The Israel-Palestine conflict: a brief, simple history


Active member
Your position is quite clear. you've made up a story that turns the Jews of Europe into...Germans (?!), thus removing from them the claim of being indigenous to the Middle East. It is a nasty fiction, designed to help destroy Israel.

We do not have to speak further.

You seem to devoid of any reading comprehension. You're right this discussion is done. I'll be certain not to waste my time with you and your throughly delusional and frankly stupid responses in the future. Thanks for proving my point though. You right wing 'fundies' are all the same.


Your position is quite clear. you've made up a story that turns the Jews of Europe into...Germans (?!), thus removing from them the claim of being indigenous to the Middle East. It is a nasty fiction, designed to help destroy Israel.

We do not have to speak further.

You seem to devoid of any reading comprehension. You're right this discussion is done. I'll be certain not to waste my time with you and your throughly delusional and frankly stupid responses in the future. Thanks for proving my point though. You right wing 'fundies' are all the same.


Well spoken!


Well-known member
The Azkanazi fled persecution during the Holocaust. Funny how you would desire to strip them of their Jewish history. National Geographic even recognizes the Azkanazi as Semites, and they teach evolution.

What's the deal SOC?

Yeah, there's no problem with some identifying the Jews as Jews when it comes time to persecute or destroy them.

But...when it comes to rightful inheritance of the land, the same will say, "But, they're not really Jews".

Both positions reveal the influence of a demonic anti-Semitic spirit.


Yeah, there's no problem with some identifying the Jews as Jews when it comes time to persecute or destroy them.

But...when it comes to rightful inheritance of the land, the same will say, "But, they're not really Jews".

Both positions reveal the influence of a demonic anti-Semitic spirit.

There is no doubt! Spot on!


TOL Subscriber
Yeah, there's no problem with some identifying the Jews as Jews when it comes time to persecute or destroy them.

But...when it comes to rightful inheritance of the land, the same will say, "But, they're not really Jews".

Both positions reveal the influence of a demonic anti-Semitic spirit.

The land promises given to Abraham/Jews were fulfilled in the days of Joshua, and Dispensationalism proves to be a much more demonic and anti-Semitic spirit, than any historical (Protestant) church teachings.


TOL Subscriber
I highly doubt that every single Jew in the first century had a complete written lineage back to Adam in the temple.

In any case, even if they did, the Temple and any such records were destroyed in 70 AD. Therefore...there are no Jews anymore? Anywhere?

Any and all tribal identity has been lost to the modern nation of Israel . .


Chair is not a Christian. Interesting you would align with an atheist . . .

Excellent point Nang!!!!

[MENTION=5868]chair[/MENTION], an atheist (according to Nang) has more concern for a people that have been through horrors of war and oppression for far too long.

Chair stood up for them, but he has no biblical agenda (according to Nang). You [MENTION=7292]Nang[/MENTION] on the other hand rally against the very legitimacy of the Jews and Israel while the terror portion of the Middle East is starving to kill Jews and wipe out Israel.

How is it that an individual that has no biblical concern (according to you Nang) for the Jews has compassion for them, while you ... a bible believing Christian ... do not?

I wonder if [MENTION=12870]steko[/MENTION] noticed this? Nang has no compassion where Chair does.

Oh.... And look... [MENTION=5868]chair[/MENTION] is NOT an Athiest... I just Found their response.

# Get your facts straight first

# Tulip seems to impair perception

You were saying... [MENTION=7292]Nang[/MENTION]?


Chair is not a Christian. Interesting you would align with an atheist . . .

The land promises given to Abraham/Jews were fulfilled in the days of Joshua, and Dispensationalism proves to be a much more demonic and anti-Semitic spirit, than any historical (Protestant) church teachings.

Any and all tribal identity has been lost to the modern nation of Israel . .

I am also NOT an atheist.

Funny. I am a Levite...

Everything you need to know about anything Nang has contributed to this thread is answered here.

# Nang needs to get their facts straight first