The citadel of free will is a mirage.


Well-known member
You are taking words of scripture and applying them to yourself. They do not apply to you. I have no doubt that you have come under the preaching of the law and this produced tears in you, but that is what the law does. That is not repentance.
You haven't got a clue! Anyhow I've got better things to do than listen to you condemn everyone else and yet set yourself up as the perfect holier than thou truster! I'm off to cook tea!


Well-known member
I speak the truth and do so in the hope it might be used and lead to repentance. I refuse to lie to people and tell them pleasing things.
How can we be lead to repentance if according to you, God has to make us repent? If that's the case you can't "hope" to lead anyone to repentance at all!


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Only God can know that JR.

I think we can know that too. See below.

I'm not here to say who is and who isn't saved.

God says that what's in a man's heart will be mirrored by what he says (not in those exact words of course, but it's mentioned throughout the Bible that a wicked man is wicked in his heart, and a righteous man has a righteous heart.

So what someone says is a good indicator (if not completely accurate 100% of the time) to their eternal status.

I'm just like everyone else, a sinner

If you are saved, you are no longer a sinner, even if you sin. (Romans 3:3-8)

and without God, I'd probably be a lot worse than many.

That's true for all of us.

But I know that I heard through a man, and that's how Jesus started by preaching and those who have followed him do the same.

Paul explains in Romans 2 that those who are "unsolicited," ie, those who have never heard the gospel in any form, can be saved, if they simply believe in the one true God, and do things that would honor Him, being consistent with the law God placed in their heart.


Well-known member
I think we can know that too. See below.

God says that what's in a man's heart will be mirrored by what he says (not in those exact words of course, but it's mentioned throughout the Bible that a wicked man is wicked in his heart, and a righteous man has a righteous heart.

So what someone says is a good indicator (if not completely accurate 100% of the time) to their eternal status.

If you are saved, you are no longer a sinner, even if you sin. (Romans 3:3-8)

That's true for all of us.

Paul explains in Romans 2 that those who are "unsolicited," ie, those who have never heard the gospel in any form, can be saved, if they simply believe in the one true God, and do things that would honor Him, being consistent with the law God placed in their heart.
Not one single person can say who is and who isn't eternally saved, only God can know that.


Well-known member
That the Holy Spirit is directed to use what He has spoken of.
The Holy Spirit calls all to repentance. That's why Jesus told the apostles spread the gospel and to go out to all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Not just to those who are chosen, but everyone!

Right I'm off, for now


Well-known member
The Father has infinite might. The Son has infinite might and the Holy Spirit has infinite might. The Hebrew term Elohim means Almighty so the Triune Eternal Deity each has and collectively possesses infinite might. The Almighty...

So which question is that the answer to?

Well, here is another one, if Jesus had to be given all power and authority, then why didnt' he have it before? Why would he be without power and authority? Is that because he was a Calvinist? or because he had no free will to do anything at all?


New member
So which question is that the answer to?

Well, here is another one, if Jesus had to be given all power and authority, then why didnt' he have it before? Why would he be without power and authority? Is that because he was a Calvinist? or because he had no free will to do anything at all?

Is that a natural ability you have to formulate stupid questions and statements or do you need to practise.