The Burning of Jerusalem


Well, so was Martin Luther, and every white person of their era.

And who are you to condemn them, when the Jews were so anti-Christ? The are like Islam, but without a bomb blowing up in your face.

Um.... Martin Luther? You can't agree with Calvin and Luther.

Diametrically Apposed forces!

But..... good point! They served a purpose, but serve as no reference to me. Thanks for reminding me why I discard their words.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Well, so was Martin Luther, and every white person of their era.

And who are you to condemn them, when the Jews were so anti-Christ? The are like Islam, but without a bomb blowing up in your face.
Listen to Paul for the answer.

Romans 11:28-29 KJV
(28) As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes.
(29) For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.

I know your Calvin replacement theology won't let you believe GOD's word.


Listen to Paul for the answer.

Romans 11:28-29 KJV
(28) As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes.
(29) For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.

I know your Calvin replacement theology won't let you believe GOD's word.

Like and thanks!


It's not 'replacement theology', it's 'Covenant Theology'.

God has an order from Genesis to Revelation, and your ideology falls apart from John on :wave2:

Tambora was blunt about it and On the mark. If you don't claim that God's promises to the Jews have been revoked and replaced.... then what do you gingerly call it?

"Not Replacment theology that replaces"

Hitting my forehead with my palm in disbelief of your ideas.


And so we go with the bald proclamation of a woman, who will surprise me if they have something else to show :rolleyes:
I'm about appled out, you know.


Seriously... ever read the neither male nor female part?

Are you the guy that tried to justify marital rape?

Oh.... your snide remark towards Tambora's gender is totally just..... Said Evil Eye Never!


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Tambora was blunt about it and On the mark. If you don't claim that God's promises to the Jews have been revoked and replaced.... then what do you gingerly call it?

"Not Replacment theology that replaces"

Hitting my forehead with my palm in disbelief of your ideas.
We all know that a turd by any other name still stinks up the place.




ever read the other male nor female parts?

I mean, are you even real?
The Bible is the most patriarchal book on Earth :rolleyes:

And look how well that worked out! In infinite wisdom, God wasn't even recognized in person.

Your point?

Ps... do you know where babies come from?

If you think it's men, your sorely mistaken.

News flash.... Equality in the eyes of God kind of means your insinuations are ridiculous!


And look how well that worked out! In infinite wisdom, God wasn't even recognized in person.

Your point?

Well, this is the part where you have Tambora agreeing with you, because she forsook her Christianity for feminism, the same as you :thumb:

You see, points make themselves, all you have to to do is point them out.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame

Seriously... ever read the neither male nor female part?
He's not too familiar with the body of Christ.

Are you the guy that tried to justify marital rape?
And premarital sex.
And drug use.
You know, all the things he has failed miserably to control in himself.

Oh.... your snide remark towards Tambora's gender is totally just..... Said Evil Eye Never!
He's never been able to lead any woman, so he feels very insecure about that and tries to look manly with internet tough talk.
And then he whines when nobody falls for it.


Well, this is the part where you have Tambora agreeing with you, because she forsook her Christianity for feminism, the same as you :thumb:

You see, points make themselves, all you have to to do is point them out.

News flash... Tambora is from Texas and the farthest thing from a feminist there is.

I'm signing off!

She's way too much gal for you to contend with!

You might as well go bury yourself now!


He's not too familiar with the body of Christ.

And premarital sex.
And drug use.
You know, all the things he has failed miserably to control in himself.

He's never been able to lead any woman, so he feels very insecure about that and tries to look manly with internet tough talk.
And then he whines when nobody falls for it.

I'm signing off for the night.

You have cheered me up!

All the best!