The Israel-Palestine conflict: a brief, simple history


Well-known member
Claiming all Israel are Jews is like claiming all Americans are Hoosiers.

The vast majority of Israel is Gentile just like Jacob was.

So much confusion.

Gentlemen and Ladies. Pay attention:
The term "Jews" originated from the term "Judean", namely people of the tribe of Judah. However, over the years it became a general term for anybody from the original twelve tribes of Israel. Including myself- I am of the tribe of Levi, but I am called a "Jew".

Classically Jews usually called themselves "Israel", and to this day we may speak of "Jews" (Yehudim)sometimes, but also as Israel (usually in the context of "Nation of Israel").

Note that Jesus himself speaks of Israel, as in the "lost sheep of Israel".

The term "Gentile" applies to those who are not of Israel. Calling those of Israel who are not of Judah "Gentiles" is incorrect- it deprives the word "Gentile" of it's meaning. (Does anybody in the New Testament refer to Israel as Gentiles?!) Not to mention that the vast majority of surviving Israel is of Judah in any case.


This is simply untrue. Yes, the name "Ashkenaz" comes from the Biblical name in Genesis. It was used by JEWS to refer to Germany in the Middle Ages. There are no records, besides oral tradition. Nobody has written records going back that far. However, genetic testing has shown that both Sepharadi and Ashkenazi Jews have common roots in the Middle East.

Please read up on this, and not just from anti-Jewish sites.
The common root is genes common to all humans.


I highly doubt that every single Jew in the first century had a complete written lineage back to Adam in the temple.
Howabout a complete lineage back to Abram/Abraham then?

In any case, even if they did, the Temple and any such records were destroyed in 70 AD. Therefore...there are no Jews anymore? Anywhere?
Since Israel didn't survive, many Samaritans continued the Israelite religion claiming to be of the tribe of Judah.


Have you read the Book of Judges? Does it seem like a culture where central records were kept for hundreds or thousands of years?
Yes, it does seem they like they kept complete non-central records. Per to thuk aka thyself, the records had to be centralized and in the temple. Given that every Israelite was literate, thus the need for highly centralized lineages was limited.

Does it look like central records were kept during Judges? Absolutely.


Well-known member
Yes, it does seem they like they kept complete non-central records. Per to thuk aka thyself, the records had to be centralized and in the temple.
Um. No "Temple" then. Just the Sanctuary. A Tent-like structure.
Given that every Israelite was literate
Where do you get this "given" from?
, thus the need for highly centralized lineages was limited.
Does it look like central records were kept during Judges? Absolutely.

You have no evidence for such a claim. Considering that the tribes were scattered and sometimes at war with each other- (as described in the Book of Judges), it seems unlikely that such records existed.

What you are discounting is the importance of oral traditions. People can know what their lineage is by oral tradition.

There are clear motivations for pretending that modern Jews are not connected to the ancient Israelites. For some types of Christians, live Jews carrying on their traditions and returning to their land is a theological embarrassment. And to those who support the Palestinians, it is useful to rewrite history and pretend that the Jews of today aren't "real Jews".

Note that both Christians and Arabs had no difficulty in identifying who today's Jews are just a few decades ago.


New member
What you are discounting is the importance of oral traditions. People can know what their lineage is by oral tradition.

Absolutely! The ancient Hebrews had outstanding memories. People knew their "roots".
Note the genealogy of Yeshua, through the Virgin, goes all the way back to Adam (Luke 3:23-38).

BTW, I believe that it is the Mormons that believe that the "true Jews" floated across the Atlantic from Israel to the U.S. (and there became the "American Indians" of old).


New member
The term "Jews" originated from the term "Judean", namely people of the tribe of Judah.

Nope. The term "Judean" referred to those who lived in Judea regardless of ethnicity.

The term "Jew" refers to adherents of Judaism. "And there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men, from every nation under heaven."
(Acts 2:5)

Jews are not a nationality, they are a religion the same as Muslims.

Today the overwhelming majority of Israel have never been to Judea.


New member
The term "Gentile" applies to those who are not of Israel.

Do you mean such as Jacob? And Isaac? And Abraham?

Were Joseph's sons Jews or Gentiles?

Were Noah's family Jews or Gentiles?

Was Adam Jew or Gentile?

So why are some Jews now in Judea? Are they entitled to claim land they forfeited many years ago?



New member
How many Jews are in Christ? How many Gentiles are in Christ?

How many males are in Christ? How many females are in Christ?

Jesus said the flesh profits nothing.