Charlie Sheen: Is he really winning? What has he won?
This is not meant to be taken seriously.
That's a good one.
Charlie Sheen: Is he really winning? What has he won?
This is not meant to be taken seriously.
Here's a few. Some times I think of stuff while on my way to work. Hour long bike rides are good for that. My apologies if we have done these already.
Are we alone in the universe? Do you think it is possible for life to exist on other planets?
Would the discovery of life on other planets change your beliefs or world view?
For the believers - What if you are wrong? How would your life change if it were proven that there was no God?
If it were within your power, what is one thing you would do to make the world we live in a better place?
What is something you would die for?
Invent a new sport by combining 2 existing sports, games, or hobbies. (I recently discovered chess boxing. Looks fun. I so want to try it.)
If a movie were made about your life, who would play you?
I liked your suggestions, especially the last one. :up:Somewhere in these ideas would make a good topic:
Does one have to read all the Bible to receive salvation?
Does one have to believe the Old Testament was authored by God to receive salvation?
Can one come to know Jesus Christ through faith without knowing scripture well?
Good ones... thank you. :up:Opinions on new music.
Is the world really going to hell in a handbasket?
What among your beliefs about God have changed over time, and how?
Describe your ideal living conditions.
I've been doing the Topic of the Day for almost two years now, so trust me... there are almost no topics we haven't covered but it's OK to repeat them because we always have new members etc.
Your suggestions were great and I added all of them to my list of future topics. :up:
Those are good ones. I added several of them to the list.Contemporary Christian Music--Good, Bad or ugly?
Favorite Bible version or versions
How Old were you when you were Saved
Have you played a musical instrument? If so which one?
Favorite subject in High School
Are you living expectantly for the Lord's return? Re 22:20.