Suggestions for the TOL Topic of the Day

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Dinosaurs and the flood. I think we can drag it in here instead of just BEL. Your call of course. :)


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Maybe we can bring this topic around again: Should Christians Hate: Why or Why not?


Well-known member
If all of a sudden you find your religion just plain doesn't exist, what would be your next choice for a religion, if any?


New member
If you could bring back reruns or new episodes of a TV show you watched as a child, teen, or young adult, which is no longer aired, what would you choose?


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
I hate that subject.

I was reading the archive and there was a famous juicy thread on the subject. I really enjoyed it. I would like to see a thread like that.

Ted L Glines

New member
Have a topic suggestion for the TOL Topic of the day? Post it in this thread or better yet tweet it to @toldailytopic or @theologyonline or send it to our Facebook account at

I will be making one new topic of the day per day. While I love getting your suggestions I may or may not use them.

Thanks in advance for your time!!

If you could pick one Republican candidate to add to the ballot for the 2012 campaign, who would you choose? Why?


New member
Are Open Theists able to work with any prophecies on their own after they turn their back on what Mainstream Christianity has recognized?


New member
Would you attend a TOL live, in-person conference weekend? It would be filled with guest speakers (ie-Bob Enyart), live One-on-Ones and other in person live debate. You can get to know some of the people you have learned to love (and hate).


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Would you attend a TOL live, in-person conference weekend? It would be filled with guest speakers (ie-Bob Enyart), live One-on-Ones and other in person live debate. You can get to know some of the people you have learned to love (and hate).
I like this idea.


Meaningful things in your home--not necessarily expensive or what you'd grab in case of a fire--something which holds meaning for you.

Ted L Glines

New member
toldailytopic: How do you define right winger?

Topic could include definitions to distinguish right winger from right wing fanatic and right wing zealot. Inquiring minds want to know.

Personally, the lack of any consensus on the definition of these leanings is what prevents me from claiming any more about myself than more right than left.

Good idea. Mostly, when liberals or conservatives are discussed, insults are included. It seems like no one really knows what these things are. I'm not sure that I do either, come to think of it :)