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I've learned enough to know that the OLDEST Christian tradition that teaches the Trinity that YOU BELIEVE is the Catholic Church, and that makes discussing the Catholic Church ITT right on topic.
Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that. (Mark 7:13)
The Catholic Church is the Church in the Bible.
YOUR Catholic Church is the ROMAN Catholic Church which is not biblical.
Her bishops are the bishops in the Bible.
Show me from the Bible or from historical facts that one of the bishops/overseers/apostles in the Bible approved of pedophilia going on still in the ROMAN Catholic Church right now and paid millions to cover it up. Just one example.
Her teaching on the Trinity is what YOU BELIEVE.
No! I believe what the Bible tells me and I do not need the ROMAN Catholic Church to teach me about the Triunity of God; He did that all on His own and left it all written down in His word.
There is no authorized, infallible teaching to do that.
But the Popes have never come out and condemn the kissing of statues, rosaries, bowing down to them, etc. have they? Oh, no, they simply extend their hands and expect the ring to be kissed.
Where? In the Catechism of the Catholic Church, where?
Have you never seen in the Vatican catholics kneeling down and walking on their knees until they bleed?
Have you never seen the Popes' rings are kissed?
Have you never seen catholics bowing down to Popes? Or statues? Or lighting candles, etc.?
Where in the Catechism of the Catholic Church is this taught?
Does not the ROMAN Catholic Church teach that Peter is the first Pope? I though you knew your history.
Peter infallibly and unilaterally declared that all of Paul's epistles were Scripture.
Yes, because Paul was right and Peter confirmed that Paul was right.
Paul opposed Peter to his face, for what he did was very wrong.
And you know what is most incredible for me about Peter?
It is not that the ROMAN Catholic Church declares that he was the first Pope.
What is most incredible to me about Peter is that Peter humbled himself before Paul and accepted the reprimand publicly. Didn't say, 'Paul, here, kiss my ring, cause I'm the Pope.'
What is an infallible pope? That's not a Catholic or Christian term.
The idea of the infallibility of the pope was defined at the first Vatican Council in 1869.
And what is your trouble with the Church living out what Paul said, preaching Christ and Him crucified?
The ROMAN Catholic Church teach that there is no salvation outside of the ROMAN Catholic Church. Where did any of the Apostles teach that?
The Church that hashed out the Trinity teaching is not acceptable to you? You're all over the place.
You give too much credit to the RCC, Nihilo.
God does NOT need the RCC to tell Him who He is.
God left all that He wants us to know about Him written in the Bible.
Vs. that Christ spoke a language in which the word for rock and Peter's name are the same. When translated into Greek (cf. John 1:42 KJV) of course the fact that the Greek word for rock is feminine became an issue, and Peter, being a man, would have to have the feminine word turned masculine. Otherwise you'd have him with a feminine name.