THE ANGEL of YHWH appeared to Moses out of the burning bush - Exodus 3


New member
You could have many more Trinitarian translations on your side; but does that mean you are correct if what has been inserted is not found in the original text? I trow not. :)

No grammatical reasons exist for John 1.18 not to be rendered as I have shown.

Ben Masada

New member
If you believe not that I AM you will die in your sins. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I AM. That at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow.

Beameup, with this little post of yours above, you have reminded me of the Babylonian idolatry of the golden statue of king Nebuchadnezzar when the acclamation was made that every one should bow down and worship the golden statue at the sound of the horn pipe and all types of instruments. (Daniel 3:9,10) Those who would not bow down to the golden statue would be thrown into the burning fiery furnace. I hope you are a little more lenient with those of us today who can't bow down unto Jesus.

Ben Masada

New member
Ben Masada ... Well wasn't the OT written by inspired men? Do you also deny the Old Testament regarding God's actions and his relationship with the patriarchs and the nation of Israel?

No Ps, I do not deny God's actions in His relationship with the Patriarchs and the nation of Israel. What do you have in mind? I don't believe you gave me that only to remind me of God's intimacy with His People.


New member
Beameup, with this little post of yours above, you have reminded me of the Babylonian idolatry of the golden statue of king Nebuchadnezzar when the acclamation was made that every one should bow down and worship the golden statue at the sound of the horn pipe and all types of instruments. (Daniel 3:9,10) Those who would not bow down to the golden statue would be thrown into the burning fiery furnace. I hope you are a little more lenient with those of us today who can't bow down unto Jesus.

Our God does not DEMAND worship; however, in the end, everyone will "bow down" in reverence to their creator.
The "gods" of this world that were the objects of worship by Jews, required great sacrifices, even sacrifices of babies.
Not so with our God. Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him as righteousness. In the Akedah, Abraham was "acting out" God's plan for the redemption of mankind.


Well-known member
The only begotten son of God, HaShem Himself declared: "Israel is My Son; let My Son go that he may serve Me." You cannot compare what HaShem says with what man says.(Exodus 4:22,23)

The gospel attributed to John was written by a Hellenist former disciple of Paul. Never a Jew wrote a single page of the NT. Jews would not write against their own Faith.

I can't promise that because your words are of the anti-Jewish kind; just as the NT is.

You are sincerely welcome!

Hello Ben Masada. Thankfully I am not anti-Jew at all.

I believe that the OT supports what is said in the NT ... and vice versa. I believe both books are inspired by God and do not believe that they are full of errors or just made up stores to inspire men. Of course Jesus did use parables in his day to teach key points of truth about himself and the Father.

My beginning post was comparing what was said by the LORD God and recorded by Isaiah with what was said in John 1:1. I think I also compared John 1:18 with how it matched what was said in Isaiah 43:11. Do you trust the prophets or just stick to the first five books.

If you would give me an exact question about what I have written, I'll see if I can provide OT information that relates.