The citadel of free will is a mirage.

Eagles Wings

New member
Fair enough... if you want a larger explainatiin, I'll give it tomorrow... but the Kings in Ezekiel are representing the authority that is over them. The wicked kings that oppress Israel... that is. There is an enormous amount of typification of Satan in there.

Isaiah 14 is another well known place and pride binds to Satan faster then all other traits. There is actually an enormous amount in Ezekiel about Satan.

There are tip offs. Ezekiel 27-28 and actually many other places show the abuse of power by the one that was defeated exactly as Heb. 2:14 states.

I would be willing to launch an OP... but I'm pretty heavy in this area and I do my best to keep discussion about the Adversary to necessity.

If you are theologically curious... I'll launch an OP with many of the passages. It all binds together and gives a more genuine picture of the enemy of God than most have.

The way the accuser worked is exposed on an enormous level. It helps with discernment and an understanding of how the lion devours.

He's actually a defeated dog in a leash now... but he can still deceive and cause many to stumble.
No need for a new OP on my account.

Whether Satan, earthly kings or those today who seek to take the place of God, I find I must pray constantly
in gratitude for God's help to serve Him alone. We have no gifts or abilities apart from what He has given.

Glory to God!


Whether the request was to one or a thousand, there was a choice of two options to pick from.

Choose life so that both you and thy seed can live? How is that related? You er. You cannot take God's warning to Israel and translate that to fit your preconceived doctrinal prejudice. Doing so just shows that you have a lack of scriptural evidence to support your free will conclusion that isn't supported by scripture. There is no such thing as unlimited free will.

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Fair enough... if you want a larger explainatiin, I'll give it tomorrow... but the Kings in Ezekiel are representing the authority that is over them. The wicked kings that oppress Israel... that is. There is an enormous amount of typification of Satan in there.

Isaiah 14 is another well known place and pride binds to Satan faster then all other traits. There is actually an enormous amount in Ezekiel about Satan.

There are tip offs. Ezekiel 27-28 and actually many other places show the abuse of power by the one that was defeated exactly as Heb. 2:14 states.

I would be willing to launch an OP... but I'm pretty heavy in this area and I do my best to keep discussion about the Adversary to necessity.

If you are theologically curious... I'll launch an OP with many of the passages. It all binds together and gives a more genuine picture of the enemy of God than most have.

The way the accuser worked and works is exposed on an enormous level. It helps with discernment and an understanding of how the lion devours.

He's actually a defeated dog on a leash now... but he can still deceive and cause many to stumble.

The old overlooked Israelology study of the prophets..

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Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Choose life so that both you and thy seed can live? How is that related? You er. You cannot take God's warning to Israel and translate that to fit your preconceived doctrinal prejudice. Doing so just shows that you have a lack of scriptural evidence to support your free will conclusion that isn't supported by scripture. There is no such thing as unlimited free will.

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If you give someone a choice between two options, the choice is theirs to make.


If you give someone a choice between two options, the choice is theirs to make.

Sure. But unlimited free will is not proven by that passage because that passage is dealing with the conditional nature of the Mosaic Covenant.

I can choose to love my neighbors.
But according to scripture I could not choose to come unto Yeshua unless drawn by God the Father.

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Sure. But unlimited free will is not proven by that passage because that passage is dealing with the conditional nature of the Mosaic Covenant.

I can choose to love my neighbors.
But according to scripture I could not choose to come unto Yeshua unless drawn by God the Father.

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You're merely citing semantics... Come on now IJ!


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Sure. But unlimited free will is not proven by that passage because that passage is dealing with the conditional nature of the Mosaic Covenant.

I can choose to love my neighbors.
But according to scripture I could not choose to come unto Yeshua unless drawn by God the Father.

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He draws all men. John 12:32


You're merely citing semantics... Come on now IJ!

Again, MAD congregants are not very good students of the OT. Very poor when it comes to sticking to a literal interpretation. If you take Deuteronomy literally as you and Tam claim then how is it that you ignore the primary, ordinary and axiomatic meaning of that verse she quoted in context? Answer: intellectual dishonesty.

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Truster, it's time you stopped being a closet Calvinist.

Double Tee He He

I hold the middle position.
If you were elected do to God knowing your special little heart, that you were such a sweet love that you was gonna pick to believe in God, then He owed you.

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