The Israel-Palestine conflict: a brief, simple history


Do you mean such as Jacob? And Isaac? And Abraham?

Were Joseph's sons Jews or Gentiles?

Were Noah's family Jews or Gentiles?

Was Adam Jew or Gentile?

So why are some Jews now in Judea? Are they entitled to claim land they forfeited many years ago?



You are contesting the Jews right to Israel?


The Jews were given land in the context of international law.

Are they entitled to land not given to them? Land that is not theirs? Land they left millennia ago?


Are you comfortable taking the stance that the UN has taken that supports Islamic terrorism and denies the Jews Biblical history?

You do realize this is the liberal stance and the same stance as Islam?


New member
If the Israels were smart, and I'm not saying they are, they would relinquish all claims to land that is not legally theirs in the context of international law.


Where do you get this "given" from?
Literacy is easy to teach in phonetic languages. Hebrew/Aramaic used to have vowel letters and diphthongs.

You have no evidence for such a claim. Considering that the tribes were scattered and sometimes at war with each other- (as described in the Book of Judges), it seems unlikely that such records existed.
It isn't hard to copy a few sentences of lineage. Really?

What you are discounting is the importance of oral traditions. People can know what their lineage is by oral tradition.
No, they can't, and writing lineages takes less effort. Kind of like writing math is better than orally doing math.

There are clear motivations for pretending that modern Jews are not connected to the ancient Israelites. For some types of Christians, live Jews carrying on their traditions and returning to their land is a theological embarrassment.
It is not an embarrassment. I tolerate Palestinian genocide, and have my reason for believing Israel is a legitimate country

Note that both Christians and Arabs had no difficulty in identifying who today's Jews are just a few decades ago.
I don't need to note it. I trust there is such a thing as modern Jews.


If the Israels were smart, and I'm not saying they are, they would relinquish all claims to land that is not legally theirs in the context of international law.

Joel 3:2



Well-known member

Jews are not a nationality, they are a religion the same as Muslims.

This is the most common misconception about Jews. Many western people have a hard time grasping that Judaism is a national religion. The religion of the Jews. And not the other way around.

If one converts to Judaism, one joins the nation of Jews. It is more than just changing your religion.

Ruth 1
16 But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.



New member
This is the most common misconception about Jews. Many western people have a hard time grasping that Judaism is a national religion. The religion of the Jews. And not the other way around.

Is stealing land an aspect of national Judaism? What legal right does the State of Israel have to Arab lands?

If the Jews wanted Judea why did they desert it? It is obvious to me that if the God of Israel wanted Jews to have this land he would not have had them evicted and their temple destroyed, not once but twice.

Will the "Jews" ever learn? Nope, I guess not.


Is stealing land an aspect of national Judaism? What legal right does the State of Israel have to Arab lands?

If the Jews wanted Judea why did they desert it? It is obvious to me that if the God of Israel wanted Jews to have this land he would not have had them evicted and their temple destroyed, not once but twice.

Will the "Jews" ever learn? Nope, I guess not.

If the Israels were smart, and I'm not saying they are, they would relinquish all claims to land that is not legally theirs in the context of international law.

Did you read the verse?

Joel 3:2

# 3 mouths and no ears
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Well-known member
Is stealing land an aspect of national Judaism? What legal right does the State of Israel have to Arab lands?

If the Jews wanted Judea why did they desert it? It is obvious to me that if the God of Israel wanted Jews to have this land he would not have had them evicted and their temple destroyed, not once but twice.

Will the "Jews" ever learn? Nope, I guess not.

We didn't "desert it". We were driven out by invaders. Such as the Romans- and the Arabs who invaded the area in the 7th century.


New member
Did you read the verse?

There is history (things past), there is prophecy (things to come) and there is now. We live in the now.

Why did God ask Nebuchadnezzar to relocate those in Judea and remove the eviscerated temple? Was it because of their devotion and love for God?

Why did God later ask the Romans to do the same thing?

Nothing has changed but now they want land they had in bygone days.

Xin loi.


There is history (things past), there is prophecy (things to come) and there is now. We live in the now.

Why did God ask Nebuchadnezzar to relocate those in Judea and remove the eviscerated temple? Was it because of their devotion and love for God?

Why did God later ask the Romans to do the same thing?

Nothing has changed but now they want land they had in bygone days.

Xin loi.


Did you read the verse and are you aware that it hasn't taken place yet?

Joel 3:2

What it's like expecting Jamie to read any verse you cite-



Well-known member
There is history (things past), there is prophecy (things to come) and there is now. We live in the now.

Why did God ask Nebuchadnezzar to relocate those in Judea and remove the eviscerated temple? Was it because of their devotion and love for God?

Why did God later ask the Romans to do the same thing?

Nothing has changed but now they want land they had in bygone days.

Xin loi.

Now there is a Jewish State called Israel. That is now.

And if you want to do prophecies- you'd do well to read the entire Bible. You'll find that just as the destruction and exile was predicted, so was the return to the land.


New member
Now there is a Jewish State called Israel. That is now.

And if you want to do prophecies- you'd do well to read the entire Bible. You'll find that just as the destruction and exile was predicted, so was the return to the land.

And the State of Israel has been apportioned land. Stay with it and maybe later God will give you more, but don't steal it.


Now there is a Jewish State called Israel. That is now.

And if you want to do prophecies- you'd do well to read the entire Bible. You'll find that just as the destruction and exile was predicted, so was the return to the land.

And the State of Israel has been apportioned land. Stay with it and maybe later God will give you more, but don't steal it.

Jamie and the UN sitten in a tree....


Well-known member
Really? Where was God? Was God preoccupied?

I am stating a historical fact. We didn't "desert" the land of Israel. We were driven out.

Deuteronomy 30:
When all these blessings and curses I have set before you come on you and you take them to heart wherever the Lord your God disperses you among the nations, 2 and when you and your children return to the Lord your God and obey him with all your heart and with all your soul according to everything I command you today, 3 then the Lord your God will restore your fortunes[a] and have compassion on you and gather you again from all the nations where he scattered you. 4 Even if you have been banished to the most distant land under the heavens, from there the Lord your God will gather you and bring you back. 5 He will bring you to the land that belonged to your ancestors, and you will take possession of it. He will make you more prosperous and numerous than your ancestors.