The Sabbath commandment is one of the Ten Commandments.


I identify as a Christian
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Hall of Fame
[MENTION=5582]Jacob[/MENTION]. Thank you for making your posts much more readable. :)


[MENTION=5582]Jacob[/MENTION]. Thank you for making your posts much more readable. :)
You are welcome. Should I edit the OP after the fact or leave it the way it is?

You may be speaking of posts even in this thread after the OP, or encouraging me in thinking about these things with a mind or outlook for the future. I think it is a good idea so long as everyone can see the verses. Maybe the verses appearing when a person hovers their mouse pointer over a verse reference, so long as I can easily do this and it does not prevent a person from seeing clearly all the verses that pertain or relate to the subject.


New member
Tell him clefty !!!

lol...Just trying to make clear that the Sabbath is not just for one tribe of people...but was made for all of us

I have yet to hear that "thou shalt not kill" was for one tribe only...and since He kept that commandment we don't have to...

I also don't appreciate people making more of circumcision than it is...merely a symbol

It happens to infants who don't know any better...

just like I don't support infant baptism...neither infant understands what is occurring...


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
He may have been speaking against Judaizers. For he had Timothy circumcised.

Not for God's sake, he didn't!

You're rationalizing. I told you that you'd have to cherry pick and that's exactly what you're doing. That's what all - ALL - Messianic Jews do.

And what are you if not a Judaizer? Are you not advocating that Christians follow the Law of Moses - a.k.a. the Torah?


New member
He may have been speaking against Judaizers. For he had Timothy circumcised.

Paul had Timothy circumcised so he could assist Paul in ministering to Jews. The uncircumcised had no credibility with the circumcised. They weren't even allowed into the Temple and signs were posted warning them.


lol...Just trying to make clear that the Sabbath is not just for one tribe of people...but was made for all of us

I have yet to hear that "thou shalt not kill" was for one tribe only...and since He kept that commandment we don't have to...

I also don't appreciate people making more of circumcision than it is...merely a symbol

It happens to infants who don't know any better...

just like I don't support infant baptism...neither infant understands what is occurring...

We must accept what scripture says rather than substituting out own ideas and calling it truth. Nothing is saying anyone doesn't have to, and now you have the Law, God's Law, which shows you what sin is. None of us should sin. Still, not everyone is of Israel. Do you need to join Israel to be saved? Do you need to join Israel to not sin? To observe the Law, to observe Torah, you have joined Israel. Otherwise you can obey God's commands as best you can, even if this means you do not become circumcised. It is really up to you. It is just not required to be saved. And yet, it is one of God's commands. Maybe this is a discussion about God's commands and which ones are for everyone and which ones are for Israel. Or, the place of the Law in the life of the believer. The place or role of the Law in convicting people of sin, or showing them what sin is. Sin is transgression of the Law.


Not for God's sake, he didn't!

You're rationalizing. I told you that you'd have to cherry pick and that's exactly what you're doing. That's what all - ALL - Messianic Jews do.

And what are you if not a Judaizer? Are you not advocating that Christians follow the Law of Moses - a.k.a. the Torah?

There is nothing wrong when a Christian follows the Law of Moses. A Jew is obligated to do so, as this is the covenant God made with the nation of Israel.

I know about Messianic Judaism, and though you may be wrong about the Law or Messianic Judaism or Messianic Jews, I must say that Judaism or my identity as a Jew comes before that I attend a Messianic Jewish congregation. Meaning, in a sense I am a part of Messianic Judaism, even as I don't agree necessarily with Messianic doctrine. However, this statement or admission of mine might not even be in the area you are objecting to. You are making a point, but I see no reason to cherry pick anything. I accept all of God's Law. I observe Torah, though I live outside of the land of Israel.

You will do well if you do what you should do according to Acts 15 as a Christian, even a Christian who is not a Jew. There were Christians from among the Gentiles, and there are things for you to obey. Do they come from the Law or not? :) That is part of the discussion. But it would indeed be wrong to say Christians are not under commands and Laws such as that anyone would want to escape God's commands completely. But the issue here was the Judaizers, who were teaching that you must observe the entire or whole Law and be circumcised to be saved or have fellowship with other believers. But no one is saved by observing the Law to begin with. You may then ask, why do we observe God's Law or why do we obey God's commands? And, in the new covenant what are we to obey as Jews and Gentiles? The new covenant is for the house of Israel and the house of Judah. Gentiles for one do not need to be circumcised.


Paul had Timothy circumcised so he could assist Paul in ministering to Jews. The uncircumcised had no credibility with the circumcised. They weren't even allowed into the Temple and signs were posted warning them.

Timothy's father was not a Jew, but was Timothy? In any case Paul had no difficulty circumcising him or having him circumcised. But with Titus is was a completely different case.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
There is nothing wrong when a Christian follows the Law of Moses. A Jew is obligated to do so, as this is the covenant God made with the nation of Israel.

I know about Messianic Judaism, and though you may be wrong about the Law or Messianic Judaism or Messianic Jews, I must say that Judaism or my identity as a Jew comes before that I attend a Messianic Jewish congregation. Meaning, in a sense I am a part of Messianic Judaism, even as I don't agree necessarily with Messianic doctrine. However, this statement or admission of mine might not even be in the area you are objecting to. You are making a point, but I see no reason to cherry pick anything. I accept all of God's Law. I observe Torah, though I live outside of the land of Israel.
I have no problem with your beliefs, as long as you realize most Christians well understand they are saved by Grace alone.


I have no problem with your beliefs, as long as you realize most Christians well understand they are saved by Grace alone.
Apart from grace no one is saved. It is the only way. Salvation is not by or of works. See Ephesians 2:8-9 NASB.


Why is the new covenant for Israel and Judah necessary?
That is a great question. I do know that the people, Israel, of which I am now a part, broke the first covenant. This is the covenant God made with Israel at Mount Sinai, which involves or includes the Law. The Law is the covenant or the Law is a part of the covenant, the Law being God's Law, commands, instruction, associated with the covenant. Some say the new covenant is God's law written on hearts and minds, and it is, but it might be said that the reason for the new covenant is that they broke it so God had to write it on hearts and minds.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
You are welcome. Should I edit the OP after the fact or leave it the way it is?

You may be speaking of posts even in this thread after the OP, or encouraging me in thinking about these things with a mind or outlook for the future. I think it is a good idea so long as everyone can see the verses. Maybe the verses appearing when a person hovers their mouse pointer over a verse reference, so long as I can easily do this and it does not prevent a person from seeing clearly all the verses that pertain or relate to the subject.
What is done is done, but in the future if you are going to give out a lot of information, it is better to split it up over several posts in the thread. Don't make your argument all in one post.


What is done is done, but in the future if you are going to give out a lot of information, it is better to split it up over several posts in the thread. Don't make your argument all in one post.
Okay. Thank you. There was a time where, well... no, I can't say for sure. Making one's point in the OP was encouraged. Maybe making the OP complete. Or, making a point, statement, or asking a question in one post. Maybe then defending it or substantiating it, backing it up, answering objections. If evidence is needed, is this in the OP? I think that if I ever need more than one post I can state something to the effect that there will be subsequent posts.

The dialog, discussion, conversation, interaction that a thread, or these threads, provide, is invaluable to all involved and those who do not participate but do read them.

I believe I understand what is being asked. I have a final question which I may have only alluded to prior to asking specifically here now. Do all forum participants and those who read the forums at TOL, do they or can they see the hover text on each verse or scripture reference? Otherwise it is up to those who read and / or participate to read the scriptures on their own if hover text is not or cannot be provided or created even by the one who makes a post with scripture references.


New member
That is a great question.

God rescued Jacob's people from Egypt to be a kingdom of priests. The people weren't keen on the idea so God instituted the Levitical priesthood in their place. However, perfection was not available through the Levitical priesthood so God promised he would make a new covenant with the people.

God's new covenant will be implemented at Christ's coming.

Since Jesus' death a new priesthood has been established. We're it.


New member
God rescued Jacob's people from Egypt to be a kingdom of priests. The people weren't keen on the idea so God instituted the Levitical priesthood in their place. However, perfection was not available through the Levitical priesthood so God promised he would make a new covenant with the people.

God's new covenant will be implemented at Christ's coming.

Since Jesus' death a new priesthood has been established. We're it.

We are priests in temples made without hands but of our own bodies...dead to flesh and our former ways and made alive in Him His way and responsible as priests are to continue it...including its calendar...His calender...

Right Divider

Body part
God rescued Jacob's people from Egypt to be a kingdom of priests. The people weren't keen on the idea so God instituted the Levitical priesthood in their place. However, perfection was not available through the Levitical priesthood so God promised he would make a new covenant with the people.

God's new covenant will be implemented at Christ's coming.

Since Jesus' death a new priesthood has been established. We're it.
Why doesn't Paul ever mention that we are in a "priesthood"? Paul never even uses the word 'priest' or 'priesthood' in ANY of his epistles. Was he negligent?


God rescued Jacob's people from Egypt to be a kingdom of priests. The people weren't keen on the idea so God instituted the Levitical priesthood in their place. However, perfection was not available through the Levitical priesthood so God promised he would make a new covenant with the people.
God's new covenant will be implemented at Christ's coming.
This already happened, 2000 years ago.
Since Jesus' death a new priesthood has been established. We're it.
No. You misunderstand or misread the scriptures.