The Israel-Palestine conflict: a brief, simple history


Logic? Texas was ceded to the U.S. in a legal treaty. Has the West Bank been ceded to Israel in a legal treaty?

How is comparing apples and oranges logical? There is currently no land dispute between the U.S. and Mexico.


Have you ever researched the full history of Israel from the time of Christ to now? They win the territory fair and square on the 6 days war. They are a little tiny sliver of democracy amongst hateful arabs that want them dead. Islam claims to be the true Jews and followers of Moses.

You would have the Jews slaughtered and everyone else that reasons like you do would too.

They are a persecuted people! Seriously. Do you even read the Bible? Have you looked into the Holocaust?

Rent Schindler's List for goodness sakes! You absolutely have no idea what damage rhetoric like yours does. Would you have Israel swallowed up by Mohammad's followers?


What was God's beef with the "Jews" when he invited the Romans to remove them?

You're probably not aware that there was a fault in God's first covenant with Jacob's people. To this day that fault has not been resolved.

Then you stand with a force that is severely mistaken. I cannot reason with you. So be it.
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New member
Then you stand with a force that is severely mistaken. I cannot reason with you. So be it. You

There is nothing to reason. The State of Israel has a deep spiritual fault.

Deep. That's why they lost their land in the first century.



New member
If Jews ceased to exist, then God could not fulfill his covenants upon the earth and there would be absolutely no reason for Yeshua Messiah to return to the earth.
Instead, Jesus could just remain in heaven with his (raptured) "church" and not return to the planet, but just abandon it to the Devil and his minions.
I'll let Jamie play with the "logic"... that is if she/he has the ability to read this.


New member
And what of Romans 11's warning to not be conceited towards them?

Romans 11 as well as Paul's other letters were written with regard to Mosaic law which ended when Christ died. God gave the Judeans forty years to convert to the apostles' teachings and then the curtain came down in 70 CE.

Rabbinical Judaism is not based on the Hebrew scriptures. It's a man-made religion.

Christ will not validate this or any other man-made religion. You are not helping the Jews.


Well-known member
Giving up Arab land would be suicidal? I disagree....

I didn't say giving up any land under any conditions is suicidal. You made my position more extreme as it is.
As others have pointed out, land that we did give back has become a source of terror and war. This includes Gaza- and much of the West Bank, which was given to the newly invented Palestinian Authority.

You will forgive me if we don't base our security on your interpretation of some verses in the New Testament.


Romans 11 as well as Paul's other letters were written with regard to Mosaic law which ended when Christ died. God gave the Judeans forty years to convert to the apostles' teachings and then the curtain came down in 70 CE.

Rabbinical Judaism is not based on the Hebrew scriptures. It's a man-made religion.

Christ will not validate this or any other man-made religion. You are not helping the Jews.

You really think it's just a religion?


New member
You will forgive me if we don't base our security on your interpretation of some verses in the New Testament.

But do you base your security on the Hebrew scriptures?

Do you base your security on the one foretold by Moses?


Not just a religion, a false religion.

So... you're disputing the scriptures recognition of the Jews being dispersed throughout the nations?

You do realize your now disputing the very existence of the Jews with your rhetoric?
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New member
So... your disputing the scriptures recognition of the Jews being dispersed throughout the nations?

You do realize your now disputing the very existence of the Jews with your rhetoric?

All of Israel was scattered throughout the nations. The Jews are part of the lost sheep of Israel that Christ would like to recover and to be a part of his kingdom. You are wanting the Jews to maintain their decades old rut and to continue rejecting their King. Why? Do you hate the Jews?


All of Israel was scattered throughout the nations. The Jews are part of the lost sheep of Israel that Christ would like to recover and to be a part of his kingdom. You are wanting the Jews to maintain their decades old rut and to continue rejecting their King. Why? Do you hate the Jews?

The last shall be first and the first shall be last. Though they are enemies of the Gospel, they are loved because of their ancestors. Do not be fooled, a partial hardening has occurred, but only to show the depths of the Mercy of God. The promises of God are Irrevocable.

I will tell you a mystery, after the final number of the Gentiles has arrived, ALL ISRAEL will be saved.

He will be angry with those who have divided His land and dispersed His elect to the nations.


New member
I will tell you a mystery, after the final number of the Gentiles has arrived, ALL ISRAEL will be saved.

I tell you a mystery, there is much more to Israel than those who claim they are Jews but are not.

Circumcision of the flesh counts for nothing with God. Only those circumcised of heart are the elect.

And don't blame Titus for dispersing the apostate Jewish people, Titus just did what he was led to do.


I tell you a mystery, there is much more to Israel than those who claim they are Jews but are not.

Circumcision of the flesh counts for nothing with God. Only those circumcised of heart are the elect.

And don't blame Titus for dispersing the apostate Jewish people, Titus just did what he was led to do.

You are conceited towards the Jews. How about Hitler, what are your words towards the holocaust?


Now that you mention it Hitler didn't accept Jesus' sacrifice either.

I'm relieved you didn't say his work was ordained by God. However, you have a religious culture centric view of the world around you. This is why I'm certain that reasoning with you is impossible. Whatever dogma feeds your mind, it is concrete.