that the temple was built for?...

but since the Law is now in the hearts and minds of believers no need for a house made with hands but just worship in spirit and Truth...

Please recall there was worship and obedience long before the temple...between the temples and of course after the temples...The temple was but a tool and like the bronze serpent once it's purpose was used up continued use of it for worship was IDOLATRY...

When that curtain was ripped in two between the holy and most was longer needed as now all could approach the seat of mercy built over the Law...the curtain that separated us from seat of mercy over the Law was destroyed not the Law itself...please think about that ok?

all of it was symbolic as to what occurred on a spiritual realm anyway...MERCY RATHER THAN SACRIFICE...was the intention of all these tools and ceremonies...

But again, the temple was built to house the Spirit and the Law...but both now reside in our need for the physical temporal temple...

even the land is NOT holy anymore...the Spirit is gone...a point which Zionists and their Christian lapdogs and American foreign policy should consider...but sadly won't...

yup temple is destroyed...not even prayed for...but the Sabbath was preserved...and a new covenant was made signed and sealed at the cross and immediately His followers hurried to keep the Sabbath...

Answer the question.

How do you obey the Sabbath?

Do you cook on that day?

Do you cause anyone else to cook on that day?

Do you kindle your gas heater (turn it on) to give you heat?

Do you use light?

Do you lift anything, a chair?


New member
There remains a what?

Hebrews 4:9 There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God;

Now if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken later about another day.

More than a Sabbath rest but a Sabbath keeping if you are honest...

that “in each of these places [i.e., the LXX texts cited above] the term denotes the observance or celebration of the Sabbath,” i.e., not a Sabbath rest as a state to be entered into but a Sabbath-keeping as a practice to be observed. This, of course, corresponds to the word’s morphology, for the suffix —μoς indicates an action and not just a state. This at least suggests that if the writer of Hebrews meant only “a Sabbath rest,” i.e., “a Sabbath state” to be entered into, he would have used the term σάββατον (“Sabbath”) or continued to use κατάπαυσις (“rest”), for he already had established the referent of κατάπαυσις as God’s own Sabbath rest which is to be entered into by faith (cf., 4:1, 3-4, 11). Thus σαββατισμὸς suggests a Sabbath action, i.e., “a Sabbath-keeping,” although the idea of a “a Sabbath state” is not necessarily excluded because of the overarching theme of the larger context.[2]

Joshua was able to provide the sabbath day rest but not the eternal rest of Paradise...hence that is the other rest yet still to come...

Jesus does not provide the physical eternal rest but does provide one day in seven the seventh day...

The eternal rest is still to come and Sabbath still IS a shadow of that good things (notice not good person) to come...

God's Truth

New member
I am not sure what you are referring to. Do you have Scripture for this?

John 18:28 [ Jesus Before Pilate ] Then the Jewish leaders took Jesus from Caiaphas to the palace of the Roman governor. By now it was early morning, and to avoid ceremonial uncleanness they did not enter the palace, because they wanted to be able to eat the Passover.

Acts 24:18 I was ceremonially clean when they found me in the temple courts doing this. There was no crowd with me, nor was I involved in any disturbance.

Hebrews 9:13 The blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those who are ceremonially unclean sanctify them so that they are outwardly clean.

Hebrews 13:9 Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings. It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace, not by eating ceremonial foods, which is of no benefit to those who do so.

Leviticus 15:32 These are the regulations for a man with a discharge, for anyone made unclean by an emission of semen, 33 for a woman in her monthly period, for a man or a woman with a discharge, and for a man who has sexual relations with a woman who is ceremonially unclean.

Leviticus 12:2
“Say to the Israelites: ‘A woman who becomes pregnant and gives birth to a son will be ceremonially unclean for seven days, just as she is unclean during her monthly period.


New member
That sounds much different and better.

LOL...yes let's make is sound better...

But because you don't even think there is anything out there that can defile you...that reveals exactly the state of your heart and mind...and thus what you eat doesn't defile you since you already are...

His followers like Peter were adamant about not eating unclean meats...

Even clean meat with blood or strangled was to be avoided...

Or especially if known to be offered to idols...

But your heart and mind don't tell you that...because all that is done away with you whatever "do what thou wilt"...and not what was expected of those to be obedient representatives of HIM that DID JUST AS HE DID


New member
The Mosaic Law is not kept in Heaven.
so He is not to be worshipped alone, idols are to be had, forget about His name, rebellion, killing, stealing, lying, fornicating, coveting...all up there yes?

It was for sinful Israel, not for the Heavenly realms.
only Israel sinned?...sin made the Law manifest as only man sinned and not just Israel...heavenly realms keep the Law without it...duh

What was only given to Israel was a pass out of Egypt and non Israelites went the Sabbath commandment specifically proves...

Jesus said GOD'S WILL BE DONE on earth as it is in Heaven. God's will is not a Law or commandments - it's the purposes and plans of God towards mankind.

Plans of God were that man not sin at know, keep the LAW naturally...and yup already there was the Sabbath of which it was later said "MADE FOR MAN"...even before the fall...

But fall he did...and now the purposes and plans of God towards man are that through faith and belief and understanding sin...the law...and obeying...thus participating in sacrifices is to learn of the Son and continue in faith in HIM to be saved from the condemnation of that Law not kept...

Hope you can keep your eye on the prize...and endure to the end
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New member
God's Word has the final word on it and you are not keeping the Sabbath Day the way He commanded it. One cannot point a holy finger towards others when their whole hand is filthy.

Uh come the Pharisees with their own definition of the Sabbath in the new


New member
entole is not defined as referring to the Mosaic Law. I showed you that the word "nomos" refers to the Mosaic Law.

Tell it to these guys then...

No, that is not what Jesus said.
what comes out defiles a man...those are thoughts and attitudes...some are mindful and careful and to keep themselves pure...others allow for ANYTHING to come in...

Not rocket surgery to figure out which heart or mind is defiled...

By their fruits ye shall know them...fruits come from inside...ya dig?

Clean meat can also be a rotting carcass. Are you going to eat it?
no I am not...nor am I going to eat clean meat with blood in it...or clean meat strangled or not properly killed...nor am I going to eat meat offered to idols...

In fact since I am practicing to do what's going to happen up there in heaven now...I don't eat meat at all...fancy that...just like in Edenic killing nothing...

Yup just getting used to worshipping Yah, no idols, using His name, Keeping His Sabbaths, you know the rest of the things we all won't do up there...and when we come back here to the new heaven and new earth when all is accomplished...jots and tittle remain until then...

Jesus said we are to eat His flesh and drink His blood.
He also said we should find pastures if we go through Him as a looking for His knocker?

He is a path He said...feel free to walk on Him...

The irony is that many did take Him to mean it literally and even the disciples were puzzled needed correction...flesh profits nothing...the literal temporal flesh is nothing...the words the Spirit behind them are Life...all of it is symbolic...sacrifices, baptism, circumcision, temple all merely tools to help understand the Spiritual realm...MERCY rather than sacrifice...

Do you still expect rivers of living water to pour out of Him?

I receive rest from the Lord 24/7. I do not need a specific day. I am well aware of the fact that I am resting 24/7 because it's His will.

Nope. His will is that you literally work six days and literally rest only 1...the seventh...

It's a sign and memorial...Live JUST AS HE DID...Love AS HE DID


New member
God told Moses to eat of ALL the beasts of the field.
I think you meant Noah but I understand...

Eating clean meat does not make one any more healthy than someone who does not. My grandmother lived to be 93 and never sick a day in her life and she cooked and ate plenty of pork. You are raising up at straw man that with one single match will go up in flames. Stop making the Kingdom of Heaven about clean and unclean meat. It has nothing to do with the Lord's Kingdom and how one will get there.

Here are they that keep if you are serious about living up there you best wean yourself off meat all together...


New member
Look at the context. Jesus said pray that you don't have to leave during winter or have a suckling child or on the Sabbath.
yes because winter is cold and slippery and pregnant or carrying babies ain't easy and well fleeing and running for yer lives ain't resting...

The context tells you that it's not a good thing to be there during the winter or suckling a child or on the Sabbath, because you would not be able to flee the destruction to come.
ummm sure...some might not even flee if it was on a sabbath...there were even stories of Jews not fighting on the Sabbath until rabbis made it ok...

Glad you can see that prayers that the fleeing not be on the Sabbath were good advise...

He didn't ask prayers for any other commandment be kept in the future...interesting yes?

God's Truth

New member
LOL...yes let's make is sound better...

But because you don't even think there is anything out there that can defile you...that reveals exactly the state of your heart and mind...and thus what you eat doesn't defile you since you already are...

His followers like Peter were adamant about not eating unclean meats...

Even clean meat with blood or strangled was to be avoided...

Or especially if known to be offered to idols...

But your heart and mind don't tell you that...because all that is done away with you whatever "do what thou wilt"...and not what was expected of those to be obedient representatives of HIM that DID JUST AS HE DID

I obey God so how do you get that I would not abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood?

The New Testament does not tell us to go to an earthly temple every Sabbath.

The earthly temple does not exist.


New member
Please show Scripture that Jesus was at rest in the tomb and risen refreshed.[/qutoe] it's pretty clear...He class death a sleep...they put Him in a tomb He day the tomb was merely discovered long empty as the morning sun dawned...He was risen...the day before...risen refreshed with a glorified body...

Peter ate with the Gentiles.
nothing about a ham sandwich

He was not eating according to the Law.
you mean small l law...rabbinic law they came up with to deal with the unclean goyim...

There is no kosher in the Mosaic Law. How many times do we need to tell you this? Kosher is an INTERPRETATION of the Law, it is not the Law of Moses. For someone who keeps going on and on about obeying the Law, you sure have a lot of holes in your boat - it's sinking.

Lol...clean and unclean meat, methods of killing etc all included in Moses' law...

Later interpretation were built on to it by rabbis of course...just like silly rules they added for the Sabbath...

But Peter did not eat the unclean meat even in a vision, when instructed to do so...and interpreted that vision as the goyim were now made spread the gospel to...not to eat


New member
Christians keep the Law of Christ, not the Law of Moses. Keeping the 7th Day as a Sabbath is not part of the Law of Christ. It's interesting, of all the commandments that Jesus discusses in the Gospels, He never includes the Sabbath. Like the discussion with the young ruler.

He instructed prayers be made that fleeing not occur on the Sabbath so that it would not be broken...

"Do as I do" He commanded and exemplified it including the Sabbath...

Keep my Father's will and Law He exhorted...

Ahh yes the rich young ruler...He failed to mention Worship God alone, make no images, don't carry His name in I guess we can scratch those off too...

Think not it is and tittles are NOT disappeared until all is accomplished...duh...

You divide the Father's House with two sets of laws?

From Sabbath to Sabbath Isaiah prophesied...from one literal day to another literal day a week later not from Jesus to Jesus...


New member
Nope, that is not what the Scripture says. You are adding your own interpretation to it.
sabbatismos a reach to the Hebrew to convey action and loyalty to customs the Hebrews all knew...sabbatismos...Greek has its own word for either eternal rest or paradise...

Not one person on earth is sinning by not keeping the Sabbath. Not one has ever been able to and cannot ever keep the 7th day Sabbath as God commanded the nation of Israel. If one says they are keeping the Sabbath, that is a falsehood which is a sin.

All have sinned silly and none keep the laws why we need Him...

We only try and keep them because we have Him...duh

Unless the heart and mind are defiled then we come up with rationalization or clever tricks to do what thou wilt and worship as we please not as He commands...

Only when we die to ourselves and wish to do AS HE DID...well then it's Yah's commands > man's traditions...


New member
I obey God so how do you get that I would not abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood?
why did James say Moses always had those that taught him on Sabbath...because he knew even these goyim would continue to hear him taught from Sabbath to Sabbath...

Now a days you can hear Moses everyday but well goyim crowded the synagogues on the Sabbath...far from the temple...and now we are the temple in a new covenant with His Law written in our hearts and minds...not His Son's law...(which is the same btw)

The New Testament does not tell us to go to an earthly temple every Sabbath.

The earthly temple does not exist.

Yup...Sabbath was kept before the earthly temple between the earthly temples and long after the earthly temple...

The New Testament does tell us to live and love JUST AS He did...and that fulfills the not destroys it...

We need it later for judgement point out sin ok? One Law for Israel and non Him the two are ONE doing it HIS WAY...(He also went to synagogues and not just to the temple...)


New member
The New Testament does not tell us to go to an earthly temple every Sabbath.

The earthly temple does not exist.
The NT tells us it was Jesus' custom to be in the synagogue on Saturdays, not in the temple. And Jesus tells His sheep to follow Him.

A temple is different from a synagogue. There was only one temple in Jerusalem; plenty of synagogues.

God's Truth

New member
The NT tells us it was Jesus' custom to be in the synagogue on Saturdays, not in the temple. And Jesus tells His sheep to follow Him.

A temple is different from a synagogue. There was only one temple in Jerusalem; plenty of synagogues.

What don't you get about the scriptures saying Jesus went to the temple everyday?

Why don't you say you follow Jesus by going to the temple everyday?