The Burning of Jerusalem


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Dispies wrongly accuse Reformed Coventalists of holding to Replacement Theology all the time, but denying Reformers do not counter-accuse in same fashion, for Reformers do not believe Replacement Theology is at all a valid scriptural position or even a safe historical view, for any Christian to entertain.
A fair point.


TOL Subscriber
GOD's pretty partial to them also.

Dispensationalism is an anti-biblical and delusional program of spiritual deception and confusion. God is not the author of any such thing.

Dispensationalism is NOT "The way, The truth, and The life."

Jesus Christ is not "partial" to what opposes and attempts to distort His Being & eternal purpose.

Eagles Wings

New member
You have to blame someone, right?
It is evident from even a cursory reading of threads what MAD holds as doctrine in interpreting what Scripture says about Israel. So be it.

My question still stands.

I know of one Baptist minister that teaches premill dispensationalism - and he is not Reformed in any sense of the word. So, is this true of most Baptists?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
It is evident from even a cursory reading of threads what MAD holds as doctrine in interpreting what Scripture says about Israel. So be it.

My question still stands.

I know of one Baptist minister that teaches premill dispensationalism - and he is not Reformed in any sense of the word. So, is this true of most Baptists?

Hard shell, or john?


TOL Subscriber
The Covenant, which IS univeralism which I guess the Presbyterians may as well run away with- I mean, you all have gay marriage right? And others have the Rapture doctrine- In truth, I've lost a lot of faith in you people, just as these people in my face right now_

The covenant of salvation according to Grace is not universalistic, but decidedly particularistic!

Conservative and faithful Presbyterians do not approve of or allow gay marriage.

I know of NO Presbyterians who teach of a supposed "rapture" of the church.

Genuine Presbyterians still faithfully hold to the Westminster Confession of Faith, and other Reformers hold to the Three Forms of Unity, which confessions deny all that you assume wrongly.