The Burning of Jerusalem


TOL Subscriber
What the heck is a "spiritual name"????
Spiritual name compared to what other type of name???

This questioning reveals your lack of spiritual comprehension of God's Revelation and Covenant promises of Jesus Christ. I suspect it comes as the result of your abbreviated study of ALL the Word of God. (Matt. 4:4)

I pray that He will yet bless you with His mercy, Spirit, and insight into the fullness of His Truth.


TOL Subscriber
Romans..humm. I have not thought about them in a while. :idunno:

The "Romans" of the bible represent all the secular and political and temporal warriors of this ungodly world, amongst whom the spiritual offspring of God dwell with in this present and earthly life.

Ask Mr. Religion

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Grafted In Theology - NOT Replacement Theology

Grafted In Theology - NOT Replacement Theology

Oh good grief!
The terms you Calvinist replacement theologists make up.
As soon as someone uses "Replacement Theology" when discussing covenantalism, it is a signal they don't know what they are talking about.

Covenantalists reject "replacement theology", and I don't think anyone can find a single covenantalist that would accept the term. Covenantalists follow grafted theology. One vine: Christ, one Israel, the people of God. From Ephesians 2:15, Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace;

Persons tossing out the "replacement theology" term say so because they have already decided to keep the two distinct. Thus, you will read them saying, "Covenantalists have taken over the promises made to Israel". Error! They should be saying "Covenantalists have joined the true Israel, Christ, along with Old Testament believers, who were 'of Israel'." (Romans 9:6).

Contrary to Paul's clear teachings, the persons who toss out "replacement theology" do not believe Christ is the goal of the law (Romans 10:4), that in Him it is finished. These same persons think the goals of the Old Testament have not been accomplished, that the Temple is returning, and that God has two intentions for different "peoples". Sigh.

Dig deeper:



Not all Reformers ("Calvinists") are Presbyterians, because not all Presbyterians are Reformed.

IOW's, don't worry about it . . . ��

Yeah well..

Pretty sure we agree on at least 80% of all things theological :thumb: