The citadel of free will is a mirage.


Hmmmmm... This is almost a middle ground.
In thinking about this comment a bit more, I'll add that where "middle" is between automatonic fatalism on one side and complete Pelagian freedom on the other, I think the Catholic view is more like both, rather than "middle." FWIW. Divine providence is how this otherwise apparent contradiction is separated by the Church.


In thinking about this comment a bit more, I'll add that where "middle" is between automatonic fatalism on one side and complete Pelagian freedom on the other, I think the Catholic view is more like both, rather than "middle." FWIW. Divine providence is how this otherwise apparent contradiction is separated by the Church.

Now I fully understand your stance and have respect for you and it. We do differ a bit in our "leaning"... but the difference is rather trite and all comes out in the scriptural wash of the matter.

In other words... Jesus is the core of everything and our choice to embrace His work is critical... but His work is even more critical.

All respect and appreciation for your clarity and kindness,

- EE


I hold the middle position.
If you were elected due to God knowing your special little heart, that you were such a sweet love that you was gonna pick to believe in God, then He owed you.

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:D ... Fair enough... and... it hurts to say... but... ouch... owie... oh darn it! ...

Respect for your view and encouragement in your every step in Him,

- EE
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Again, MAD congregants are not very good students of the OT. Very poor when it comes to sticking to a literal interpretation. If you take Deuteronomy literally as you and Tam claim then how is it that you ignore the primary, ordinary and axiomatic meaning of that verse she quoted in context? Answer: intellectual dishonesty.

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You generalize about MAD and assume too much... but I'm removing myself from the "me" of the matter if you... winky face... get my assessment.


New member

"And Yah Shua came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth".​

Note: heaven and earth are the spiritual realm and the material realm. Add to this the fact that Messiah is the Alpha and the Omega and we have the entire creation.

Mankind denies Messiah His birthright, by claiming sovereignty or freedom of the will.

Yes, they agree that all authority has been given Him, except in the throne of the will of man. At that throne, the Eternal Almighty is expected to bow down.


New member

"Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession."

This right is denied by saying men can refuse the offer of grace and therefore deny Messiah the promise of the Father.


New member
There have been a few occasions in which I have been sorely tried and afflicted. When at my lowest ebb this verse has brought me back from the edge. It is a promise by the Father to His Son and that is as steadfast as anything can be.

My salvation was as miraculous as it was abrupt and unexpected, but it is the promise made to the Son that I look to and in Him I have my assurance. That He will complete the work that He started. amen.


You generalize about MAD and assume too much... but I'm removing myself from the "me" of the matter if you... winky face... get my assessment.

I can live with Calminianism as gracefully as I can Calvinism. Don't believe either got it right.
But it's a non essential.

The fact of Israel's calling, marriage to Jehovah, divorce from Jehovah, her remarriage to Jehovah are all concepts taught in the OT.

The doctrine of the Remnant began with the still small voice, Hazael represented the whirlwind, Jehu represented the earthquake, Elisha the fire (2Kings 2:19). God sent all three noisy things but God's voice was not in them, God's voice was in the still small voice represented by the Remnant.

Carry this forward through the message of a Messianic Kingdom that was the message of the prophets whom Go sent into Israel after centuries of idolatry. In Matthew 12 a mute demoniac is brought to Yeshua as a test. A test of a messianic miracle that according to first century Pharisaic Judaism only the Messiah, when He came, would be able to exorcise. The response of the people to the miracle was in the form of a question "this has to be the Son of David." The Jewish leaders quickly deny the miracle by saying it was done deceptively thru Trustzabub and therefore committed as a nation, the unpardonable sin. However just like Israel's national sin at Kadesh Barnea, the punishment was limited to "this generation" of Yeshua's day, this in effect was the national rejection of the Messiahship of Yeshua. Nationally the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom ceased to be preached. The parabolic method is implemented to disguise the new reality of the kingdom now gone into mystery form but will be used to teach the disciples and you the nature of the kingdom during this age (3 measures of meal: Romanism, Greek Orthodox, Protestantism, mustard seed: church inhabited by demonic doctrines - the birds in its branches - Mormonism & Jehovah's Witnesses etc etc).

The fact that the disciples believed makes them the Remnant of Israel, Paul guilty of committing the unpardonable sin was forgiven just as James the half brother of Yeshua was, both part of the Remnant.

After the national rejection by Israel the prophecy of A.D. 70 was pronounced by Yeshua. The writer of the book of Hebrews sent his warning just in time for the Hebrew Christians to exit Jerusalem.

Hosea 5:19 - God left His place (heaven) at the incarnation, the virgin birth. One single offense caused God to return to His place. What was that single offense stink eye? It was the unpardonable sin of Matthew 12.

“Behold, your house is left unto you desolate: and I say unto you, Ye shall not see me, until ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.”
??Luke? ?13:35? ?ASV??

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New member
But you said mankind denies ... The ability to deny is an act of free will. You are hoisted on your own petard. which is rather retarded of you. :)


Mankind has been in denial since Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent.



Mankind has been in denial since Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent.

Two points... 1 insult and 1 Comment.


You say that "Mankind has been in denial since Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent."

I am unique to many and only agreed with by a few here on the point I am about to emphasize. You believe that Adam's Sin was imputed to mankind... if I am understanding your core material. This means that you are suggesting mankind has zero "free will" to choose "Good or Evil".

In this light... you would thus be morally crippled and indwelled with a "sin nature".

This means that you are Divinely Willed to sin. Or... to prevent defense... that you lean towards Evil and thus Sin because of Adamic cause.

The irony of this... You pitch out the blame game, but have a theology that blames God for even the "Sin" of Satan. You will deny this... but you have said that God is the "Puppet Master", by calling Satan His "sock puppet".

Your on record here... so ... no squirming out.

It is you who are in denial and playing the Divine Blame game. I, personally, take responsibility for my sin and have thus acknowledged that Jesus is the ONLY perfect Way. As in... only He is without error, sin or fault in the face of temptation. He is my perfect Propitiation, and nothing I can do can improve on His perfect work.

Did you catch that? I acknowledge that I screw up and only HE doesn't. I also admit that I screw up willingly. Thus... I admit my fault before God in "Humility". This is the foundation of "True Repentance".

My effort is nothing but "Dead Works", and only my "Faith" in God can bind me to "His Promise and Work".

And .... as for the insult...

Between [MENTION=15467]Truster[/MENTION] and [MENTION=15326]intojoy[/MENTION] ...

I feel like this thread has "stupid in stereo".

Mozol Tov

- EE
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