Beameup, I did not know you had it in you: what a shocker, two blasphemies in two days! This appears to be stage two right before our very eyes; or is it stage three for you? First it was all about Trinitarianism and the "threesome", (as you sacrilegiously called it), then it seems it was all about the "two powers" in the heavens, and now all of a sudden, "Jesus Christ is YHWH", in your latest new confession. It is like you opened up your mouth and suddenly out came the spirit of the Oneness doctrine like an unclean frog. I wonder if you were even expecting that to come out yourself? Did it catch you by surprise too? The truth has a way of doing that to people but sorry for your
euonumos-left hand sided luck; that genos will not come out except with prayer and fasting. Take a good look around you at some of the other Oneness heretics roaming to and fro around this desert: there is one here already in the sixth or seventh stage, and the seventh stage is Legion. Oh what a mighty one too; nothing can bind her, and she is always in the tombs and caves, shrieking and crying out, and cutting herself with sharp stones. Don't you perhaps think it might be about time you bow the knee to the Testimony of Yeshua before it is too late? Or perhaps it already is too late, eh? Yes, your own private Armageddon may be fast approaching; better keep that conscience of a garment clean! Oops! too late! :chuckle:
So you like Isaiah 45? Did you happen to notice what was posted from that passage on the previous page? Why are you always a day late and a gill, a fin, a scale, or a belly mite short when it comes to these things? (to those without all things are done in parables

Paul quotes from the passage in the section which you quoted but you fail to realize that he speaks of the very opening line when he uses Kurios in the way in which you have rendered it, (without the article). Thus he speaks of YHWH's Mashiach, which is Koresh, "the Furnace of Fire", and His Christos in Greek, which is right there in Isaiah 45:1 from the Septuagint as referenced on the previous page. Here is the actual quote from the Septuagint:
Isaiah 45:1 LXX-Septuagint
1 ουτως λεγει κυριος ο θεος τω χριστω μου κυρω ου εκρατησα της δεξιας επακουσαι εμπροσθεν αυτου εθνη και ισχυν βασιλεων διαρρηξω ανοιξω εμπροσθεν αυτου θυρας και πολεις ου συγκλεισθησονται
"ουτως λεγει κυριος ο θεος τω χριστω μου κυρω"
"Thus says YHWH Elohim, to My Christos, [χριστω], to Kuros [κυρω]"
Do you know what this means when you read Philippians 2:11 which you terribly misquoted? It does not mean that you get to make it say whatever you want and turn the Son into the Father at your leisure, or whenever it fits your doctrinal situation, but rather that you must follow the CONTEXT of the ENTIRE passage from which Paul is quoting, (and he does quote from Isaiah 45:23). This means that if you truly desire to be fair to the authors and the text, and you truly seek to find the truth for yourself and truly want to help others, then you must include the whole passage in your thinking and understanding.
We already know from Isaiah 45:1 that Koresh-Kuros is YHWH's Meshiah or Christos:
Philippians 2:11 W/H
11 και πασα γλωσσα εξομολογησηται οτι κυριος ιησους χριστος εις δοξαν θεου πατρος
11 and every tongue shall confess that YHWH's Anointed-Meshiah-Christos is Yeshua, to the glory of Elohim, the Father.
11 and every tongue shall confess that Yeshua is YHWH's Anointed-Meshiah-Christos, to the glory of Elohim, the Father.
See there? And also the confession must be to the glory of the Father! But you take that glory away in your interpretation so that you may give it all to Yeshua. The above does not violate any of the Isaiah 45 passage and just might keep one from sliding deeper into heresy.