Unitarians, Arians.
Not sure why LifeisGood is arguing with you but I saw where it actually started to go South so thought I'd jump in for the meaningful part of the conversation as well as post some scriptures (we all need scriptures). :e4e:
I didn't just post a lot of scriptures??? :think:
It 'shows' different individuals. The Son praying to the Father, for instance. Scripture 'plainly says' that the Word was 'with' God, and 'was God.'
How is that possible? :idunno: BUT I don't second-guess or go beyond it. Clearly, right there in John 1:1, 'with' (two or more?) and "was" (same). :think: It is as clear as that.
I disagree, even where my own logic is concerned. We all generally believe 'our' logic is logic. :nono: Why? Because we ALL are finite and limited. We only know what we can encapsulate in our finite minds and MUST trust God for a lot of truth. NO logic will settle John 1:1. It is very clear in conveyance but it is a 'logical' conundrum for you and I. It is well beyond your or my ability to quantify (logic). It is God's logic. He doesn't think like us. Numbers 23:19 We do the best we can and sometimes can grasp the scriptures well enough to explain them. John 4:22
This is your opportunity to discuss those scripture then. You realize, before even starting, that most of Christianity is Triune, though, I'm sure. We all have read and know the scriptures so it will need to be thorough and convincing and make 'logical' scriptural sense. John 1:1 is a real hurdle for Modalists One-ness Pentecostals and Arian/Unitarians. That one verse is God's revelation of Who He is.
:think: I wonder if you have read through the
Triune thread or even all the verses in this thread for that matter.
I am VERY convinced by about half of what Modalists believe, and about half of what an Arian believes. Both believe scripture, but to me, seem not to be familiar enough each, with the rest of the Bible. -Lon