The Burning of Jerusalem


TOL Subscriber
Tambora was blunt about it and On the mark. If you don't claim that God's promises to the Jews have been revoked and replaced.... then what do you gingerly call it?

"Not Replacment theology that replaces"

Hitting my forehead with my palm in disbelief of your ideas.

No, it is the teaching of Covenant Theology . .

you know, the Covenant that national Israel did not believe and to which she was unfaithful.

The church does not "replace" unfaithful Israel, whom God divorced for her adulteries.

The Church of Jesus Christ consists of all the faithful and obedient believers in God's Covenant promises . . since the beginning of time to this day. Called out of all the nations, according to His grace and purposes. Named the "ELECT" of God, before the nation of Israel and forever. Romans 11:6&7


You have no concept of spiritual "sweetness." You continually prove to only reflect torment and spiritual error.

Oh look... Evil Eye jumped back on to be sarcastic to Nang...

Calvin's Deciples are now jumping in on this thread.
Meaningful revelations to come... said Evil Eye never.

John Calvins ideas are as important as Jesus... Said Evil Eye never.

Long live Israel and Her true King. Calvin was valuable, but a mere man that is followed like a cult.

Stuff it Nang.

Calvin made many theological mistakes that millions have echoed for centuries. You do know he was no more a man than any, right?


TOL Subscriber
Oh look... Evil Eye jumped back on to be sarcastic to Nang...

Why? Proclaiming the Gospel is never done in a spirit of sarcasm! You are certainly proclaiming something ungodly; opposite to His Truth.

Calvin's Deciples are now jumping in on this thread.
Meaningful revelations to come... said Evil Eye never.

John Calvins ideas are as important as Jesus... Said Evil Eye never.

Obviously, you are theologically ignorant, and hateful to boot . . .


Why? Proclaiming the Gospel is never done in a spirit of sarcasm! You are certainly proclaiming something ungodly; opposite to His Truth.

Obviously, you are theologically ignorant, and hateful to boot . . .

Obviously I know you worship Jesus in the name of Calvin and I have seen your true colors many times.

My request for you to silence your deceived rhetoric remains.

Did that hurt your "elected" feelings?

Don't worry, you're better than the "non-elect". Just write me off. : )


TOL Subscriber
Obviously I know you worship Jesus in the name of Calvin and I have seen your true colors many times.

I only worship God in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

If you have supposedly learned of my testimony, it means you are not new here, and must have posted under other names. Care to present full disclosure of your identity?

My request for you to silence your deceived rhetoric remains.

My posts reflect the Truth of Scriptural Revelation. Your request is therefore, ignored and denied.

Did that hurt your "elected" feelings?

Not even close . . .

Don't worry, you're better than the "non-elect". Just write me off. : )

Not my place to do so. If you are reprobate indeed, your postings will only prove to be hot air and sail into the oblivion of hell, anyway.

But I will defend the Truth of God from your false accusations and errors, for the sake of others.


TOL Subscriber
Lol. from teaching easy believism to your pompous, Romam retort..

How can you teach easy believism and yet still be such a Pharisee :rolleyes:

You're all a bunch of whiners.

. . Exhibiting untaught double-mindedness, in the extreme.


I only worship God in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

If you have supposedly learned of my testimony, it means you are not new here, and must have posted under other names. Care to present full disclosure of your identity?

My posts reflect the Truth of Scriptural Revelation. Your request is therefore, ignored and denied.

Not even close . . .

Not my place to do so. If you are reprobate indeed, your postings will only prove to be hot air and sail into the oblivion of hell, anyway.

But I will defend the Truth of God from your false accusations and errors, for the sake of others.

Talk of hell... what Love!

You have corrected me well.


TOL Subscriber
Jesus love me.

You are not a simpleton, or a little child.

Can you prove this simplistic claim, by loving Jesus and His Truth with all your heart and MIND?

Or is your faith founded upon emotion, sentiment, desire to be popular, and what tickles the ear, rather than deep historical/theological/scriptural study?

Faith is not blind. Faith is not simple. Faith is belief in the Covenant Promises of God, which must be studied and accepted at their deepest and fullest level as revealed in all of the Holy Scriptures.

Otherwise, you will never come to genuine knowledge of the Promised Savior, Jesus Christ.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Obviously I know you worship Jesus in the name of Calvin and I have seen your true colors many times.

My request for you to silence your deceived rhetoric remains.

Did that hurt your "elected" feelings?

Don't worry, you're better than the "non-elect". Just write me off. : )
She's a peach, ain't she?! :chuckle:


Calvin replacement theologists always forget the story of Hosea & Gomer.

Calvinism is the Gospel, namely Tulip- some of the greatest Protestant theologians have recognized Calvin's remarkable insight- you're all just a bunch of heretics, and proper Reformists have gotten tired of hearing you.

I don't mean to be the spokesperson, I'm just saying- we're orthodox :wave2:


TOL Subscriber
Calvin replacement theologists always forget the story of Hosea & Gomer.


You do not know the difference between Replacement Theory and Covenant Theology, so I doubt you should speak to what others comprehend about Hosea & Gomer, when obviously you do not spiritually see the Truth of that prophetic revelation for yourself.
