Some Jerk Brought TNP to ToL


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I don't know.. Good question. Let's ask Jesus.


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Ok, and He would have asked where the man was before He agreed it was lawful to stone her. Did you follow the actual law and context there? Nope.


Some Jerk Brought TNP to ToL

yes and it should be
-homosexuality is not and should not be
-please don't confuse them


It is becoming regular for me to look forward to your succinct responses that carry much weight and value.

On this I agree. Jesus commanded us to Love the sinner. This includes baby rapers. But we don't have to keep them in open population or feed children to them.

Just to defend from Cletes stance being vindicated,

The argument that all homosexuals are molesters is a false hood.

I only add this to point out that Rapist are of all ethnicities and sexual orientations.

There are wonderful people that have the struggle of homosexuality.

I have friends that are genuinely homosexual and they are genuinely loving people.

Rapist and Child Abusers are in direct violation of the commandment to Love, but even they are the least and thus, though they must be locked away, they too are still entitled to the grace of God, or to honor your stance chrysostom; a visit from a priest. [emoji846]

If a father gets a hold of them that has been wronged by them, well, God knows all about being upset when one of his children harm another.

Though, He even spared the life of Cain.

His mercy, indeed, far exceeds our understanding or comprehension.

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
According to Catholic (and I assume other Christian) teaching, it's the act which is considered sinful, not the orientation.

chrys is completely right:

Child molestation is an immoral act, a criminal act.

Homosexuality is neither.

oh, i see

so if you redefine homosexuality to exclude the act of homosexual sex, it's all good

and the reason you don't do the same thing for pedophilia?


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Hall of Fame
According to Catholic (and I assume other Christian) teaching, it's the act which is considered sinful, not the orientation.

chrys is completely right:

Child molestation is an immoral act, a criminal act.

Homosexuality is neither.

To molest is an act, its the same in both. You just compared an act with a desire.

Thanks for admitting though that homosexual relations are indeed sin.


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Hall of Fame
oh, i see

so if you redefine homosexuality to exclude the act of homosexual sex, it's all good

and the reason you don't do the same thing for pedophilia?

She disingenuously compared the act of one to the desire of the other to kind of obfuscate the point and not have to out and out admit the sinfulness of homosexuality in action as sin.


like marbles on glass
oh, i see

so if you redefine homosexuality to exclude the act of homosexual sex, it's all good

and the reason you don't do the same thing for pedophilia?

I didn't redefine anything.

I'm explaining to you that you read into chrys' words what he didn't say.

He said: child molestation (act) and homosexuality (orientation).

You'll have to ask him why he said homosexuality and not homosexual behavior.


oh, i see

so if you redefine homosexuality to exclude the act of homosexual sex, it's all good

and the reason you don't do the same thing for pedophilia?

You are aware heterosexual people have been known to do what I think you are referring to right?

You are aware that studies show homosexuals tend to practice oral types of engagement most frequently, right?

You realize that God looks at the heart, while you are judging the flesh.

Maybe we should put cameras up in everyone's bedroom.

That would fix it. [emoji106]

Telling a homosexual they are condemned for their deviation from perfection is like telling a heterosexual that they are condemned for their deviation from perfection.

It's tit for tat on this matter!

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She disingenuously compared the act of one to the desire of the other to kind of obfuscate the point and not have to out and out admit the sinfulness of homosexuality in action as sin.

Seriously, your admitting you are judging sin.

Biblical question, are you free of sin by Moses and Jesus's precepts of the stone even applying to the secrets of the soul and heart?

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Hall of Fame
Seriously, your admitting you are judging sin.

No, God is who calls the act of a man lying with one another (having sex) as sin. God is who defines sin. The law was given for the knowledge of sin.

Biblical question, are you free of sin by Moses and Jesus's precepts of the stone even applying to the secrets of the soul and heart?

I see no references whatever which makes your odd question anything biblical.

I asked you several questions earlier also, ive yet to see an answer.


Is it loving to criminalize murder? Rape? Adultery?

Do those sins harm others? Is it loving to protect others?

Is failing to protect your neighbor/brother loving?


Some Jerk Brought TNP to ToL

I think Clete should be banned.

You are right, but showing him grace has two positive sides.

One, he gets grace that he doesn't fully understand and two, his words clearify why many believe houses of love have turned into dens of vipers.

Just a small group of judgmental people can shout loud enough to drown out the voice of the Loving.

Jesus stood up to the Cletes and look what that got Him.

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No, God is who calls the act of a man lying with one another (having sex) as sin. God is who defines sin.

I see no references whatever which makes your odd question anything biblical.

I asked you several questions earlier also, ive yet to see an answer.

Good points.

Who fulfilled Moses and Commanded us to Love?

I'll go back and find your questions.

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Some Jerk Brought TNP to ToL

what is tnp?

The Naked Pastor

I do not support all of his words, but he draws comics that point out how much judgmental people that reject the precepts of Christ are harming the message of the Loving Savior of the World.

I again emphasize, that I don't espouse all of his work.

But a tool is a tool.

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