Scripture. What is considered Scripture?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Na that's you're role on here to keep that type of energy fed.
Right, clown.

Your "page:"

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Vs. the great, humble Rifleman's page:

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Poor Zekie, as not many are paying attention to him, on the circuit, so he uses my fame, to garner attention on TOL. You make me feel so cheap, sweetie Zekie.


Well-known member
No. You are wrong and ignorant of the very scriptures that say you must live by. You are making a false dichotomy as if one and the other cannot coincide. :nono: In fact, it has to be both. Read Matthew 4:4 You cannot love the Lord, without loving the words of the Lord ELSE, you are just loving yourself and your own thoughts and life. John 12:25

And you're not living by thoughts taught to you by men? you have made the bible an idol Lon and have a warped sense of the Divine Nature that reconciled all before time began, something that intellectual love can't fathom.


Well-known member
Right, clown.

Your "page:"

This page has had 1,146 visits.



Vs. the great, humble Rifleman's page:

This page has had 16,676 visits



Poor Zekie, as not many are paying attention to him, on the circuit, so he uses my fame, to garner attention on TOL. You make me feel so cheap, sweetie Zekie.

Like I said you are a mockery of the word you claim to know, A Roman drone squawking the party line of flesh and blood idolatry, a queer understanding to say the least babbler the great.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Like I said you are a mockery of the word you claim to know, A Roman drone squawking the party line of flesh and blood idolatry, a queer understanding to say the least babbler the great.

Roman drone, you cry, sweetie? No, I left the RCO years ago,you irrelevant clown, whose "ministry" consists of spamming oh so original cliches, sound bytes, like "of flesh and blood idolatry," that just baffles us all, so that we are speechless, and know more about those who practice idolatry, like you, as you are in bed with the religious prostitutes of alleged "Christianity," since I am a former Roman. You're not in my league, Damian, so take your seat, and stuff your "Wa, wa, wa...." emotional diatribe, and fluff, as we are all busy men/women on this board, and have no time for your tantrums, complaining, that everyone is out to gyp you out of your "Ho Ho's." Dig, Ho? Now, pull up your bunny shirt, and head on back to your crib, loser. Am I clear? Good.

And that is rich-you using the word "queer." Look in the mirror, clown....Face you....Peek-a-boo...We see you...

...a mockery of the word...

Where can I get a copy of this "the word?"

We will wait....for an eternity...


New member
Tell us where we can get a copy of the scriptures, that he cites, and to define "bible believer, and give us a book, that corrects all these alleged errors.

Not a peep, from the admitted bible corrector/agnostic, not bible believer.

Tell us where we can get a copy of the scriptures, that you cite, and define "bible believer, and give us a book, that corrects all these alleged errors.

Silencio, as the devil has a gag order on him.

Answered in post 712. Before these repeats.

Those of us who truly respect the scriptures neither:
1) Lie to pretend they do not have some minor, insignificant errors,
Nor do we
2) Try to correct those errors when no correction is known.

Your turn:
Luke says that Joseph was a descendant of David through Nathan. Matthew says Joseph was a descendant of David through Nathan’s brother Solomon. Which one was it? If you believe you are powerful enough to sit on the judgment seat of Jesus Christ and decide who is a Christian and who is not, shouldn’t this be an easy question for you?

If a person follows 1 above, he will just lie and pretend the error doesn’t exist.

If a person tries 2 above, he has to choose to rewrite Matthew’s genealogy to match Luke’s or vice versa.

How, John w, do you want to reconcile the error in the genealogies?
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New member
Originally Posted by 2003cobra
If you are looking for a perfect Bible, you won’t find one. God never promised us a perfect book.

Originally posted by John w
Yes, He did, wicked drone. I have a perfect bible in my hands, you vile, wicked pawn of the devil, as the LORD God never taught you that; the devil taught you that, as I gave you, chapter, and verse, in which to soak your satanic brain, testifying that the scriptures are perfect, sure, pure, true, sound, right, and a perfect, sure, pure, true, sound, right LORD God promised to preserve them, but you dishonor Him, like your daddy devil, flipping the bird at him, you demon.
Where did God promise us a perfect Bible?

Not in scripture.

There are scriptures about the Word of the Lord and the Word of God.

You seem to be rewriting those, pretending they say “Bible.”

Post your proof. There is no such promise.

The Words of God are pure and perfect. Mankind’s recording of those are never promised to be perfect. And imperfect people wrote the Bible.

I await your scriptural proof. If you quote some verses that say “the Word of God is perfect,” then you have not supported your position. That does not say “the Bible is perfect.” You are not authorized to rewrite the text that way.


New member
And you're not living by thoughts taught to you by men? you have made the bible an idol Lon and have a warped sense of the Divine Nature that reconciled all before time began, something that intellectual love can't fathom.

Bible worship is a real problem.

It is so strong that people are willing to lie about what the Bible actually says.

Did you see all the people pretending the genealogy of Joseph in Luke is the genealogy of Mary, despite the clear and unequivocal statement in the text to the contrary?


New member
Roman drone, you cry, sweetie? No, I left the RCO years ago,you irrelevant clown, whose "ministry" consists of spamming oh so original cliches, sound bytes, like "of flesh and blood idolatry," that just baffles us all, so that we are speechless, and know more about those who practice idolatry, like you, as you are in bed with the religious prostitutes of alleged "Christianity," since I am a former Roman. You're not in my league, Damian, so take your seat, and stuff your "Wa, wa, wa...." emotional diatribe, and fluff, as we are all busy men/women on this board, and have no time for your tantrums, complaining, that everyone is out to gyp you out of your "Ho Ho's." Dig, Ho? Now, pull up your bunny shirt, and head on back to your crib, loser. Am I clear? Good.

And that is rich-you using the word "queer." Look in the mirror, clown....Face you....Peek-a-boo...We see you...

Where can I get a copy of this "the word?"

We will wait....for an eternity...
Your posts seem very angry.

Was your time as a Roman Catholic that troubling? I hope not.

In a way, this “perfect Bible” man-made tradition is the Protestant version of a papacy. People really like having a perfect authority: pope, Bible, whatever.

We do have a perfect Savior.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Where did God promise us a perfect Bible?

Not in scripture.
Yes, He did, wicked drone. I have a perfect bible in my hands, you vile, wicked pawn of the devil, as the LORD God never taught you that; the devil taught you that, as I gave you, chapter, and verse, in which to soak your satanic brain, testifying that the scriptures are perfect, sure, pure, true, sound, right, and a perfect, sure, pure, true, sound, right LORD God promised to preserve them, but you dishonor Him, like your daddy devil, flipping the bird at him, you demon.

Your daddy, the devil, tells you to "Deny!!! Deny!!!Deny!!!"


You seem to be rewriting those, pretending they say “Bible.”

Sophistry, you devil child. Bible means "book," as in "the volume of the book," you moron, dealer in deceit.

Post your proof. There is no such promise.

Already did. but your daddy, the devil, tells you to "Deny!!! Deny!!!Deny!!!"

The Words of God are pure and perfect.

1.Catch that deception, TOL? He asserts that "The Words of God are pure and perfect," but cannot identify this perfect, pure "Words of God," cannot produce it.

Just how would you "prove" that, if you do not have "The Words of God" that are "pure and perfect?."

He is putting on a clinic, on what happens to a man, who is talked out of his faith in the bible. Mischievous madness(Eccl. 10:13 KJV)..

Where can we get a copy, of this pure, and perfect "The Words of God" you reference, since Luke 4:4 KJV?

2. Prove that "The Words of God are pure and perfect." You have them, to make that conclusion, devil child?

The deceiver asserts that "The Words of God are pure and perfect," and yet they do not exist, as they expired. That is satanic, and anti thinking.

How do you know, drone, that "The Words of God are pure and perfect?"

Tell us all.

Mankind’s recording of those are never promised to be perfect. And imperfect people wrote the Bible.

Translation: Satanic humanism, attributing the authorship, and subsequent preservation, of scriptures, to man, and not the LORD God. No scripture teaches that, you satanic devil child.

Were the scribes imperfect? Show us how the LORD God "personally" wrote the scriptures, originally. Prove it.

Is this scripture?

Joshua 8:32 And he wrote there upon the stones a copy of the law of Moses, which he wrote in the presence of the children of Israel.

Is the reference to scripture, below, a reference to scripture? Were they "the originals," or a copy? Did imperfect man write/copy them, or did God "personally" write them, and send them down to us?

Acts 8 KJV
27 And he arose and went: and, behold, a man of Ethiopia, an eunuch of great authority under Candace queen of the Ethiopians, who had the charge of all her treasure, and had come to Jerusalem for to worship,

28 Was returning, and sitting in his chariot read Esaias the prophet.

29 Then the Spirit said unto Philip, Go near, and join thyself to this chariot.

30 And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest?

31 And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me? And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him.

32 The place of the scripture which he read was this, He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; and like a lamb dumb before his shearer, so opened he not his mouth:

33 In his humiliation his judgment was taken away: and who shall declare his generation? for his life is taken from the earth.

34 And the eunuch answered Philip, and said, I pray thee, of whom speaketh the prophet this? of himself, or of some other man?

35 Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus.

Fold, you bible correcting drone.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Your posts seem very angry.

Was your time as a Roman Catholic that troubling? I hope not.

In a way, this “perfect Bible” man-made tradition is the Protestant version of a papacy. People really like having a perfect authority: pope, Bible, whatever.

We do have a perfect Savior.

The Lord Jesus Christ got angry, Dr. Psychobabble, with perverters, bible correcting fools like yourself who pervert the words of the living God(Jeremiah 23:26 KJV), corrupt them(2 Cor. 2:17 KJV).

We have a perfect book, punk, and you'd have no "perfect Saviour," w/o a perfect book, by which he is revealed. You got that punk?

My first priority as a Christian will always be: I will proclaim only that "message" that is derived from a "credible witness." If the witness is not credible, then "interpretation"="the MESSAGE", is divorced from objective reality. No interpretation, no "the Message", is worthwhile, or credible, if truth can still be considered truth despite ERRORS. If biblical certainty/assurance are lost, then biblical authority, and its resulting "interpretation"/"the MESSAGE" is impossible. If the biblical text is unreliable, then the Holy Bible's own claims about representing the full and objective truth about God cannot be substantiated or believed. The Holy Bible's authority to rule over us, to call us back to the LORD God, to offer justification and eternal life through the offence of the cross, and the resurrection, and any "interpretive methods", evaporates. And a discussion of the soundness of any interpretation, any understanding the LORD God's revelation of Himself, and His "blueprint" for all, is mere "going through the motions", "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic", if the source for understanding these objective truths is flawed in any way. Therefore, if any supposed "the Holy Bible" claiming to be the word of God has errors, then it is not the word of God. And those who make the claim that the word of God can have errors, and still be considered the word of God, they are speaking not "...according to this word, it is because there is no light in them"(Isaiah 8:20 KJV). This I have learned from the Holy Bible's own testimony, if it is to believed. I take "God at His word"(the simple definition of faith), and it is that simple.

Carry on bible corrector.

Define "bible believer, while you are at it.

Watch the silence....Watch...


Literal lunatic
The Lord Jesus Christ got angry, Dr. Psychobabble, with perverters, bible correcting fools like yourself who pervert the words of the living God(Jeremiah 23:26 KJV), corrupt them(2 Cor. 2:17 KJV).

We have a perfect book, punk, and you'd have no "perfect Saviour," w/o a perfect book, by which he is revealed. You got that punk?

My first priority as a Christian will always be: I will proclaim only that "message" that is derived from a "credible witness." If the witness is not credible, then "interpretation"="the MESSAGE", is divorced from objective reality. No interpretation, no "the Message", is worthwhile, or credible, if truth can still be considered truth despite ERRORS. If biblical certainty/assurance are lost, then biblical authority, and its resulting "interpretation"/"the MESSAGE" is impossible. If the biblical text is unreliable, then the Holy Bible's own claims about representing the full and objective truth about God cannot be substantiated or believed. The Holy Bible's authority to rule over us, to call us back to the LORD God, to offer justification and eternal life through the offence of the cross, and the resurrection, and any "interpretive methods", evaporates. And a discussion of the soundness of any interpretation, any understanding the LORD God's revelation of Himself, and His "blueprint" for all, is mere "going through the motions", "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic", if the source for understanding these objective truths is flawed in any way. Therefore, if any supposed "the Holy Bible" claiming to be the word of God has errors, then it is not the word of God. And those who make the claim that the word of God can have errors, and still be considered the word of God, they are speaking not "...according to this word, it is because there is no light in them"(Isaiah 8:20 KJV). This I have learned from the Holy Bible's own testimony, if it is to believed. I take "God at His word"(the simple definition of faith), and it is that simple.

Carry on bible corrector.

Define "bible believer, while you are at it.

Watch the silence....Watch...

This thread is for the mature, not babes.

Buzz off, self appointed protector.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Bible worship is a real problem.

It is so strong that people are willing to lie about what the Bible actually says.

Did you see all the people pretending the genealogy of Joseph in Luke is the genealogy of Mary, despite the clear and unequivocal statement in the text to the contrary?
The old reliable "bible worship" charge/scam, that he read on the internet. It's satanic sophistry, deceit.

No, you babbling, muttering bible correcting/rejecting fool, the Holy Bible also testifies of the praise, the reverence, the respect, the awe we are commanded to have for the word of God:

"Neither have I gone back from the commandment of his lips; I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food" Job 23:12 KJV

"In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me." Psalms 56:4 KJV

"In God will I praise his word: in the LORD will I praise his word." Psalms 56:10 KJV

"Princes have persecuted me without a cause: but my heart standeth in awe of thy word." Psalms 119:161 KJV

"I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name." Psalms 138:2 KJV

"For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the LORD: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word." Isaiah 66:2 KJV

"And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord:....." Acts 13:48 KJV

"Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you:..." 2 Thes. 3:1 KJV

Bible believers, in contrast to bible critics/rejectors/agnostics/mystics, posing as "bible believers," such as yourself, esteem, praise, are in awe of, tremble at, magnify, glorify, what the LORD God esteems, praises, magnifies(above his name-His word.

You call it "bible worship." Not scriptural. Of course, you don't have the scriptures, as you admit, on record.

No, your satanic sophistry, and unbelief, is the problem, child of the devil.


New member
Yes, He did, wicked drone. I have a perfect bible in my hands, you vile, wicked pawn of the devil, as the LORD God never taught you that; the devil taught you that, as I gave you, chapter, and verse, in which to soak your satanic brain, testifying that the scriptures are perfect, sure, pure, true, sound, right, and a perfect, sure, pure, true, sound, right LORD God promised to preserve them, but you dishonor Him, like your daddy devil, flipping the bird at him, you demon.

Your daddy, the devil, tells you to "Deny!!! Deny!!!Deny!!!"


Sophistry, you devil child. Bible means "book," as in "the volume of the book," you moron, dealer in deceit.

Already did. but your daddy, the devil, tells you to "Deny!!! Deny!!!Deny!!!"

1.Catch that deception, TOL? He asserts that "The Words of God are pure and perfect," but cannot identify this perfect, pure "Words of God," cannot produce it.

Just how would you "prove" that, if you do not have "The Words of God" that are "pure and perfect?."

He is putting on a clinic, on what happens to a man, who is talked out of his faith in the bible. Mischievous madness(Eccl. 10:13 KJV)..

Where can we get a copy, of this pure, and perfect "The Words of God" you reference, since Luke 4:4 KJV?

2. Prove that "The Words of God are pure and perfect." You have them, to make that conclusion, devil child?

The deceiver asserts that "The Words of God are pure and perfect," and yet they do not exist, as they expired. That is satanic, and anti thinking.

How do you know, drone, that "The Words of God are pure and perfect?"

Tell us all.

Translation: Satanic humanism, attributing the authorship, and subsequent preservation, of scriptures, to man, and not the LORD God. No scripture teaches that, you satanic devil child.

Were the scribes imperfect? Show us how the LORD God "personally" wrote the scriptures, originally. Prove it.

Is this scripture?

Joshua 8:32 And he wrote there upon the stones a copy of the law of Moses, which he wrote in the presence of the children of Israel.

Is the reference to scripture, below, a reference to scripture? Were they "the originals," or a copy? Did imperfect man write/copy them, or did God "personally" write them, and send them down to us?

Acts 8 KJV
27 And he arose and went: and, behold, a man of Ethiopia, an eunuch of great authority under Candace queen of the Ethiopians, who had the charge of all her treasure, and had come to Jerusalem for to worship,

28 Was returning, and sitting in his chariot read Esaias the prophet.

29 Then the Spirit said unto Philip, Go near, and join thyself to this chariot.

30 And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest?

31 And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me? And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him.

32 The place of the scripture which he read was this, He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; and like a lamb dumb before his shearer, so opened he not his mouth:

33 In his humiliation his judgment was taken away: and who shall declare his generation? for his life is taken from the earth.

34 And the eunuch answered Philip, and said, I pray thee, of whom speaketh the prophet this? of himself, or of some other man?

35 Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus.

Fold, you bible correcting drone.

We agree the Words of God are perfect.

The Bible, in its entirety, never makes that claim.

You did not give chapter and verse to support your claim.

You are pretending the term “Word of God” means “everything in the Bible.”

Do you have any real support for your claim?


Literal lunatic
We agree the Words of God are perfect.

The Bible, in its entirety, never makes that claim.

You did not give chapter and verse to support your claim.

You are pretending the term “Word of God” means “everything in the Bible.”

Do you have any real support for your claim?

He's a wimpy armed punk and can do nothing of the kind.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
We agree the Words of God are perfect.

-Produce it.Where can we get a copy.
-chapter, verse, from this perfect and pure scripture(your words) that assert "the Words of God are perfect." Show us from this perfect and pure scripture.

He will not answer-his daddy the devil tells him not to answer.
The Bible, in its entirety, never makes that claim.

The bible is the word of God, you wicked moron.
You did not give chapter and verse to support your claim.

Yes, I did-your daddy devil tells you to deny it.

Where can we get a copy of this "perfect and pure" scripture?Where can we read, study, believe in these perfect "the Words of God?"

Define bible believer.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
He's a wimpy armed punk and can do nothing of the kind.

Wimpy arms, you muse, sodomite, junkie? I will put my 38 inch biceps, against your sissy, drugged out frame, any time, wimp. Put up your pic,Jeff. Oh, yes, we saw it in the past-you are a fat, over weight balding, old man, with arms that resemble Olive Oil. Right, Jeffie? Wimp.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
We agree the Words of God are perfect.

The Bible, in its entirety, never makes that claim.

You did not give chapter and verse to support your claim.

You are pretending the term “Word of God” means “everything in the Bible.”

Do you have any real support for your claim?

Answer my question. Were the references to scripture, of copies, in the book, that I cited, written personally by God, or by "imperfect" men(your words).

Not a peep.
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