ECT The core of the argument between Christians and MAD.

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Mocking You

New member
This but shows that the Holy Spirit is given AFTER being baptized into Christ. It is then that the Anointing, by hands and chrism and prayer, is given to the one who has emerged from the Waters of Baptism... Just as it happened with Christ Himself:

Mark 1:10
And straightway coming up out of the water,
He saw the heavens opened,
and the Spirit like a dove
descending upon Him:

So, Jesus is baptized into Christ and then part of Himself (the Holy Spirit) is given to Him?

All righty-then...


Well-known member

But those things which proceed
out of the mouth
come forth from the heart;
they defile the man.

I thank God Saul to Paul was able to soothe your jagged edges...

You were getting a little wild and out of control there for awhile...

First time I have seen common gossip used as a balm for rage...


Mocking You

New member
Someone pass the popcorn.

We're going to need a bigger bag....


SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
We are baptized into Christ Who was circumcised already, but the circumcision is of the heart, not the penis... The circumcision of the penis is a TYPOS and a symbol of the REAL circumcision which is of the hardness of one's heart...


Was the LORD circumcised on the cross? Was his flesh cut off from his soul?

"by the circumcision of Christ"


Well-known member
Lazy afternoon;4232147 MADists argue that they have received the Holy Spirit and to prove it they call pentecostalists of Acts ch 2 such things as "unsaved said:
Hi , and in this sentence , you say we call you Unsaved , then in the next breath say we are Unsaved , so are you not SPEAKING out of both sides of your Mouth ??

I say that your Reward will be NIL is what I see , IF your are really saved ?

How can you be saved IF you do not even know if you are saved !!:chuckle::chuckle::chuckle:

dan p


Well-known member
Yes, I believe in the Trinity.

Now, tell me why Jesus would need to receive the Holy Spirit through baptism?

Because He is incarnate...
Because He is giving us His LEAD to FOLLOW Him...
Because He is SHOWING US the meaning of Baptism...
Because He is REVEALING the Trinity...

Just a few off the top...

Why do you post under that moniker, MoYo?



Well-known member
Was the LORD circumcised on the cross? Was his flesh cut off from his soul?

"by the circumcision of Christ"


He was circumcised by the Jews.

You know that already...

Why are you asking?


PS - Thank-you for helping your friend John get himself calmed down...

The issues do not resolve with his psycho-theatrics...

Nor with mine, for that matter...


Well-known member
So you ARE saying that Jesus received the Holy Spirit at his baptism, is that correct?

Of course He did... Scripture is plain as day... The heavens opened and the Holy Spirit descended as a dove and abided on Him...


This is Christ's Human Nature...

Had He NOT received it, then neither would WE BE ABLE to receive it...

You do not think He REJECTED the Holy Spirit, instead of RECEIVED it, do you?

Will you answer that question please?

You seem to ask more than you answer...

I do not remember you answering any...

My memory is not Skookum...


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
But those things which proceed
out of the mouth
come forth from the heart;
they defile the man.

I thank God Saul to Paul was able to soothe your jagged edges...

You were getting a little wild and out of control there for awhile...

First time I have seen common gossip used as a balm for rage...


Oprah weighs in again.
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