The deadly consequences of denying limited atonement !


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2 Tim 3:5

[FONT=&]Having a form of godliness, but[/FONT]denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

By Limited Atonement I mean that Christ Saving Death was and is for only some of mankind in the eternal purpose of God in Christ Jesus. God hath sovereignly limited the efficay of His Sons Death to save only some, hence leaving the rest to perish in their sins ! Rom 11:7

[FONT=&]What [/FONT]then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded.

Now what did the Election obtain ? This 2 Tim 2:10

10 Therefore I endure all things for the elect's sakes, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.

They obtain Salvation which is in Christ Jesus with Eternal Glory !

Now, once anyone denies limited atonement, that Christ's saving death was only for some and not for all without exception, and doeth falsely teach that Christ's death was for all without exception, yet knowing that all without exception shall not obtain Salvation with Eternal Glory which is in Christ Jesus:

Then they are guilty of denying that Salvation is 100 % conditioned on the Person and Work of Jesus Christ. There's no way around that fact. Either Christ's Saving death was only for some, and all of that some are saved, or it was for all without exception, and in some degree Salvation is conditioned upon man, something he must do. Once that element of what man does enters the equation to make Salvation a reality, Salvation is no more 100% conditioned on Christ alone, which deny's the power of the Gospel !Hence the deadly consequences of denying limited atonement !

Atonement is has been made available to all, however, not all have decided to confess with their mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in their heart that God has raised him from the dead. Romans 10:9-10


New member
Atonement is has been made available to all, however, not all have decided to confess with their mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in their heart that God has raised him from the dead. Romans 10:9-10

The atonement is not Obamacare that has suddenly been made available to all people. All people currently receive the benefits of Christ's atonement whether they believe or not. Belief or faith is one of the benefits of the atonement aka the faith of Jesus Christ. So why are some ultimately saved and multitudes lost? The saved pleased God and the lost were disrespectful to his mercy and grace.


New member
The atonement is not Obamacare that has suddenly been made available to all people. All people currently receive the benefits of Christ's atonement whether they believe or not. Belief or faith is one of the benefits of the atonement aka the faith of Jesus Christ. So why are some ultimately saved and multitudes lost? The saved pleased God and the lost were disrespectful to his mercy and grace.
How do they please GOD without changing from their former self?

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New member
If He loved them all then He was loving the sons of Satan. John 8:44

You cannot accept that most are vessels fitted for destruction and that many go in at the wide gate.

Silly me. I forgot. You have your own version of God. Mohammed did, too. He just went around condemning everyone who didn't agree with his version. He even said that those who disagreed would never be able to become lambs. And that they are meant for destruction. Of course, he called them "infidels." Not "goats."

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New member
So God did not love the world, as stated in John 3:16?

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Messiah was talking to Nicodemus who was a Pharisee. As such he, along with the rest of the nation, were expecting the consolation of Israel. Messiah was declaring that the relationship of love was now to be extended to all the other nations and not exclusively to Israel.

Taking any verse out of its context is really dangerous. I was taught to check on all the circumstances surrounding the verses, before making a judgement as to what it means. John uses the term world in his epistles as well and if you read them you will see that he means all the other nations in each case.


Well-known member
Lucky for man the intellectual I that dreams up theology and salvation mazes has no immortal gate key, And is fools gold like all separatist teaching! Where can you go that Spirit isnt there, church or bar, hell or heaven, Once you obey luke 17:20-21 2Cor 3:6 becomes apparent as should 1Cor 13, let the heathen rage on with denominational divisions Moses would be proud of. Spirit brings grace and truth that has no laws of matter that fences or restrains God from doing the impossible according to man.


New member
Lucky for man the intellectual I that dreams up theology and salvation mazes has no immortal gate key, And is fools gold like all separatist teaching! Where can you go that Spirit isnt there, church or bar, hell or heaven, Once you obey luke 17:20-21 2Cor 3:6 becomes apparent as should 1Cor 13, let the heathen rage on with denominational divisions Moses would be proud of. Spirit brings grace and truth that has no laws of matter that fences or restrains God from doing the impossible according to man.

I'm almost sure that you had something in mind when you typed that, but it seems you coded it in gibberish.


New member
Messiah was talking to Nicodemus who was a Pharisee. As such he, along with the rest of the nation, were expecting the consolation of Israel. Messiah was declaring that the relationship of love was now to be extended to all the other nations and not exclusively to Israel.

Taking any verse out of its context is really dangerous. I was taught to check on all the circumstances surrounding the verses, before making a judgement as to what it means. John uses the term world in his epistles as well and if you read them you will see that he means all the other nations in each case.

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Well-known member
LOL. HyperMegaSupraLapsarians are the reason so many despise authentic Monergism.

Not a laughing matter 1 Cor. 3:18.

I'm not concerned with, or impressed by religious categories associated with any man's belief structure.

That's not Spiritually profitable, but God's Words are 2 Tim. 3:16.

My priority is being saturated in the Truth through the Spirit's Sanctifying Work in me, comparing scripture with scripture 1 Cor. 2:13; 2 Thes. 2:13; John 16:13.

Ps. 25:5
Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.


Well-known member
If He loved them all then He was loving the sons of Satan. John 8:44

You cannot accept that most are vessels fitted for destruction and that many go in at the wide gate.
No, I accept that, Truster.

Rather: Matthew 5:44,45 Luke 6:27,36 In Him -Lon


Well-known member
The atonement is not Obamacare that has suddenly been made available to all people. All people currently receive the benefits of Christ's atonement whether they believe or not. Belief or faith is one of the benefits of the atonement aka the faith of Jesus Christ. So why are some ultimately saved and multitudes lost? The saved pleased God and the lost were disrespectful to his mercy and grace.

Very good! Atonement is not Obamacare.

It was made available on the day of Pentecost for all who will believe.

Acts 2:38

Romans 10:9 is not restricted to your prerequisites. It is for all. "if you...."

You could be anybody, including those who you would not like to be saved.

I Timothy 2:4 makes little sense for God to want all men to be saved if it was not available for all men to be saved.

God does not require of anyone that they do something that they cannot do.
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TOL Subscriber
Yes you are hostile to it, you don't receive it.

I receive the actual truth.

Also I don't care what you are lol!

Evidently, you care plenty; enough to always be attempting to convince everyone of HyperHyperHyperHyperHyperHyperHyperHyperHyperHyper-Calvinist error.

I'll stick with authentic biblical Monergism and God's sovereignty in election, being foreknown and predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son.

Amazing how you attack Monergists. LOL.


TOL Subscriber
Not a laughing matter 1 Cor. 3:18.

I'm not concerned with, or impressed by religious categories associated with any man's belief structure.

That's not Spiritually profitable, but God's Words are 2 Tim. 3:16.

My priority is being saturated in the Truth through the Spirit's Sanctifying Work in me, comparing scripture with scripture 1 Cor. 2:13; 2 Thes. 2:13; John 16:13.

Ps. 25:5
Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.

Arguing for the sake of arguing, with nominal proof-texting.


New member
The deadly consequences of denying limited atonement !

Messiah was talking to Nicodemus who was a Pharisee. As such he, along with the rest of the nation, were expecting the consolation of Israel. Messiah was declaring that the relationship of love was now to be extended to all the other nations and not exclusively to Israel.

Taking any verse out of its context is really dangerous. I was taught to check on all the circumstances surrounding the verses, before making a judgement as to what it means. John uses the term world in his epistles as well and if you read them you will see that he means all the other nations in each case. when Christ said "world," He didn't mean "world," rather something else? Really?

"John uses the term world in his epistles as well and if you read them..." Do you even realize that my quote came from John? Hence, my denotation "John 3:16."

I am not quoting John 3 because it is the most well-known verse, but rather because its very words, in context, obliterated your point. Plus, it is one that anyone could identify, who may not be as well-versed in Scripture (check out that pun).

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New member when Christ said "world," He didn't mean "world," rather something else? Really?

"John uses the term world in his epistles as well and if you read them..." Do you even realize that my quote came from John? Hence, my denotation "John 3:16."

I am not quoting John 3 because it is the most well-known verse, but rather because its very words, in context, obliterated your point. Plus, it is one that anyone could identify, who may not be as well-versed in Scripture (check out that pun).

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You have been given spiritual facts, "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of Elohim: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."


Well-known member
I receive the actual truth.

Evidently, you care plenty; enough to always be attempting to convince everyone of HyperHyperHyperHyperHyperHyperHyperHyperHyperHyper-Calvinist error.

I'll stick with authentic biblical Monergism and God's sovereignty in election, being foreknown and predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son.

Amazing how you attack Monergists. LOL.
You received a lie, and reject the truth.

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