The Burning of Jerusalem


TOL Subscriber
Calvinism is the Gospel, namely Tulip- some of the greatest Protestant theologians have recognized Calvin's remarkable insight- you're all just a bunch of heretics, and proper Reformists have gotten tired of hearing you :wave2:


I have lost all respect for the MADists and feminists that dominate TOL.

They do not have ears to hear, or a love for the Truth of God and the actual Church Body of Jesus Christ, at all.



You do not know the difference between Replacement Theory and Covenant Theology, so I doubt you should speak to what others comprehend about Hosea & Gomer, when obviously you do not spiritually see the Truth of that prophetic revelation for yourself.


"In Calvins name we pray"


TOL Subscriber
"In Calvins name we pray"

False accusation.

If you know about my views, as you say, you would be hard put to repost me quoting John Calvin . . . ever.

My Christian testimony is founded upon Holy Scripture alone. My prayers are offered in the name of Triune God, alone.

The saints of God are perfectly aware of who their accusers truly represent.


John Calvin had an insight I can only find comparable to Einstein's Relativity- the man opened my eyes to something you cannot contend, it's as simple of that, your theology sucks :D


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame

You do not know the difference between Replacement Theory and Covenant Theology, so I doubt you should speak to what others comprehend about Hosea & Gomer, when obviously you do not spiritually see the Truth of that prophetic revelation for yourself.

Everybody knows there is no difference, Nang.
Good grief, stop acting like the Calvinist replacement theology is some big hidden secret that can only be found out with a decoder ring.

Eagles Wings

New member
Calvinism is the Gospel, namely Tulip- some of the greatest Protestant theologians have recognized Calvin's remarkable insight- you're all just a bunch of heretics, and proper Reformists have gotten tired of hearing you.

I don't mean to be the spokesperson, I'm just saying- we're orthodox :wave2:
Orthodox - meaning right, true, established, approved.

I've been enjoying a months long teaching of what it means to be Reformed. (WIMTBR)

1. Covenantal
2. Calvinistic
3. Church
4. Confessional
5. Christian Life

Please check out the Standard Bearer Magazine if you are interested.

Eagles Wings

New member
Everybody knows there is no difference, Nang.
Good grief, stop acting like the Calvinist replacement theology is some big hidden secret that can only be found out with a decoder ring.
IMHO and understanding, there is a difference in understanding of the terms, with this being an important topic amongst Reformed believers.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
You are not a simpleton, or a little child.

Can you prove this simplistic claim, by loving Jesus and His Truth with all your heart and MIND?

Or is your faith founded upon emotion, sentiment, desire to be popular, and what tickles the ear, rather than deep historical/theological/scriptural study?

Faith is not blind. Faith is not simple. Faith is belief in the Covenant Promises of God, which must be studied and accepted at their deepest and fullest level as revealed in all of the Holy Scriptures.

Otherwise, you will never come to genuine knowledge of the Promised Savior, Jesus Christ.
Galatians 2:21 KJV
(21) I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.


Orthodox - meaning right, true, established, approved.

I've been enjoying a months long teaching of what it means to be Reformed. (WIMTBR)

1. Covenantal
2. Calvinistic
3. Church
4. Confessional
5. Christian Life

Please check out the Standard Bearer Magazine if you are interested.

Covenantal is the most important- it's what separates these people from Spiritual Israel, and it puts me on high alert. It bothers me more than any other thing.. besides the Muslims- a holy war yet to end :plain:


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
IMHO and understanding, there is a difference in understanding of the terms, with this being an important topic amongst Reformed believers.
It's the SAME thing.
Replacing earthly Israel with some other type of Israel (be it metaphorical, spiritual, whatever)

GOD has not cast earthly Israel aside forever and replaced them with some other group.
Earthly Israel will be restored as GOD promised.


It's the SAME thing.
Replacing earthly Israel with some other type of Israel (be it metaphorical, spiritual, whatever)

GOD has not cast earthly Israel aside forever and replaced them with some other group.
Earthly Israel will be restored as GOD promised.

There never was an 'earthly Israel', there only ever was a spiritual Israel, and physical Israel no longer exists other than who Jesus conceived :plain:
There is only us Christians, who Christ made_