Apparently not enough for you.
You're determined to defend Darby's false teachings to your grave.
As I predicted.
What a clown-even you know it, Gomer. That's all you have in your holster-your "Darby" spam bullets. Weighty, Craigie the Clown.
Apparently not enough for you.
You're determined to defend Darby's false teachings to your grave.
I will slow it down for you, Jeff
You missed his "argument," Jeff-pay attention, or put down your bong:
"The only way one can answer you is for both of us to recognize what exactly is IN the Bible as far as what Jesus says himself in the New Testament. "-him
I don't understand how the rest of the theology you offer is pertinent to an evaluation and history of the Book of Hebrews.
Sell all thou hast.
Because they were poor.
Nice try.
You do know the church of God at Corinth didn't exist in Acts 2?
Why would Paul give Timothy instructions about a "kingdom church"?
Let me know if you ever buy that one, saint john. Cause George Strait has some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you.
Last count there were 83 death knells to MAD. How many does it take?
When you gonna learn to read what is written.
You're in denial, Mayor.
"We now live in a new heaven and a new earth. .... we now live in the new heavens and new earth...Yes, we are living in the millennial reign right now."- Craigie
"....we now live in the greatest time period since the creation of planet earth"-Big Top Tettie the Clown
Here, let me slow it down for you son.
Yer original post to the guy was about his opinions.
Mine to you was about yers.
Now let's hear yer Dispensational opinion on where Paul got the idea Jesus said it is more blessed to give than to receive.
Sitting by patiently waiting.........
Well, Mayor, I'm waiting for Gomer Tet. to "resurrect" his "MAD can't even agree on..............(fill in the blank)" "argument," to baffle us, so much so, that we are "speechless." Of course, this satanic ploy of his, automatically means that Christianity is false, as is Preterism(Full Preterism, Partial Preterism................)
"Darby" is due...."Wait for it.."
saint "Radar" John W
When you gonna learn to read what is written.
Those at Jerusalem sold their extra possessions and land.
They continued to break bread from house to house.
"When you gonna learn to read what is written."-Jeff
One more time, Jeff? Please? Give us "The Trifecta!" Are you "gonna?" You taught us such eloquence.
"gonna learn"
Is that like "dry water?"
Imafixinta file that one, also.
I will try that. Thanks fella.
My favorite was skittles and cockroaches.
I hope he resurrects that line.
There are many poor people that need $'s, Craigie.
Since you assert that all scripture is written to everybody, for their obedience, do it.
Tell us the AD 70/Preterist "thinking process," "interpretive method,"for determining what is written to members of the boc, for their obedience, and what is not. Lay it out for us, Craigie. You know the "dispie" interpretive method, for understanding the book. Spell out yours.
Let me guess:
1. Darby....Darby....
2. Fulfilled in AD 70-from:
3. You're in denial...Figurative...I was a dispensationalist for 25 years....No one taught dispensationalism until Wyatt Earp did, at "The OK Corral"...........Allegory....Why don't you believe the bible/"Jesus"/Paul?............
"The Roman army destroyed Jerusalem in 70AD. That is what Jesus meant when He said He will return."-Gomer Tet.
And tell us who taught you the above, Gome? No scripture says that. Go ahead, Craigie, and assert that you learned that all on your own, from reading your fake "modern" bibles. Go ahead.
Deception. You did not argue "Yer original post to the guy was about his opinions" in your initial "post,"you puffed up like a bullfrog in heat blowhard, so stuff your rabbit trail/misdirection, as I stayed on topic-his, and not your emotional blubberings, and "tough guy" routine.
"Sitting by patiently waiting........"-Jeff
Another "original" stunner/cliche. Please teach us....Please?
Now, I told you to have a seat. Be a dear, and I might just recognize you in the future.
Dig, Jeff? Cool.
"Yer ...yers"-Jeff
This is a theology site, not a "dating/relationship" site, Jeff.